
IMDb member since March 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years


True History of the Kelly Gang

Misery followed by more misery
This isn't about Ned Kelly but the filmmaker, who seems to be the only source of its obsession with homoeroticism. One more instance of culturally adulterating the past by the woke. Cruelty and misery comprise what's left of the plot. No depth at all to the story or the characters. Here's a summary: Ned's dad was a monster, his mother an insane prostitute and he a freedom-fighting hero. Sadist filmmaking at its most mediocre.

The American Runestone

Quirky and a little light but pleasant
Definitely not top-shelf archeology, but these two are enjoyable to spend time with. Plenty of Minnesota landscape to soak up. Maybe too much. Needs a little more meat in the soup. E.g., someone anonymously left them a package containing a bone. Showed it to police, who discovered it was human. The two turned in the bone to authorities but never wondered what it could have meant or why someone would have left it for them. Too many clues like this not fully examined. Still a pleasant hour. Hope to see more of these two.

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