
IMDb member since June 2014
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Chemical Hearts

I am also going to call 'Same story again and again'
A hormone driven teen with no experience acts like a parasite - honing in on a vulnerable pretty grieving girl though she asked him to leave her alone - taking advantage of the reality she was lonely, lost and scared to unleash a few young male hormones. Relieve his horny self. Suck her in though she is on another plane to him.

The guy is repressed, moody, unconfident, anti-social, and has no social or emotional boundaries. He is the user I sincerely hope my daughters won't date- the ones who will siphon away all their sparkle.

He has no sparkle of his own so attempts to parasite all of hers - the little she could hold onto - with no regard that she was in no way up to it. A truly dismal representation of a teen 'tick-on-a-dog' relationship and complete disregard for the other.

I am so glad my teen years were bright and lively with many adventures and memorable relationships. There is nothing like those years, they are magic. Why such a dark sick representation? A genuine downer.........

That said I enjoyed the visuals and creativity. And Lilly as usual shines.

Fabbricante di lacrime

Beautiful and Unique
The Tearsmith is nuanced and absolutely captivating - every sensitive aspect of which there are many is beautifully presented from the outset. Simone Baldasseroni and Caterina Ferioli are absolutely stunning. I was riveted to their every move. All the young cast shine and Nicky Passarella's character is someone we all want to spit on or slap and hope our daughters don't ever come across someone like that. As we meet each young person their auras of light or darkness are clearly portrayed.

This film is what may be aptly called 'perfectly imperfect' but the flaws like the broken crystal in the film fits with the imperfect and somewhat messy 'fairytale' that is being created. The power of courage and hope in the midst of brokenness is a central theme and when it flickers, invaded by darkness, we hold our breath to see if Nica and Rigel and all the children at 'the Grave' on their and somewhat disturbing and crooked path, will get their HEA.

What kind of superficial and unintelligent species wrote the low reviews? Reminds me of the sick and disgusting current behaviours we have seen in recent weeks at the universities - supporting absolute monsters - is that who wrote those brainless reviews? Is that the limited IQ of our up and coming generation? May the divine help us all if that is the case...... Meantime we breathe in hope when we have the pleasure to view artistry like this film portrays.

Long Lost Son

Unlikeable Key Characters
From the first second Gabrielle Anwar's character is the witch I see in too many manipulative legal matters designed to keep children away from loving fathers. Absolutely and completely no redeeming factors. From from the first scene she is trying to force a sensitive child to paint between the lines - as if it mattered at that age and frankly a thinner brush was needed for most people.

Chace Crawford was very charming but the emotional range of his character in the film is very limited. I hope he is capable of more as he has the looks to go far.

Craig Eric Sheffer was appropriately brooding as a disaffected Navy dad who felt pinned in a corner by his lawyer wife. Far more relatable of the two parents and definitely the best to bring up a sensitive child. I shudder to think how 'Mommy Dearest' would have ripped him apart with her controlling bitter ways. She doesn't even tell him the truth when she hires the boat.

Strictly Confidential

Put on your tinfoil hat before viewing
This film is plain weird! Strange and totally nonsensical

I have seen it written that its in "so bad it's good" genre but for me it is squarely in the 'so bad its just bad category'. Damian appears to have wanted to titillate. It's just that he is awful at it. There's no chemistry between any of the stilted actors - certainly not enough for scandalous activities that were not that scandalous just plain sad...... The performances from the whole cast are terrible, but there's something beyond terrible about Georgia Lock's consistently bewildered expression and psycho histrionics. Harks me right back to Pearl White's tragic 1914 'Perils of Pauline'.

I so wish I had not watched this film........ Enough to further reduce someone's faith in contemporary film.

Ordinary Angels

An Inspirational Heartbreaker
What a great story of a town pulling together to save the life of a little girl. A powerful message unfolds about community and sacrifice for others. Of burdens being shared. Of creating miracles through the spark created by one flawed but amazing woman who too many had judged and discarded.

Hilary Swank is always so compelling and raw as an actor but her personal investment in this film is so apparent, her father being an organ recipient and having recently passed away.

May we all remember and pass on the beautiful message of this film and remember our humanity and the value of even selfless deeds that can change everything. Just a kind word at the right time can be magic and set an amazing chain reaction.

Irish Wish

Absolutely Charming
What a pleasure to see Lindsay Lohan do a film in Ireland - her lovely red hair and fair complexion reminding us of her Irish heritage on her father Michael Lohan's side. I hope she really enjoyed the stunning scenery. The area the movie was shot in = Wicklow Ireland - is breath-taking.

I always love Jane Seymour and she did not disappoint as Maddie's mother.

