
IMDb member since June 2014
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    10 years



A good attempt with Fatima
The 2020 version is a good attempt at telling the story of Fatima. However, many details were omitted which will leave the audience, who may not know the story well, scratching their heads in confusion. Far more could have been done to better explain what happened during the Miracle of the Sun.

The Chosen

The life of Christ..and his cast of thousands
'The Chosen' is not only the best piece of writing that I've seen on television since 'The West Wing', it has a flare that most commercials programs lack as they neglect quality in order to promote the product of their sponsors. The Chosen has opted for a different means of fund raising in order to be free to produce a show of such high standards that the phrase 'binge worthy television' isn't fully oon target.

Rather than the standard straight story of Jesus in movie form, such as 'King of Kings', or a miniseries such as 'Jesus of Nazareth', the producers and have taken a new direction. In addition to the story of Christ, layers are peeled back to give us a glimpse into the lives of many of the orher characters (e.g. Why did Matthew end up as a Tax Collector...who was the woman in the well, etc.) as well as supplying us with treats like the entire Wedding reception in Canaan. The Chosen is must watch television for everyone, not just for anyone interested in Christ. Each episode explores a new avenue of discovery...and often includes a link to its biblical past.

If this is ignored by the Emmys, BAFTA or Golden Globe awards, then other producers must be exceedingly jealous.

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