
IMDb member since May 2014
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The Guilty

Paused at 44min to create account and complain
You know how frustating those verification emails are? Well they were more interesting than this.

It's one of those Jake g movies that misses its mark, when you forget about his great acting but instead get really annoyed by him. I think ill stop watching Antoine Fugggggya movies from now on.

I, Frankenstein

Unbelievably bad, and yes, they quote the title as the last line in the movie
I only write reviews when a movie annoys me.

They say don't go in with expectations but all I expected was to be entertained and intrigued - but this was just a cash-in since it's all about post apocalyptic or superheroes these days.

im sorry but i didn't find one bit of this movie worth my time. from the start it skips how frankenstein became what he is and instead the plot is revolved around capturing him and the precious journal to recreate what his father had done - reanimated a corpse. The battles were lame, the demons were cheesy, LOLOL at the queen in her gargoyle form, even more LOLOLs at the big demon black guy who you think will be in a key battle, but gets shredded in less than a second. Also the lead guy from Underworld is the head bad guy, had me drawing comparisons to the much better franchise constantly.

the special effects were OK, but even that doesn't make a bad movie good, I had to watch this movie across 2 days because last night I had a cigarette every 10 minutes to deal with it before falling asleep, I finished watching it just to test my tolerance of laughable movies.

not worth the rental, or the download. don't waste your time, either. BADDDD

Captain America: The First Avenger

let me help take that 6.8 rating down
Really? I am generally quite the fan of superhero movies, even the bad ones I try find the good points. But this movie was just all bad, I wonder did all the people who wrote good reviews do so vicariously through the children they went with?

The setting was bizarre, the villain was laughable, if it wasn't enough of a hack to butcher what happened in WW2 throw some futuristic weapons in for additional LOLS. Apparently Tony Stark's dad is in there, I was too busy cringing to notice any character names.

The action is lame, the ending is the worst, the sequences have suspense, just the kind that has you thinking "JUST END ALREADY"

sorry for the poorly articulated review, but bad movies like this don't deserve my good literacy skills.


a statham movie keeping up to date
I was very pleased with this movie. Its got the action you want, a believable story to keep the momentum going and a handful of good actors to support it.

First of all, I LOL at all the people criticizing the plot, dialog, character development etc, again let me LOL. People watch Jason's movies for the a** kicking action and fight scenes. I will admit, some of his movies I think about giving up at the half way mark, but this was one of his better films for sure.

Transporter, Homefront, Hummingbird would be my favorite Statham movies not including the Guy Ritchie classics of course.

8/10 will definitely watch again.

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