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Straight Edge Kegger

Punxploitation at its finest!
Punxploitation is a niche sub-genre of cinema that isn't meant to be understood by those outside of the punk rock spectrum. These films are for punk rockers, rudeboys, hardcore kids, and skinheads. The fact that these films are intended for such a small group of dedicated fans makes sure they have secured a place in cult status. STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER is a top-notch punxploitation film whose strength is its authenticity.

There comes a point in every person's life where they decide that they need to take a stand. That's exactly where Brad (Cory Kays) is. He belongs to a straight-edge (no drinking, no drugs, no smoking) hardcore crew lead by James (Julio Alexander) that has grown more violent and militant in their ways.

Brad has decided to break ties with his gang and at the same time, "break edge." This infuriates James, him and his gang of thugs decide to eliminate all drinkers and drug users from the scene. James' hate culminates in a D.I.Y. punk house party turning into a bloodbath of death and carnage.

What sets STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER apart from the pack of other punxploitation movies is how real it is. There are real bands, real venues, and real punks. Unless you have been at a punk show and have been threatened by someone because of something you wore, or did, you can't truly grasp how scary the straight-edge goons in this movie are. They are truly terrifying.

I could relate to most of the characters in this film. They spoke to me, as to who I was at one point or another in my life. My favorite character is Sean (Sean Jones). Sean is all about just enjoying life, and music, and not giving a damn. It made me laugh seeing him wear a T-shirt of the straight-edge band Bane while drinking a beer.

Brad and Sean's relationship gives STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER a good sense of levity. Their bonding montage, presented with "The Cult Song" by Shannon and the Clams, was a nice break from the intense hardcore punk soundtrack, and it really made me smile. It was an unexpected treat.

Everything about STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER felt familiar in an intense way, and hit close to home for me. The film had some strong GREEN ROOM and ROMPER STOMPER vibes, but on a much more personal and Midwest vibe. Seeing the Midwest punk/ hardcore scene get cinematic exposure warmed my heart. I would also have to say that it felt like the most genuine depiction of the D.I.Y. punk/ hardcore scene ever seen in an exploitation film.

The real action kicks in at about the 45 minute point. When the straight-edge gang attacks the punk house party. This instilled a sense of anxiety in me. It was a great cross between a siege film, reminiscent of ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13, and survivalist horror; similar to THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE. The masks worn by the killers in STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER also brought to mind the 1985 Ozploitation classic FORTRESS.

The old 1980s rules of horror films were if you drank alcohol, did drugs, or had sex, you got killed off. STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER took this trope and turned it on its head with a straight-edge justification. I thought that was genius!

STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER is an indie horror film that hits all the right notes with me. It makes great use of its limited resources, it has a dark sense of humor throughout the film, it has an incredible soundtrack and a brilliant Goblin-esque score, and it has a good amount of well-done blood and gore.


Escape from Tomorrow

In "Escape From Tomorrow" we see Jim and Emily with their two kids, Sara and Elliot, on vacation at Disney World. Things start going wrong right from the beginning.
Since the trailer for "Escape From Tomorrow" hit the internet I was obsessed and needed to see this film. As glad as I am that I watched, and as much as I enjoyed it, it's definitely not what the trailer makes it out to be!

In "Escape From Tomorrow" we see Jim and Emily with their two kids, Sara and Elliot, on vacation at Disney World. Things start going wrong right from the beginning. Jim gets a call from his boss telling him is now unemployed, and little Elliot thinks it's funny to lock is father out on the balcony of their hotel room. I already feel kind of bad for this guy. Then as soon as she can, his wife Emily starts nagging him. You can tell that poor Jim's mind is slowly deteriorating. The guy starts hallucinating. His son looks like a demon, he thinks an old guy in a wheel chair is trying to run over his kids, and a Disney "cougar" is actually seducing him and steeling his daughter to role play Snow White. Things get weird, and then things get weirder. It's hard to tell what is a hallucination and what is real. I felt relieved for the family when they finally leave the park!

Now the big selling point of "Escape From Tomorrow" was that most of the footage was shot inside Disney World without their consent. After seeing a small clip of a stunt pulled there in "Exit Through the Gift Shop" and how quickly those folks got shut down, I'd imagine shooting most of a feature length film there was no small feat. Now with this gimmick aside, "Escape From Tomorrow" is a very bizarre and twisted movie. Due to it being shot and black and white, and at times not making very much sense, it reminded me of "Forbidden Zone". The acting isn't the best, but it seems appropriate for this style of film. I'm also glad that "Escape From Tomorrow" is shot in black and White, because if it wasn't I think the special effects would look horrible. There were a lot of CGI and green screens used and in the black and white it didn't seem so "Sy Fy original". I have never been to Disney World, but after watching "Escape From Tomorrow" I never want to go. "Escape From Tomorrow" is not for everyone. If you can't dig weirdness for weirdness sake, guerilla film making, and low brow art...stay far away from this. If you want to see a pervy suburban Dad stalk too underage French girls, get hypnotized and raped by a middle aged Disney junkie, and then defeat a mad scientist that lives in Epcot Center...then you might enjoy "Escape From Tomorrow" as much as I did!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

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