
IMDb member since May 2005
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    IMDb Member
    19 years


Tomb Raider

Not that enjoyable
It's so difficult to adapt video games into movies. On the surface it's a great source material, with rich stories and intriguing characters to develop. But every movies that are based on video games fall flat. Unfortunately, Tomb Raider is also the case.

I guess the movie makers tried to make the chracter and the atmosphere as grounded as possible. But this direction just never succeeds in the movie being an enjoyable one. Everything seems disconnected and underwhelming, resulting in an average movie that drags on and on.

Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Good addition to the franchise
It's a bit long for my taste but the story and acting were top notch. Very good score, which also adds tension to the whole narrative. However I thought the Tte surprise, surpringly, was quite predictable. But all in all an enjoyable movie to watch at the theater and at home.

Despicable Me 2

Good film, but inferior to the previous installment
I had the chance to watch both the first and second film on a flight from Seoul to Singapore. The first one came out in 2010 and I was busy doing my national service hence I never had the chance to watch it. The first one was a pleasant surprise and I loved the idea of focus on a bad guy turning good of sorts. The second installment tried to expand on the story and foundation based on the first one. It worked alright, but it was predictable at times. Also, I always felt that the minions steel the thunder from Gru. It could have been better if the bond between Gru and his adopted daughters were explored further. In the end it's natural movie goers will get a spin off of the minion movie. It's a fun movie to watch with a child, but there is was no two times the charm.

Green Lantern

My thoughts on the movie.
After using IMDb for about 10 years this is my first time writing a review so here goes.

I am a big fan of DC Comics and Green Lantern is definitely one of my favorites as I even own quite a volume of comics of him. I wasn't really looking forward to this movie since every time I do I always got let down. My first thought after hearing Parallax being in the movie I was wondering if they would do it like in the comics. But that didn't make sense because this is only the first movie and the studio would make it as an origin movie not something else. The whole thing seemed a little tad slow and I think they tried to do character developments and get the story going but even for a fan I kind of found it hard to follow. It wasn't engaging enough I suppose. There were some action scenes but that also didn't really live up to expectations. I thought they had the right director and actors for this movie but something was missing from the comics.

If they ever make a sequel to this movie I do hope they hire someone from DC to write a script and have the sort of impact Iron Man did back in 2008. I do have a feeling this is going to be another Superman Returns though.

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