I would love to see more of the fun cast. Ayesha Curry was a standout.

Do not expect this film to be an intellectual exercise or to be particularly unique and don't whine when it isn't as this is a story with familiar fairy-tale tropes and that quintessential HEA. Comforting and fun from beginning to end. Be careful what and who you wish for - you never know when Saint Brigid is hiding behind a tree..........

The Five

Brilliant and Breathtakingly Twisty
I have no idea why I had not heard of this superb series -Only because I really liked Shelter and followed up with more Harlan Coban did I find The Five.

How do you describe this outstanding series - Mystery/ Crime/ Family and Friends Relationships? It is everything and more. Until the very last I had no idea of the outcome and I usually work these sort of shows out in 5 minutes.

The cast was all superb and so realistic - I wanted to introduce myself and call it the Six - the sort of people that resonate as friends I want to have.

The story - it is TV - of course it is not entirely realistic - it wouldn't be TV if it was........ but I could totally immerse myself in the story nevertheless.........

A brilliant production!

CrimeTime: Freefall

Such a Train Wreck
Luke MacFarlane I really like but Lyndie Greenwood proved to be the most annoying 40 something acting like a 10 year old that I have come in a long time. What an obnoxious and painful character that has nothing to offer when it comes to solving crimes or any sort of intelligence.

I understand the Hallmark mystery movies are meant to be a little bright and breezy but this one is comedy gone so wrong, it is no longer possible to provide a single recommendation about it.

Personally I had the murderer worked out in the first 5 minutes which was also very irritating. I suggest either employing a comedic actress who can actually pull it off with style like Sandra Bullock or let me forget this movie ever existed..........

The Rook

Totally Brilliant, twisty, dark and yet inspiring
I started my rating at a 9 at the beginning and I changed it to 10 by series end because this series is outstanding. There were a few holes in the first couple of episode - probably part of translating a book with a whole lot of juicy rabbit holes in it to the screen. And I tend to think we might have needed a little more cohesion and explanation and when the backflash finally came I was a little surprised.

Despite these flaws, by the finish I never wanted it to end - so much to engage with and I LOVED watching Myfanwy come into herself - simply brilliant portrayal. By the end I also adored Gestalt, in fact Myf's whole personal world of EVAs were endeared to the audience - I'm just not sure how as I didn't like many of them in the beginning but by the end, it all made sense to me just like over time it did to Myfanwy. Now that is an achievement as usually if I dislike them in the beginning, I dislike them at the end.

In summary, brilliant and fun, twisty and dark and yet so full of hope.

My advice is to let go of the novel as this is a totally different offering but I liked the series just as much.

Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale

Captivating and Fresh
Such a gripping watch - portraying the spiralling downwards of a town of people who have grown up together and cared for each other over many years and a single incident sets it all on fire, bringing long held ugly secrets into the light.

We see just what people are prepared to do to protect their lies and guard their secrets. We also see what happens when friends cross lines and prefer to rescue and save rather than do what is ethical and right.

A true 'witch hunt' emerges but from whatever angle you look at it, this could be any minority group that is targeted. The witchcraft theme is thus central yet just an allegory.

Lessons in Chemistry

Stunning and Moving and Inspiring
What I want to know is who spotted this book by Bonnie Garmus and optioned it but beyond that achieved a really rare thing - elevated it above what was already and excellent and memorable book story. Elevated it into something superb.......

Having a Science degree and being a medical practitioner myself I so related to the struggle of being female in the profession, trying to run your children and household as well as your career - Even in a more enlightened contemporary environment it is tough. I wanted to go back and refresh a specialty area but it would have meant round the clock shifts and being the junior again - all the things represented so well in the series.

The chemistry between Calvin and Elizabeth is true magic - they truly present as 'soul mates' and the beautiful destinies woven together and the call to reinvent and elevate oneself throughout life is truly inspirational.

I adored every minute of this show - Bravo to the wonderful cast and all involved.


The most distasteful lump of codswallop
How, when some amazing, genuinely funny, and well-crafted shows get only one season does this embarrassing monstrosity get several?

Sexist, racist and everything ist - totally insulting to teens and Persians and in fact everyone else - just plain horrible. Nothing at all to like in this piece of abject nonsense.

As there is nothing at all redeeming or positive to write except to repeat that it is sickening and as the main character is completely unlikeable. The way he treats his family and girls is nauseating. A sociopath. Reminded me a lot of young offenders I worked with.

After we just enjoyed 'Never Have I Ever' which knew how to do cringe this embarrassment is something I will try hard to forget. .

The Boys in the Boat

Best Film of 2023!!!!! Unforgettable
I need another 90 stars to make this film 100 - what an incredible and beautiful surprise this film was.

