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I, Creator

Fascinatingly bad
I give I,Creator 6 stars. Not because it's a good movie. It's not. Not at all. No, I give it 6 because of how fascinating it is when you consider that the makers of the movie thought it was good. Thought "There, it's done. We've finished our film." Really? Finished the film?

Nothing is finished in this movie, but the-mind-walrus said it pretty well in his review so I won't bother.

Believe it or not, there is one good aspect to the movie. The women. A few really hot and sexy women in tight black latex outfits. That by itself is worth putting up with the rest of the nonsense. The chick who played Gale Storm was smokin' hot! I wonder where she is today? No sign of her anywhere.

Anyway, the guys who made this movie have something to show for their efforts, a terrible film, but they also had the pleasure of working with some hot chicks. I'm sure that for these guys, that was the whole point. So, in that respect, they succeeded.

If you are the kind of person who liked watching The Room or Samurai Cop then you must watch I, Creator. Each one of these films is uniquely bad yet somehow worth watching.


With Brinke Stevens, you know it's good.
Good horror from people who love horror. Dana missed his calling. He should have been the next George Romero.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Pitt yes Movie no
What was the point of this movie? I almost walked out before it was over because I thought I was going to die of boredom. There was no story at all. It was like watching a bunch of scenes that didn't quite mean anything. By the end I was convinced that Tarantino only made this movie so he could get together with his favorite people on set and have fun. I saw the film with other people and they all felt the same way. To put it bluntly, except for Pitt's watch-ability and maybe a moment or two from Decaprio, this film stunk. Other people pretend to be falling all over themselves to praise Once Upon A Time, which leads me to wonder if we saw the same film. Sure, different people like different movies but this is not really a movie. There is no story. It's just a collection of scenes that were edited too long. I really wanted to love this movie since, as we all know, the state of film making in America is in the trash and has been for a couple of decades. All we have is special effects. Story telling is dead in America. We wait for film makers in other countries to come up with good stories then we rip them off.. I was counting on Tarantino to deliver something that only he is capable of doing. He has his own special brand that says "Tarantino" but this movie of his, well, it kind of explains why he is planning on retiring. He made some very good movie that he can be proud of but this one is sad. It shows that he is out of steam. I wish him well and I will always speak highly of him as film film maker and a film fan but when I list the films that he has made, I will purposely leave this one off the list.

The Shape of Water

Artsy Fartsy joke
I've read all the bad reviews (there are many) and I agree with all of them. Every point made is valid. This is clearly a movie we are suppose to like in the same way that we are suppose to like any given painting because it seems like we should.,,, even when we don't.

Instead of reviewing this manipulative work, I'll just ask some of the questions I had during and after seeing it:

Why do we need to see Elisa masturbating in the tub, not once but twice?

Why is there a guy at the bus stop holding a bunch of balloons and a partially eaten cake?

Why does Strickland's wife smell the fingers on his good hand then why do we have to watch him have sex with her while he covers her mouth with his bleeding hand?

Why do Elisa's two closes friends think it's wonderful that she had sex with some sort of a fish creature?

Why are cleaning people allowed to roam freely into areas that are for some reason left unsecured at all times?

Who is Strickland? He is not a scientist. He doesn't seem to be in charge of security. The only think we know for sure is that he is the person who teases and assaults the creature.

Strickland had his fingers sewn back on. Didn't he make any follow up appointments with his doctor to check the progress? Didn't he think to go back to the hospital when his fingers started to turn black and smell bad? Why did he instead choose to pull them off only after they smelled so bad that he could not handle it?

.. and why did the director think we would forgive all of this (and more) simply because he said it's a fairy tale??? Yeah, and I guess all bad film should get a free pass if the say "it's a fairy tale"...

Just another case of the special effects being better than the story being told... Take away the cinematography, the creature fx, and the super high budget and you're left with a story that would be laughed at by most. Even the people who are now raving about how wonderful it is..

Alien Domicile

One bad apple
I watched The Making of Alien Domicile before watching the actual movie. As an Indie Film maker myself, I like to see what other's come up with no matter how bad the reviews are. This one has some terrible reviews.

Surprisingly, this movie has many very good elements going for it; The cinematography at times is as good as it gets. The camera work, lighting, and composition at time does truly stand out. Very good work.

The acting is, for the most part, believable. Considering what the cast was given to work with, I think they all gave very good performances.

The musical score is on par with most indie films. Nothing special here but good enough to not be bad.

The sound seemed good enough. Nothing stood out as being bad,, and that's a good thing.

Now, here is where the movie fails. It's a typical story that is played out over and over again in the world of indie film making. It seems to almost always happen that there is one guy on in the production who thinks he has skill and talent to do certain critical jobs just because he is probably the guy who put up the money. It's the guy who thinks he wrote a compelling story simply because he wrote it and will be paying to make the film. It's the guy who edits a movie just because he thinks he can without ever considering that editing is more than just stringing the shots together. ,,, and it's the guy who thinks he has the ability to direct a movie set while telling a story and giving reason to the actors only because, again, he is the one paying to make the movie... In the case of Alien Domicile, that person is Kelley Schwartz. He ruined his own film by thinking he had the talent to handle most of critical creative elements himself. My complements to him for putting together a talented cast and crew. They did not let the production down. It's just too bad that he did. In my opinion, his lack of skill and talent let them all down. As a said, it's the very common story of one man's ego getting in the way of what could otherwise have been a movie worth watching and, for the cast and crew, a movie worth being a part of..... I could see what he was trying to do... It's just too bad he didn't have the chop to pull it off.

I want to also mention the special make up effects. In my opinion, the alien in the movie is well designed and constructed. I was impressed when I first saw the actor wearing the suit in the behind the scenes documentary. Nicely done. It's just too bad that the director didn't know how to shoot a man in a rubber suit. He exposed too much of it and he chose bad camera angles. In the end, it ended up looking like a guy in a rubber monster suit.. If he would have allowed the DP to do his job and if he had a good editor (instead of himself) then the alien would have been something memorable.

I recommend this movie to other indie film makers only as a case study. To the average audience member, sorry, but you probably won't like this one.

Power Corps.

There is no hope
"Look, we have guns and costumes and special effects and a bunch of people to work on our movie and to be in our movie. We can't miss!!".. Well, you did. I rented this movie at CinemaNow.com with high hopes. I really wanted to like it but I thought is was so bad that I couldn't even watch the whole thing. It could not have been more boring if they tried to make it so. The directing and acting is uninspired. The pacing was so bad that I thought there was something wrong with my computer. I thought that maybe it kept playing the same scene over and over and over and over. I managed to sit through almost 30 minutes of this sci-fi action film before I decided that there was nothing at that point that could save the rest of it. The movie reminded me of an episode of the Simpsons that showed Krusty the Clown doing a bit on his television show. In the bit, he walks out with a pair of huge rubber ears on. He looks to the audience while motioning to the ears as though having them meant instant humor. He does the same thing when he pulls out a huge Q-tip to clean his huge ears. He doesn't understand why nobody thinks this is funny. Same with this movie. They have costumes and guns and explosions and many of the things that a good action film should have but they seem to think that it was enough. They forgot about an interesting story or good editing, dialog, lighting, and all the other things that make you want to watch a movie. Having a bag of tricks isn't enough. Especially when people are use to watching big budget films that have a much larger bag of tricks along with good stories, editing, lighting and the rest. Nice try but next time try to make a good movie rather than one that feeds your fantasy of wanting to be a big time film maker.

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