
IMDb member since April 2014
    2014 Oscars
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Warm human story
Such a wonderful, warm human story. Full of forgotten values. Live and fight for something bigger to leave behind for someone else. Pay attention. Be gentleman, be kind, you don't know with what someone is struggling. Also, enjoy the little everyday things. And above else, talk to your loved once, don't leave them in the dark.

Love the way it's filmed, cinematography, colors, costumes, the whole cast. Bill Nighy played this role beautifully. It suits him very well. It would be nice that they gave him an Oscar it was the perfect opportunity, but never mind, he win an Oscar in our hearts.

It left me in tears, but happy. Movies like this are such s treasure and always stayed behind those typical bombastic Hollywood jams with epic names, but you always need to look carefully and dig deep when there's an awards season to find jewels like this that will stay in your mind long time.

Plus que jamais

Gaspard Ulliel...
Gaspard Ulliel in all his shine, how sad he is gone.. Enormous talent at his peak, how many more wonderful roles he would give us.

I love movies like this. Adore. French, European drama with feelings, talks, human destinies, realness. The movie is slow yes, but with these two you are immersed in their relationship, dilemmas, how they handle the situation, their love and sadness. These two are very special pair and it works so well. Vicky Krieps is always so special, with subtlety, rawness, calmness in voice, sensitivity, gentleness.. Beautiful Scandinavian scenery.

For me this movie is a breath of fresh air.

You can feel your lungs are full with fresh air just like Helenes in Norwegian fjord.

The Bear

"If I don't do anything, this place will burn down and all my anxiety will go away with it"
This show is good as it gets. Probably THE best TV show out there right now. So real. So fresh. The way it's all filmed. So raw. The dynamics in that kind of workplace, preparing food, chaos everywhere, yelling, cursing... Watching it may sometimes seem a bit too much of everything, as an army almost. Great representation of the feelings of stress and dread everyday, every morning before work. What human can endure. Rise above all that and survive. But, above all, the characters are the people with soul, with the past, with humanity, with love and respect. And it moved me so deeply. The expectation of someone to commend your work and the joy afterwards. It shows that coworkers are like a family these 8 hours, it consumes you whole. Life at work is a life of it's own outside of your regular life, if you know what I mean.

The soundtrack, omg it's perfect, I shazamed 4-5 songs per episode.

"Is there a name for that thing where you're afraid of something good happening cause you think something bad's gonna happen? - I don't know.. Life?"

I would add, that sometimes all we gotta do is - "Let it rip."

Better Things: We Are Not Alone
Episode 10, Season 5

Bright side of life
This kind of show will be very missed. This show is the bright side of life and the warmest there is. Thank you Pamela for creating Better things and let us into the world of badass Sam Fox. Duke is right, Sam has the ability of making people feel good and she is the coolest mom ever. I will never forget how this show was making me feel.

The Dropout

Disturbing true story very well acted and crafted
How did she manage to drag them all out for so long? And how did they all believe in what she was saying, just in the idea, when nothing concrete and tangible even existed? Even years after the patent did not work, all those years the company worked with many employees and investors invested money.. in what?! After all, what all these people did in that "company" for so many years, and for what did they receive salaries, when the main idea, the mechanism, around which everything started, never worked? These are some very fu... up people. It's even more disturbing because it is the true story. As for the series itself, and considering that I also watched the documentary, I would say that it was convincingly done and the roles were ideally divided. Amanda introduced Elizabeth fantastically. Hairstyle, makeup, voice, whole look, creepiness. But I will repeat once again, it is amazing how she managed to push the whole story for so long that she herself was not 100% sure of. She is a strange beast, but even stranger are all these people around her.

Better Things: The World Is Mean Right Now
Episode 5, Season 5

Favorito so far
Season 5 started so slow and boring, at one point I wondered what's the point of it, but this is my favorite episode so far in this season we will see the rest. The old charm is back. Sam is such a light, I love her view on life. Love her house, cooking, style, I don't like her kids 😁 Duke is maybe only one bearable.

Language Lessons

Hidden gem
Fresh. I like when I find hidden gems like this. Good writing and acting. Very pleased to see that Natalie Morales directed this. I saw in the comments that some of you are not familiar with the actor who plays Adam, Mark Duplass, I watched him on the tv show called Togetherness, and remembered him very well. Such a funny show and cast. Also, the concept and the vibe of this movie reminded me of the movie 10 000km. Check that one.

Pieces of a Woman

Vanessa Kirby (Martha) holds and carries the whole movie.
The first movie I've watched in 2021. A movie that I was waiting so long. And movie after which I am never going to be the same. It shook me to the core. Affected me so much.

For some time it wasn't clear to me how this movie holds such a bad score. And then on January 7th, when it started showing on Netflix the score started to go up. And I thought - well yeah, that's more realistic, because I never wanted to believe that this movie is that bad.

