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Fantasy Island: Hungry Christine/Mel Loves Ruby
Episode 1, Season 1

Better Than Expected!
Having been an avid fan of the original, when I was in my youth, I expected this reboot to be a major disappointment. Trying to revive a classic TV show almost always ends in disaster. I'm happy to say that this first episode was very well done and I hope the series continues in this vein. Of course, if it's too good of a show, FOX is sure to cancel it way too soon!

Outmatched: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

I Want My 23 Minutes Back!
I thought I'd give this show a try, but I'm sorry that I did. It's poorly written and the cast doesn't have any chemistry. I'd also add that the laugh track is annoying, but then I realized that it was necessary, since no one would know that a supposedly funny line just occurred. Do not waste your time on this steaming pile.

The Layover

Terribly disappointing and a total waste of time
I wasn't expecting much from this film except some good laughs from two beautiful women. Kate Upton has never been the typical rail-thin model, but she is so heavy in this film that it detracts from her character. Her near obesity automatically takes her out of any perceived competition against the always lovely Daddario. But the really disappointing aspect of this so-called comedy is that it just barely elicited one smile from me. Just a very poorly written pile of trash. I wouldn't recommend this to my worst enemy.

Seinfeld: The Implant
Episode 19, Season 4

Stupidity Is No Defense...
With the 30th anniversary of this iconic show upon us, I find myself watching the entire series for the fifth time, and enjoying every bit as much as when it was fresh and original. The Implant was one of my favorite episodes, since I adore Teri Hatcher. Even though I think they should have cast a more buxom actress for this role, it still works well.

As for any reviewer who fancies himself a world-class critic, and declares this show to be a failure, I'd just like to say that stupidity is no defense. I'm sure it boosts the writer's ego to poorly string together a lot of jumbled words, in a miserably failed attempt to seem erudite, but in the end his pathetic attempt is left under a dung heap of self-embarrassment.


Worst Waste of Time Ever!
This show is a complete mess! I was struggling to make it through the first episode and I refuse to waste any more of time on this steaming pile of manure. It's rare when I wind up liking anything in the Netflix Original category, but it has happened. Usually, I'll watch a few episodes of a new show, just to give it a fair chance. But this disaster actually made me furiously angry. That any group of room-temperature IQ, arrogant asshats would throw a mess like this together assuming there's enough morons out there who will watch this unwatchable garbage as long as Netflix puts their meaningless "Original" label on it is beyond infuriating! Maybe there are a lot of brain-dead idiots who enjoy stinking refuse like this, if I'm to believe the many rave reviews here. But, I don't believe them. I strongly suspect they are all written by either paid Netflix trolls or family members of the producers who don't want to hurt their relatives' feeling by suggest they go into a field of work more suited to their talents, such as waste management or house painting.

I Am a Killer

Mildly Interesting Production Nightmare
While parts of each episode are interesting, compared to other documentaries of this genre, this one is both boring and terribly produced. Their half-hearted efforts at reenactments are very poorly done. Their interviews with anyone other than the accused spend more time filming extraneous and distracting background activity, that you find your attention pulled away from the actual content of the interviews.

I believe the reason for this is that the producers have a thinly veiled anti-death penalty agenda. It's not in your face (fortunately) but it's there, nonetheless. They seem to always bring up "mitigating" circumstances in support of the convicted killer, with no real back up evidence. Then they minimize interview times with law enforcement and prosecutors, while throwing in all the distracting junk film in the background.

I'm up to episode 5, now. If it doesn't improve in the next couple of episodes, I'm going to quit wasting my time. I'm convinced a class of third-graders could do a better production than is evident in this atrocity.

Take Two

Ignore the Trolls...
Pay no attention to the Siskel & Ebert mini-me wannabes that have written extremely negative reviews of this show. These are people who think they the smartest person in the room, but have their heads shoved so far up their backsides that their two operating brain cells do reign supreme in that dank environment.

This is a very entertaining and light-hearted show. If you want an angst ridden, depressing crime show, Criminal Minds is still around. But this is a show created by the same team that brought us Castle, and it shows. It's not as polished yet, but Castle was a little shaky in its early days, also.

Rachel Bilson shines with her bubbly comic personality, as usual. Eddie Cibrian is new to me, but their chemistry works well together. The stories are good, but could be better. About standard fare for a summer replacement.

I'm hoping this show gets renewed, but I'm not too hopeful. Channing Dungey, the President of ABC is one of the stupidest executives in any business in the history of the world. She has cancelled so many promising shows, and proves she doesn't know what she's doing.

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