
IMDb member since March 2014
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    10 years


Sincerely, Me

Brings issues of today to life in this shocking story
When I walked into the theater to see "Sincerely, Me", my expectations weren't very high due to the low budget and not many film industry experienced professionals working on the production. But I walked out pleasantly surprised for it being a very well done movie focusing on teen issues of today's world. The movie starts out like any other teen high school drama flick and continues to do so until about halfway. Then all of a sudden it all takes a very dark turn. From drugs, physical violence and lots of blood splatter, I was not able to stop thinking about this movie and the message the entire night. You can definitely tell it was an independent and there was issues here and there but for what little money the crew had to work with and for so many actual high schoolers and college students involved, it was very impressive.

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