Every aspect from the entire fantastic cast, to the stunning cinematography, to the personal back stories during the Depression, to the chilling setting in Berlin in 1936 all took me back to a time when we fought TOGETHER for survival, for self-pride, for national pride, for belief in the resilience of the human spirit and the power of the underdog to become a powerful force with meagre resources.

In these days of a largely spoilt existence it was so valuable to par back not just time but my beating fighting spirit that's beating a little quietly these day - return to what really matters - being one - moving as one - loving as one - achieving the impossible. Dream and hope became reality through pure grit, persistence and faith. Amazing.

True Justice: Family Ties

So irritating!
Some great actors in the cast but completely ruined by Katherine McNamara who is just the worst and most fake actress around. There is nothing about her that is believable.

The constant eye squinting and angst was bad enough but the fake strangling and choking noises - that had to take the cake for the very worse acting in a crime movie.

And that pathetic brother - wanted to lock him up myself for the sake of society..... There is nothing sympathetic about them and she giggles inappropriately such as about her parent's dying and he looks sociopathic and completely without any humanity, ripping the necklace from a dead woman before she is even cold and then running in circles like a chicken.

What could have been a fun idea turned into a turnip.

An Ice Palace Romance

Love skating and the beautiful rink!
Celeste Desjardins ruins this entire movie with the constant fake smiling and botox face all the way through the film accompanied by the fake voice. She can barely move any of her face.......

At 27 why does she need botox or is she really 37 or 47 and faking her age too? Just don't get it...... such a pretty talented girl does not need all this fakery.........

Shannon McDonough was fun and real as the local photographer sussing out all the false motives for a new money-making plan.

Julia Dyan as the sister had potential. The stereotypical gay best-friend was just plain annoying.

Please just bring us some lovely skating instead of this fiasco!

A Biltmore Christmas

I guess I have to write "Perfect" a 100 times to reach the IMDB minimum but worth every single one.

I was working but wanted something fluffy in the background - did not expect this totally adorable stunningly shot movie. Biltmore is so incredible beautiful. And the cast is amazing - Kristoffer Polaha kept me blinking that this is actually a modern piece. And the chemistry with Bethany Joy is just magic.

What a beautiful flow to the film. Best film in this genre for me since "The Spirit of Christmas" which though a very different theme somehow reminded a lot of that evolving love that is purely organic and not forced, Bravo!

Orphan Black: Echoes

An impressive echo of a loved series
I thought that Orphan Black would be a close to impossible act to follow however I thought wrong: The constant violent deaths in OB was not my style though I loved the story and the acting. The strong female leads also seemed unfeasible to attempt to equal.

But the cast in Orphan Black: Echoes are truly masterful in their own way - there are definitely echoes of the predecessor (excuse the pun) but nothing jarring or repetitive.

In addition, there is a strong relational arc which I really love. Couple relationships, family bonds and genetic connection are all played out with gentle creative strokes. There is a slow but effective build on each of the relationship arcs.

I found the themes disturbing. What is intended to be for good, helping mankind ends up in simple exploitation driven by greed. There are woke elements but they are not too jarring.

Overall, bravo to all involved!!!

After Everything

Hot Mess
What do you say about a film that leaves out the female lead until 3/4 of the way through and then there is no time for the audience to engage and be confident in the planned re-connection. Instead of warming to the couple and their future, we become concerned again about an unstable miserable future for Tessa (and their children) with Hardin.

I did not want to see unstable, obsessive, addictive, violent Hardin ever again. I wanted to see character growth and some sense of a stable self on Hardin's own whether Tess returned to him or not. There was none of this and then he humiliated her during the best man speech at Landon's wedding and to reward him, she initiated jumping his bones. Causing us to worry about her mental state yet again. Sick, sick, sick, yet again.........

Is now the time to scream? This film could have easily been a 10 out of 10 with a loyal fan base and little smart choreography and pacing regarding what the movie was spent focusing on.

Bah Humbug. Appalling and disappointing way to end the series..... Could have been so beautiful and uplifting......

Twilight in Forks: The Saga of the Real Town

Sparkling Fun
I was more than captivated by this real-life portrait of a more isolated small town being brought to life and revitalized by a popular book trilogy being set in their town. Yet another less recognised but awesome power of books!

I was so taken with the real-life town of Forks. And tempted to visit and even move there myself because of the absolutely stunning scenery - as expressed in the show - quite magical, even spiritual.

The logging industry here was suffering and declining so Stephenie's books came just at the right time for a beautiful town already possessing so much diversity and character to reinvent itself and add a little more.

The werewolf lore already existed among the native tribes (including the blacks) so it is a teeny tiny step to add a few vampires to the mix to captivate us.

