
IMDb member since May 2005
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Mr. Frog Went A-Courting

I remember this!
I remember seeing this, back when I was a kid in the 80's. I liked it, but always found it to be a LITTLE scary, but now.....I think it's just disturbing, yet, at the same time, so fascinating! Over the years, I'd forgotten all about it, until I unexpectedly came across it on YouTube the other day. Nonetheless, it's still a classic, and a cherished childhood memory of mine. Can't remember if it aired on CBC, along with other classics, such as Black Fly and Log Driver's Waltz. ( 2 of my MOST FAVORITE shorts) I remember hearing other versions of the song, over the years, some not as dark and morbid as this one, though. No matter how creepy it was, or how disturbed I was, it's STILL a wonderful childhood memory. : )

Little House on the Prairie: May We Make Them Proud: Part I
Episode 18, Season 6

Very disturbing episode!!!!
I love Little House On The Prairie, but I cannot force myself to watch this particular episode again. I was crying and shaking so much the first time I saw it, I had to change the channel mid-episode. But if you're emotionally strong and seeing people die in a fire doesn't disturb you, then I suggest seeing this. Little House On The Prairie is a wonderful show, but some of the episodes can really hit you and break down even the strongest souls. It's a shame they don't show the re-runs on TV currently, but maybe they will again, someday soon. It's definitely one of my favorite shows, and it had a formidable cast and crew. Another DVD collection I will be starting.

The Simpsons

Still a huge fan after 16 years
I remember watching the very first episode of The Simpsons when it premiered at Christmas in 1989, when I was 7 years old and I haven't stopped watching it since. I'm now 23 and it is still one of my absolute favorite shows. I can't get enough of the antics of the Simpson family and all their neighbours and friends. But if I had to pick a number one favorite character, it would have to be Barney Gumbel. He can't get through one sentence without belching and I find that hilarious. If I had to pick a favorite episode, there'd be way to many for me to name. But one of my favorite episodes is the one when Bart created the Angry Dad comic. I laugh and laugh every time I see that one. It amazes me that The Simpsons has been on the air for 16 years. I remember thinking it would maybe last a year or two, but it's having an awesome run. But whenever it ends its run, at least all Simpsons fans will still be able to enjoy them in reruns. Kudos to the creators!!! You created an excellent cartoon!

Sesame Street

This Show's Changed Big Time!!!
I watched this show every day as a child. But I must admit, it's not nearly the same as it used to be back then. It's come a long way. For instance, I don't remember seeing Elmo back then at all. And whatever happened to some of the old characters, such as Guy Smiley, Snuffy, Prairie Dawn, and Betty Lou? I haven't seen those characters in god knows how long. And what exactly did the numbers mean at the start of every episode. It would say something like 5467 in the opening sequence. Are these the episode numbers? The little cartoon sequences were my favorite and the scenes with Grover, who is still my absolute favorite. My kids are now part of the new generation of children who like this show. But I'm a bit disappointed because today's episodes are nowhere near as good as they were back in the 80's, which is when I watched it. Still a great classic though.

Polka Dot Door

Childhood flashback!
I remember watching this show every day when I was a kid. My favorite part in every episode was the little fuzzy mouse that lived in the clock. Of course, I forget its name, but it came out whenever the hosts would tell the time on the giant clock. Polkaroo was another of my favorites. I'd get all excited when he'd stop by for a visit, but never could figure out why the male hosts always seemed to miss him. Another of my favorites was the doll named Marigold. I used to ask my mom if she could get me a Marigold doll, but we never did find one. I really hope they bring this series out on DVD someday, so my two children can share in the joy and excitement I experienced as a small child.

War Babies

Love this film
I remember my grandmother giving me this tape when I was a child, because she was going to throw it away. It contained Dora's Dunking Donuts and War Babies. Thinking back, I had to take the tape with me, whenever I spent the night at a friend's or a relative's. My favorite scene in War Babies was with the dog. Shirley Temple's character marches up to the dog, who in turn, barks at her. She runs back to the little boy and says, "I'm afraid!" And when another little boy goes to chase the dog away, the dog ends up chasing him out, but returns with the child's diaper. This tape has been passed back and forth between me and my sister over the years. I recently came across it in a storage box in my closet and gave it to my sister to keep.

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

A childhood classic
I remember seeing A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving as a small child and loved it, although I never did and still to this day, don't understand why the adults always talked so funny. But nevertheless, it still makes me smile. It was on television last week on Thanksgiving Monday and my 5 year old watched it. The scenes with Snoopy and Woodstock made her laugh out loud. It was good to see her enjoying a cartoon that I loved in my childhood. It had been years since I'd seen it, so when it came on right after the Chipmunks Thanksgiving Special, I was surprised and pleased. Even better, it was followed by Garfield's Thanksgiving, which is another of our favorites. I collect Charlie Brown cartoons on DVD, as well as toys, and other memorabilia I can find. But I think my all time favorite Charlie Brown special was A Charlie Brown Christmas, my favorite scene being Schroeder playing the piano for Lucy and she asks him to play Jingle Bells. He plays 3 different versions and gets more and more annoyed until she cries, "That's it!", sending him flying.

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