
IMDb member since April 2005
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    19 years


Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Feels like the traing cur-scene in a video game.
Everything is just so drawn out, forced and deliberate.

The precocious child actor for example, " I believe it's the job of an actor, and I say actor not actress because the word actress is nonsensical. It's the actor's job to avoid impediments to their performance. It's the actor's job to strive for 100% effectiveness." How ironic.

And thats just one of many awfully delivered lines. Thats a child, but Pacino is just as bad.

This has to be the worst Tarantino movie ever made and if it wasn't a QT movie it wouldn't have the cast and it wouldn't have been made. Absolutely drawn out with no pay off (that I have seen in 4 attmpe]ts anyway - still haven't made it to the end).

Mr Inbetween: There Rust, and Let Me Die
Episode 11, Season 2

Heavy and solid writing
The connection I had with the characters in this show was confirmed a couple of episodes ago and put to the test in this finale. Just great characters, great story, dialog and delivery. No spoilers but, but I can't wait to see where Ray goes in S3!

Ted Lasso: Headspace
Episode 7, Season 2

Running out of ideas
This is the latest in a poor run of episodes for what was a great show. Trying to flesh out characters is what you would expect at this stage of a show like this, but this episode felt cheap, forced and terrible and reminded me of the acting and script from an episode of Eastenders. I really hope the writing improves. Maybe the show should have gone out on a high in 1 season.

Viva the Underdogs

Pretentious band bio
Could have been a 30 minute DVD bonus on their new album, there is nothing objective about this "bio" and the band comes off as very pretentious. I am a fan of metal bands and Aussie bands but not particularly this band, and this did nothing to sway me.

True History of the Kelly Gang

Long yet rushed
The way some scenes were cut made it feel like the story was rushed. I was confused by the abrupt introduction of some characters who then were immediately intertwined and integral to the main characters and story (like is Ned gay? Oh now he he is a step-dad). The varied accents may have been authentic but I seriously needed to watch with subtitles. That said I could only watch about 40 mins of this before turning it off.

Living with Yourself: Nice Knowing You
Episode 8, Season 1

Interesting until the final episodes
Paul Rudd and Paul Rudd do a great job in this. The idea is interesting although I thought some plot points were rushed. Maybe episodes could have been 40 mins to flesh-out some more scenes. I also thought the dichotomy of the over and under-achieving characters living the one life could have been a focus.

I really enjoyed this show. Until the FDA episode. This slapstick/bumbling approach was so unusual for the show's pace and style and was more of a Melissa McCarthy type of thing and put me right off.

The final episode and especially the closing scene was so lazy and again, threw out the sensibilities of the characters that we had just binge-watched and thought we knew so well.

The last two episodes appeared to have been under a new director or writing team and left me disappointed after 6 great episodes!

Comic Book Men

Good for nerd interests but obviously and poorly scripted reality TV
The conversations between the staff members are funny at times but they seem forced. I would like to see more of a "fly on the wall" version of the conversations. In saying that, they all end the same way. Bryan says something cynical at the expense of someone else (usually Ming), Walt laughs that Seth Rogen-y laugh and a customer comes to the counter. Cue awkward random person remembering his lines about why he is selling that item and the ridiculous price haggling. I'll never understand why someone would sell their rare item to a store on TV when you could easily sell it online and get that higher price for it. Is selling items on eBay that hard really??? Oh and don't forget Rob Bruce, the guy who magically knows everything about everything: year released, units sold to the public, current market price, hell, even the production company's CEO at the time! To top to all off, Kevin Smith asks at the start of each episode, "What happened in the store this week?" Well, there's a lot going on in one week Kev, you're all wearing the exact same clothes in the pod-cast segment of every episode...

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