Bravo to all - loved it and loved you!

About a Boy

Unsurpassed Combo of Comedy and Poignancy
Hugh Grant is a total unsurpassed comic genius - surprising and shocking and having you rolling in laughter but almost in tears with the poignant emotion of the moment. I can't think of anyone like him except perhaps the iconic Sandra Bullock. Abject sweet talent.

The rest of the cast is also stellar - Toni Collette as a Mum with mental health issues trying to keep afloat, Sharon Small and Natalia Tena are also super fun yet crazy characters as her friends and Rachel Weisz is perfect as a young cool rising indi musician.

But the standout of the younger side of the cast is Nicholas Hault - sheer brilliance in a young actor. And totally outstanding also in his young adult roles such as Warm Bodies and Mad Max: Fury Road. He is transitioning well to varied quirky adult roles - he is versatile and fits a range of characters hand-in glove. Don't miss him!

Arranged Love

Unlikeable lead - again
I am so sick of watching movies with obnoxious female leads that are somehow transformed into slightly better women by fake love.

Sharmita Bhattacharya is very pretty but is completely unable to pull of a likeable character with Meera. She is that girl on high school that was always sudden and mean not a grown up owner of a company.

The drunk vomiting scenes were not befitting a late 20's adult and so juvenile. But probably my biggest gripe is the male abuse - striking her fake fiance in public with no apology is simply unacceptab;e and reverse sexist. Physical abuse is never acceptable. How about some more of the charms of Bollywood instead of angry violence and lashing out at partners physically? And how about finish the story of the business scam with a little detail and finesse.

Gray Matter

This film is not an easy watch and nor is it in my preferred genre but what a breath of fresh air.

I love the script though I would have perhaps liked to see the revelations at the ends unveiled for the watchers at the beginning as it would have allowed us to have a more sympathetic perspective on the characters - understanding the true events which would have made it more engaging. In addition it would have allowed us to see if Derek or Aurora took action on Isaiah........ This is a quite important distinction that was a little unclear.

If like me, you love viewing something fresh and different but not necessarily perfect then you will love this film.

Warhorse One

Simply WOW
Warhorse One follows a desperate civilian rescue attempt set after the 2021 withdrawal of the United States military from Afghanistan and is dedicated to the dedicated child suffering of war..

I watch and review a LOT of media - film and audio and written and I am not even going to comment on the ridiculous low ratings on this film....... so unfortunate and not deserved. No grounds for it at all. Shame on these mindless comments.

This film is pure magic. Let it be said I HATE this sort of film generally - those that cover just a few brief moments of time and nothing really happens over the two hours. But I just watched a minute as I had run out of things to view and I was sucked in completely into the vortex of experience that this film creates. I will never forget this film...... it is completely unique and important in its themes.......

All the cast is pure magic but where did Athena Durner come from playing 5 year old Zoe Walters with such realism and heart and soul. This is her acting debut and this tiny powerhouse is one to watch.

Johnny Strong's portrayal of Master Chief Mirko promises to be a compelling addition to his impressive body of work. Rarely does one see subtle movements and nuances of expression create such a captivating watch. He makes his Directorial debut in this film.

There has to be a personal story here - it is just too perfect to be fully imagination. The cinematography, musical score, sweeping scenery, pacing. Everything is perfection.

If it does not win awards there is no longer justice in the film world!


Captivating Brilliance.......
I do not like fighting movies - in fact I despise them almost as much as movies where animals are mistreated but yet I watch them because every so often we are blessed with absolute and complete poignant brilliance like Million Dollar Baby. Every step of this film exudes talent. Nick Nolte, Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton are separately strong but together they reach a height that is rarely seen - they ARE the Conlons...... they live and exude and breathe this family and all their tragedy and challenges.....

The pacing is perfect, the supporting cast, the cinematography - all aspects are great and the right amount of unique but it is the characterisations that are brilliant - anyone who has endured a family ravaged by addiction will completely relate and especially to the sheer helplessness and brokenness the children feel.

The ending is perfect and - Ignore the haters who are too superficial to understand why it had to be that way.......


A Brilliant Addition to the Genre
This series was captivating from beginning to end. I really liked the pace though if action every minute is your thing, don't bother here as the stories are twisty and nuanced. A slow build is so much more satisfying.

I found myself thoroughly invested in the characters and their character developments and choices. I can usually guess the culprit in the first 15 minutes and here there were enough grey characters and twists and turns to keep me surprised .

I only wish there was a Season 2 and low ratings and viewership is not deserved - maybe needed more promotion, a great trailer, and perhaps a title change to attract the right audience. It is about so much more than betrayal.......

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