
IMDb member since May 2005
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Cheerleader Nation

Great Show
This show "Cheerleader Nation" Is a great show!! It is a reality TV show about the Cheerleaders at Dunbar Highschool in Kentucky. There are 22 girls on the team total, with Chealsea,Ryan, Kaitlyn, Ayrica, Nicole,Megan,Katie,Alexa, just to name a few. All of the girls are extreemly talented. The show is showing about how hard cheerleaders work and how they have to get everything PERFECT to look good. They compete in regional and nationals. Cheerleading is hard work, you have to be PERFECT in each thing you do or it doesn't look right. They show how hard these girls REALLY work, especially one being the daughter of the coach. They all have their good and bad times, but they conquer in the end. PLease watch this show---even if you aren't a cheerleader---its a great show to watch how these girls really love what they do!

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