
IMDb member since April 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years



So Bad how did it get 6 stars?
Not sure if my review contains spoilers but I checked that anyway, it's terribly important how bad this movie is get out to the viewers. Go see some teen horror flick instead, you'll be glad you did.

What was the worst movie you have seen? Take that movie and times it by 100 times more bad and you have Jinn. I left before it ended, I was going to leave 10 minutes into it but I wasn't sure they'd give me my money back. They might have just said "You were stupid enough to buy a ticket for it, now sleep in your bed". I'm embarrassed for the people who made this movie I'm embarrassed for the people who have been billed in it, I'm more embarrassed for MYSELF for going. Did Hollywood need to burn money? I would have been better off seeing Noah at least I would have understood the plot. Jinn has no plot it was trying to incorporate Islam, Judaism and Christianity together in an attempt to do..to..to I don't know what. Well Islam wasn't around when Isaiah was written and while Mashiach (Yeshua) was around, Christianity wasn't. The crazy guy of the story is chanting in Arabic and has to get some holy water from a Mosque (say what?) but they are reading prophecy from the Torah. It was so dumb, it was worse than dumb there are no words to describe how bad this film was. I don't even recommend it on a free download, even if it's a free download and they send you a baseball hat after you've watched it. The movie is 1 hour 37 minutes I left at 1 hour and 20 minutes and that is time I will never get back and have no idea how at the great throne judgment I'm even going to be able to give account for this time. Was that a spoiler?

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