
IMDb member since May 2014
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The Girls on the Bus

The reviews are a "hit job"
Watch the first episode for yourself. At first glance an overall rating of 5.3 at the time of this writing would suggest one of the worst shows of all time. Click on the rating number and you see a huge number of 1s. How can this be? Simple. Certain people don't want you to watch. And then you will miss something worth watching.

I've only watched the first episode but I plan on watching the rest of the season. If you like shows that involve the political process then you should find this interesting. But if you are triggered by seeing one sort of character or issue you don't agree with then maybe you only watch one episode.

However you feel, it would be nice to give an honest rating. Almost nothing ever produced has deserved a 1 (or a 10). The people who hand out 1s likely do so often and somehow thinking their opinion reigns supreme.

The Future Of

The hate reviews are by people that don't want change.
The ideas presented are ideas worth discussing. Some ideas are 10 years away and others 100. Yes, the production values are poor. But the point is to imagine how life on earth could change for the better and to hear from those who are trying to make progress. Could you imagine trying to tell people in 1922 to imagine 2022? They would dismiss most everything that ended up happening.

Amazing Stories: The Heat
Episode 2, Season 1

Don't you get it? Love is all that truly matters.
Once in a while you watch a movie or TV episode that reminds us that ultimately love is all that matters. Is this a perfect episode? No. But never listen to a person that laments how some show is not a new idea and references said show. Nothing new was created for people stuck in the past. This is a great hour to teach anyone the reason either we exist or the reason we should strive for to explain our lives. Love. (And just so my point is made clear so that ANYONE on earth will be tempted to watch this and will get why I'm saying this even 5 seconds after the episode starts I'm a 49 year old straight white male.)

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