
IMDb member since April 2005
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King Kong

Prior to seeing this movie I had heard that Peter Jackson (director) was inspired by the original movie King Kong, so I figured this one should be good. I was mistaken, this movie was fantastic! He does an incredible job with the film, and his choice to set it during the depression was a good call (it just would not have been the same in modern day).

The cast includes main characters: Jack Black,who does well as a more serious (than usual) director, Adrien Brody a typical playwright, and Naomi Watts who plays the lonely Ann. All these actors portray their characters flawlessly!

Kong also captures incredible scenery and the effects are awesome (is King Kong real?- just kidding). What makes this movie especially great is the story that resides beneath the great effects and acting. There is a true sense of loneliness at the center of this movie and a spiral of emotion is invoked as it is resolved.

I definitely recommend this movie, the only drawback is that it runs for 3 hours, but so worth it!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

I heart Harry
I truly am a fan of Harry Potter, I love the books and have enjoyed the movies. The Goblet of Fire is the best one yet (it was also my favorite book).

This movie does a great job of capturing the important elements of the book, because in 2 1/2 hours, not everything can be included. The intricacies that Rowling is great at describing in her tales are well done, including the great hall, the ball, and the tournament.

For those who have not read the books, I believe you will enjoy as well. This movie moves much faster, because the focus is not on school but on the Triwizard Tournament. My friend who has not read the books, agrees that this movie is the best yet.

The main downfall of this movie is Dumbledore, he has a lack of kindness and intuition that in the books is so key to his character.

Warning: although some children may be able to deal, some parts really are a little frightening (just to keep in mind when bringing small children)

Pride & Prejudice

This movie takes you right back to high school, mandatory reading, but is much more enjoyable (it was much more difficult to appreciate this story then).

Kiera Knightley does a great job as the feisty, firey Elizabeth Bennet. Her co-star MacFadyen (Mr. Darcy) does an awesome job as the proud, initially cold character. The chemistry between the two is undeniable.

There are great elements of comic relief throughout the flick, which captures the tone of the book. The wardrobe is great (I enjoy checking out the Georgian attire). If you enjoy movies such as Sense & Sensibility, this movie will not disappoint!

Just Like Heaven

Made me smile
I went to see this movie with a group of my friends and my boyfriend, feeling kind of bad that I brought him, because I wasn't sure that I even wanted to watch. Well, all went surprisingly well.

ReeseWitherspoon does a great job, she pulls off the character of a nagging,anal ghost without annoying everyone (she's actually quite funny).Her co-star, Mark Ruffalo (from 14 Going on 40) complements Reese's character quite well.

This being said, Heaven is slightly better than your typical romantic comedy, but follows the same premise. There should be no great expectations going in, just that you may smile a little bit during this one. Oh yeah.. and my boyfriend even enjoyed because of the laughs and the fact that Napoleon has a supporting role.

The Constant Gardener

Grass grows faster..
So I went into this movie expecting a thriller...oh was I mistaken. Does switching to and from different periods in time for the characters really count as action, for some movies yes, for this one NO! In this case, if the movie is not good enough to show straight through, then maybe it shouldn't be shown at all. The only "thrills" come far too late in the movie and involve a brief scene in a crosswalk and an attack in Kenya.

Although the main characters do deliver a decent performance, they can not even bring much spice to this rather slow movie. Sure the scenery is nice, but that gets old.

Red Eye

Not that great
I went into this movie not really knowing what to expect, but with high hopes because I thought the main characters were great & of course I had checked IMDb and the movie had received a 7. something rating.

In all honesty, I found it middle of the road, because the movie was not a bad concept, but I was not on edge like I feel I should be in thriller type movie. It just wasn't that believable, an ordinary women cleverly evading this guy who claims to have overthrown governments & be a major assassin...come on!! I say all this, but at the same time my good friend who I saw the movie with had her arms flailing throughout the movie & was completely on edge, so if you are susceptible to thriller movies (and you should know this about yourself), you will probably enjoy.

War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds is the story of an alien invasion followed through the eyes of a father (Cruise) and his two children. This point of view puts an interesting perspective on a typical story line that is usually followed through various character's story lines.

The movie gets started quickly with a brief intro to the characters and an initial intensity that held my attention throughout the movie. Spielberg does a great job of not allowing many moments without action, and even in these instances there is something such as a train on fire flying by to keep the momentum.

This being said, War of the Worlds is your typical alien attack flick and some may consider it predictable, but in all honesty it is well done. Good acting, good directing = good summer flick. 7.5/10

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Spice up your marriage
This is your typical action movie with a bit of a twist. The plot involves a married couple who has been together for 6 years, as the relationship begins to go stale, woops.. they are both sent to kill each other. This can certainly spice up their lives..

Mr. & Mrs. Smith puts an interesting spin on a usual action flick, but with all of the expectations & previews prior to the opening, I couldn't help but leave saying that was pretty good, not great. It certainly lives up to the standards of a decent flick, and has a few funny parts (including Vince Vaughn), but does it exceed expectations?...Nah


One of the best..
Let me begin by saying I was hesitant at first to see this flick. I am very glad that I did. This movie is one of the best I have ever seen, it had the ability to invoke strong feelings within me throughout. There were parts when I sat mouth agape with my hand over my mouth! This movie contained various themes including: what goes around comes around, bad things happen to good people (& vice versa), the good & evil within each human, and many more. I have no idea how this was all perfectly encompassed in one movie, but it was well done.

The movie basically displays the fact that everyone is somehow, in someway connected. This is shown through the various, interwoven plot lines of the different characters.

The cast and acting is excellent, with a ton of noticeable faces (I didn't know all of their names). The interwoven plots add extra suspense and a very clever twist. 10 out of 10 for me, I though it was inspiring! Warning though, this is not for the weak!

The Interpreter

I thought going in this would be a good flick, you have two great actors and an interesting plot involving an assassination at the UN, or so the previews displayed.

For the first hour there was a lack of suspense that was kind of ridiculous, until it finally picked up with a scene involving a mask. But this and the slight amount of predictability was enough to throw in the towel. Sometimes hard to follow, because toward the end when you want to know what is happening, you have not focused enough to the slow beginning.

The acting was not the issue here, Kidman & Penn did well, the story was the issue here. I would wait to rent and maybe this movie would not be a disappointment.

A Lot Like Love

Slow start
Alright heres the deal- this movie starts off very slow, sort of like a dirtier version of serendipity but not, but as the movie progresses, the characters begin to develop and feel a bit more comfortable and you leave saying that was kind of cute.

Mostly a chick flick, with a bunch of cast members that you will recognize.

I give it a 6, just for the last hour and a half and a few funny parts that make up for the terribly slow beginning. Basically, go see this if you are in the mood for a romantic comedy and don't have too high expectations.

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