
IMDb member since April 2005
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    19 years



Movie was very Inaccurate
I live in Lincoln, Nebraska and am very familiar with the history of the Starkweather murders. The movie was terrible.....it did not tell you that Charlie was made fun of and ridiculed as a kid. The "Ominous Prescence" was very misleading, and did not begin to portray why Charlie Starkweather chose to go on a killing spree. There was so many factual errors that I do not have time to include them all....save your money and buy the book if you wanna learn about Starkweather and the murders. It seemed like they did not do a very good job providing accurate details and plausible scenarios. The most outrageous was during charlie's high-speed chase in Wyoming. I could not believe that they had Lancaster county law enforcement personnel on the scene when Lancaster county is a whole state away from Wyoming, and local law enforcement had no idea he was in Wyoming. The movie might make for decent drama (maybe) but anyone who knows anything about the real story had to have a hard time sitting through this movie (as I did).

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