
IMDb member since March 2014
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The Whole World at Our Feet

Peter O'Toole ?
This is the worst film I have ever seen - even worse than Freddy Got Fingered.!! How did they get Peter O'Toole in this as He died in 2013 ? The film has 2016 in the credits ( It is on Netflix )and 2017 on here (Imdb)

I cant see anything to suggest that the film took 3 years or more to make. It looks like a 3 to 4 weeks job !!

The Age of Adaline

Medical Inaccuracies !
This lovely story, a mixture of age and love was almost ruined by the most basic of medical facts being ignored.

1) A person's heart when stopped is not an indicator of death unless it remains stopped .

2) A charge of electricity will not "defibrillate" a heart that is stopped because it is not "fibrillating"

Basically a defribrillator STOPs a heart in its unusual rhythm and hopefully the brain signal that keeps the heart going will restart the heart in sinus (normal rhythm)

3)This wrong information was used twice in this film at the beginning and near the end.

It cost $25 million to make this film but I would have told the makers for nothing about the parts that undermined an otherwise perfectly decent story. You don't need to pay a medical adviser just ask a nurse what a de-defibrillator does !! I blame Mary Shelley !! She created the myth that a great charge of electricity would not only start a heart but would give life to Frankenstein's Monster !! Future film makers please note - A great charge of electricity is actually LETHAL to a human being. Check that with the states that ever used the Electric Chair to end a life !!


New Sherlock - Possible Spoilers
I like how the writers have made the modern Sherlock a heroine addict as the original was well known for being an Opium smoker at a time when it was not thought to be dangerous or even addictive !! Violin player -yes . And of course Dr Watson is now a woman and Mrs Hudson is Miss Hudson, a temp cleaner and a transsexual woman played by a transsexual actress !! How many updates could you have . Oh wait Moriarty is Sherlock's old girlfriend who broke his heart.I liked the episode Hound which is an update of "The Hound of the Baskervilles " replete with all the Baskerville names and the hound being a mechanoid robot - what a merry jape !! There are lots of references that fans of Sherlock stories will get and they are to be regarded as small rewards for the attentive viewer. There is even a modern Lefftenant - lootenant gag in there somewhere as well. The references do lift the show and make you smile. I loved it when talking about babies , Dr Watson was asked if she desired to have a child in the future - That made me smile because Lucy Liu is nearly 50 herself and how old is Dr Watson meant to be anyway ?? I have watched all the episodes to date and look forward to season 6.

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