Yes, the first 30 minutes of the film are agonising and tough, but it's very important because from that moment the main plot started to unfold. And further, we witnessed many new small plots which weren't elaborated (and yeah, that's the main weakness of the film) but I don't mind. All that characters and their plots led to the main and most important one and that is the pain of the mother. The pain of losing a child and how she copes with it. That tragic event affected everyone in their surroundings, but I liked it that it narrows it to the mother. Because this movie is about the pain and trauma of the mother. And oh my god, how magnificent Vanessa Kirby (Martha) holds and carries the whole movie. Her facial expressions, reactions, thinking are mesmerizing. I want for her to be recognized for this role in upcoming awards shows! And that metaphor with the apples shines in whole glory at the end. I cried my guts out.

Almost to forget to mention that monolog of Martha's mother! That scene! O wow.

Days after watching I still think about this film. Made me think about all women and families that gone through similar experience. And just how our bodies and minds are strong! We are not aware how resilient we are and what we can survive. This movie will always have a special place in my heart.


Favorite movie from 2020 and long awaited
I was waiting for this movie to come out for so long. And finally I watched it today. I am obsessed with Scandinavian, Nordic cinematography, tv shows and films. But I notice that the Danes have a special magic and spice. And "Another Round" is no exception. This is my favorite movie from 2020. December is the month when I watch the most movies. We have ten more days till the end of month, but I think that not a single movie which will come out can't beat this one. This film has very original and realistic story, and mad group of actors. But number one is Mads Mikkelsen, oh my god, what a man, he is perfect in every role, the most charismatic actor from the last decade. He is the star of every movie he is in and stole every second. He takes everything to the next level. I would give him every award in the world, so I hope it goes well for him in the upcoming awards season. Also, the soundtrack is superb. Especially the main theme song "What A Life" which in combination with final scene makes a little perfection of the universe.

Medena zemja

Greed is our biggest enemy
This film shows us all what we lost as a humanity. Everything that's missing in the world right now. Humility, tenderness, love of life itself, love for the nature, love for one another. We have forgotten and some never knew what is like making a living from only what nature gave us. To carefully look, keep, listen, respect and appreciate nature, and be patient, because only then we will get so much in return. Otherwise we will be punished. Our biggest enemy today is greed.

Hatidze is epitome of someone who understands life, truly enjoys simplest things and lives in harmony with nature. Most importantly, understands what means to literally make a living. She is so humble, positive, and sincerely cares for others and wants to help, especially is touching her relationship with her mother and the bees. Half to me and half to you. You have to give to get. You have to respect that natural circle of life and act accordingly.

I don't know why I avoided to watch this movie until today. It has been on my whatchlist since the Oscars. And today I simply decided to watch. Unforgetable experience. It warmed my heart. Makes me question lot of things. Eye-opening movie. It makes you see everything around you with different eyes.

The Lighthouse

Little terrifying tale
First of all I want to begin with some on point descriptions from different reviews I've read about this movie: "little terrifying tale", "a horror movie about inner and outer darkness", "it has the feel of watching someone else's nightmare", "when Tarkovsky meets Hitchcock" - I would add Kubrick also.

Yes, this movie is all of that, and so much more. I was stunned that it not receive a single award. And that, now famous picture, where Dafoe and Pattinson shows middle finger to that whole situation is truly justified. Because they killed it. This movie is perfection. So different from anything I've watched. New way of lighting, storytelling, editing, acting, sound mixing. Filmmaking technique is exceptional. Square film frame adds to the claustrophobia and blurs the lines between physical space and head space. The way that is demonstrated wind howling, sea roaring really is terrifying, creepy and chilling. The movie is dark, and scary, but also funny. What a combo isn't it? Unbelievable. It shows what cold, isolated, rainy places bring in people. Black-and-white cinematography deepens the film's shadows and unease, sharpening their cheekbones, and their faces in close-up become more frightening.

For Dafoe we know how outstanding actor he is, but Pattinson grow on me with every new film. Every role brings on the next level. He is not here to play. These two go hand in hand.

This film is strange and will not be everyones cup of tea, but different is always good. Totally out of the comfort zone in any way. Unfairly neglected, but so much better from most movies that were prized that year. I can't recommend enough how important is to see this film.

Hot Summer Nights

Such a unjustified marketing around the film
Totally disappointed. Boring, slow, without actual storyline, and if there's one it's a terrible cliche. Timmy tried to do something with his character, and he is only one who seemed that is trying, everyone else is so damn close that can be more, but can't do anything with their roles. Such a marketing about the movie, and manly people watched because of Timmy, and unfortunately the movie is just bad and shallow. It's not that much problem with the scenes, shots, camera work, how much is with uninteresting story and bad script.

My Octopus Teacher

We can learn so much from animals
The most beautiful thing I saw this year. So pure. I cried every time she touched him. Omg it is so moving. Beautifully shot, narrated, everything is one great composition. Very inspiring story, makes you want to immediately jump into nearest water and explore, connect, be part of nature. So much that we can learn from this documentary and that mesmerizing octopus. I read many stories about how much octopuses are intelligent, and have many traits as humans, but this film sums up everything in such a wonderful way, it explains so much. Stories like these are necessary, especially now in this crazy year, to warm our hearts a little bit, to connect and remind us of how special and precious wild world really is. I will recommend this movie to everyone I know.

