
IMDb member since June 2014
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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Boring at best
I am a die hard fantasy lore admirer. Be it novels, games, tv shows or movies I am a fan of fantasy. Aint read all of Tolkiens works so wont go into that, my biggest issue is this: What I dont really understand is how you can make a fantasy show about middle earth and 2 episodes in have me speed watching? I didnt care about any character, their fate or their story.

Galadriels brother is dead, she wants revenge, we are told centuries have passed and she is still looking, but who really cares when all that happens within the first few minutes? As a viewer being told that didnt drag me into her story. I wont even go to the absurdity of the end of episode one and her choice...

Harfoot children wander to a far off field and Nori, another lead, sees wolf tracks. We then see the "wolf" see them and go down. The wolf is there as the children are leaving, you think something will happen... think again. So Nori messes up, nothing happens and we are supposed to care about what?

Elrond visits the dwarves, challenges the dwarves, is told if he loses he is banished forever, loses the challenge, gets a dinner invite... and we should care about Elrond?

And it goes on and on and yet at no point did I feel anything about any character. And wonderful as the costumes and cgi and the music are, if you dont care about the story and the characters then why keep watching?

Transformers: Age of Extinction

Boring and forgettable
First off I am a fan of the previous movies. they were not masterpieces of story telling or acting but at least they were entertaining and somewhat funny. Secondly this is one very very boring movie. there is no plot to speak off, no characters to get any attachment to, no sense of a story what so ever. the only thing that is there is Michael Bays trademark explosions. 150 minutes of them... You could take away every human in the movie and still have the same result. You could take away 100 of the 166 minutes and still have the same result. The fights are a constant mess where you cant really root for someone cause you cant really understand who is doing what. All in all I spent more than half the movie trying to understand where it was going and praying for it to end.

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