
IMDb member since April 2014
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    10 years


The Thick of It

Shaky camera
The shaky camera work makes you feel sick after a while. Jokes are few and far between. The intelligent humour from Yes Minister is missing in this. This series relies on excessive sweating to make up for the lack of jokes. Very disappointed.


Hot and gripping drama
What is great about this series is the twists and turns which leave you constantly wondering who the killer is right up until the last moment. This is complex and interesting set of stories and relationships between the characters. You regularly get bought back to the crime scene and police interviews of present day which keep you on edge. There is something for everyone here with a selection of LGBT+ characters which is refreshing to see. You will love watching a close circle of friends slowly fall apart and will be gripped right up to the final moments. You may even end up rooting for the bad characters and hating the good ones!

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