Portrait de la jeune fille en feu

Aesthetic part of the movie is very special
Every frame is like the painting. And that is the best asset of this movie. Cinematography, colors, overall aesthetic part of the movie is very special and one of the most beautiful I've ever seen on screen. Another strong side is the astonishing beauty of the main characters. Their skin, hair, eyes, holding, etc. One of the main motives of the movie are female gaze and the question: "If you look at me, who do I look at?". This movie is, from my perspective strange and different, the plot is set in awkward undefined time and place, with some holes in the script, without a whole explanation, perhaps a little bit bizarre. That whole scenery is wonderful but not enough. Overall, nice, slow movie if you want rest your eyes on the beautiful shots and colors, with a lot undertext, which is left to the viewer's interpretation.

Marriage Story

Hilarious, heartbreaking and warm
I love this movie very much. There are many brilliant scenes. Casting is fabulous. All of them are good, but Adam Driver talent is limitless. I am mesmerized by that man, his realness, rawness and his theatricality. Laura Dern is good spice to the story. And Scarlett, I must say, this is the first role in which I saw her in a new light, as a serious actress, she has that in her definitely. Nicole's (Scarlett's) mother and sister are also interesting roles, I know that actress who plays the sister from Unbelievable, she is very good at that show. This is a love story about divorce. But it is more than just that. Directing and screenplay are fantastic. I am just going to say - who loved Kramer vs. Kramer is going to love this one too.

The Affair: Episode #5.6
Episode 6, Season 5

Joanie's storyline is so annoyng
What is it about Joanie's storyline in this fifth season? Ugh, is so annoying. First time when is popped up I though it was some mistake, like something it doesn't belong there, and reminded me so much on Black mirror. I don't why but it was immediate association. Because everything was so dark, strange and twisted and that actress had such bad vibe. I don't know maybe is just me. But I don't like it at all. It doesn't match up with the rest of the storylines and perspectives. I was so hyped at the beginning about this new season, because I was so interested how they going to keep the story unfold without the Alison. But there it is, we got Joanie's storyline. Although I love Noah's, Helen's and Whitney's storylines in this season. O yeah, the Sierra's story is annoying too. Helen always was my favorite character, from the early beginning. She is so captivating, that actress is amazing. For that matter Alison doesn't miss me at all. I wish they made some spin-off only about Helen. Although I hate spin-offs, this one I would watch.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Leo - gave everything to this role. Brad - fit the role perfectly. Margot - ray of sunshine. Tarantino - on point.
Let's start with - what do you expect from Tarantino? The answer is simple - unexpected! And it's true, he always was and still is the king of the unexpected. His mind is so genius, and always left me stunned. I adore people who succeed to articulate and canalize the madness that they have into something so meaningful and good. Fans of Tarantino probably know thru his interviews how much he is passionate about movies and the way he talks about them is so infectious. He really knows how to put all that love into visual magic and deliver every time something special.

As for the Once upon a time... in Hollywood, he really did put together all his previous movies into this one. It's a perfect mix, I would say. The cast can't get any better. Every role suits each actor perfectly. Leo surprises me, to be honest. He really is elite actor. For this one he really deserves an Oscar. I respected him from before, but now I get it. He put everything that he has in this role. Brad also, his character is so funny and chill, embodiment of casualness and nonchalance, and because of that Cliff Booth became one of my favorite character ever. And Margot Robbie truly is a ray of sunshine as Sharon Tate.

Yeah, the first two hours of the movie are slow, but it is dramatic and beautifully shot, with perfect dialogue. And then in the last 45 minutes you get everything you want from Tarantino. His signature sigh as I call "blood to the knees" is there, the humor in this morbid and scary situations and scenes, and of course the ending is never as such as you expected to be, always even better. And also, this movie is full of references which only someone who knows Tarantino's work will understand how to read them and what they means in the context of the story.

So, this movie isn't for everyone, and will not be liked by everyone, but truly is the work of art.


So smart and witty!
I just can't how much this show is smart and witty! It's so refreshing. Scenario and casting are top notch, can't get any better. And for now, the second season is even better than the first one and it just a beginning!

Leaving Neverland

How can any parent let this happen?
Unnecessarily long, slow, but eye opening, sad, disturbing, and left you wondering how can any parent let this happen?

Cobra Kai

I highly recommend this tv show, its so good!
One of the best tv shows I've seen in recent years. This is exactly what society and the world in general needs. More real humor, life values, discipline, honesty. The series shows things that now day teenage kids desperately needs. They are glued to their phones and live in that virtual world, where they feel powerful but in real life they are weak and insecure mentally and physically.And they don't know one god damn thing about how the world works. So refreshing, showing us what's really important in life. I highly recommend this tv show, spend some quality time and treat yourself by watching.

Sing Street

Fun, fluid movie, about love and support
Very good soundtrack. That's just one reason why you should watch this movie and there's many more. Fun, fluid movie, about love and support basically, between brothers and between teenage boy and girl with a dream.

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