
IMDb member since July 2014
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Office drama

PROs + cast - well selected dream team USA + soundtrack - bringing back time & inspiring with final 'Born ib the USA' + story - American dream story peppered with family/organization values + set & visuals: realistic, perfectly selected to convey the emotion & the story; rustic + camera - authentic, VHS'e, and magically transforming 'Back to time' + plot: personal-community-inner-self drama + Michael: paying tribute to the inspiring global basketball talent & his mom + idealized corporate jungle: inspiring any 'rat' out there running the race + "You're remembered for the rules you break" #principles

  • no giving more minutes / series
  • not providing more of Viola Davis
  • towing down the sweat & tears needed to pull AIR M. Jordons off.

Army of Thieves

Quotes baby Quotes
Look around, life's fcked & it's your only chance for life less ordinary.

We're off the grid, but we're on the cat 🐈 grid.

Nerd: I meant it as a compliment from a nerd to another nerd.

You understand what I say, when I say what I'm saying?

It's not a bank, it's credit union :) What's the difference? It is bank for children.

I only dj my own music.

Why you do what you do?

I put a lot of work into let's be the legends

What a tumble full wo-ld!

Being American makes it trash.

In order to understand the work you have to engage with it.

It's a doorway to an another realm and providence has brought you to me.

The Empire Film Podcast: In Conversation With James Cameron - Live In London

Brits interviewing American director - dead simple
PROs + great questions + lots of Cameron raw thoughts & thinking process + great Cameron career knowledge + 1991 production gig + pre-Titanic Avatar script story (spoiler) + some great tasty bits of Avatar + sneak peak into Cameron's writer's mentality + cameron's dreaming of the narrative metadata story

  • missing deeper follow up questions
  • no transcripts available
  • some trivial journalist reactions / reflections
  • really unnecessary/ irritating laughter from the journalists, but perhaps this is due to rawness & freshness of the interview to publish to the world

SUMMA SUMMARUM Enjoy Cameron raw movie making passion;

The Rhythm Section

Sensual slow-motion assassination
+PROs + slow & close camera movement with focus on the details + plot with the twist + well played human & fragile assassin by Blake Lively + triple coctail of documentary + drama + thriller + European realism

  • sometimes too slow in terms of
  • closing soundtrack does not fit indie movie style
  • too simplistic screenplay choice revenge story line

La vérité

Love story at its best
+ well presented story 2 parallel story lines of present & past + full of life passion protagonist well played by Brigitte Bardot + modern or rather 1960s time "Romeo & Juliet" story + great choice of soundtrack & use of it to replicate film mood & characters + interesting take on love, morale &/ relationships at the court through the eyes of judiciary system
  • very abrupt ending, leaving out any kind of morale from the director

In a nutshell, recommended for those that like spicy dramas contra soap ones.


Beautiful story about AI
  • well juxtaposed machine and human brain challenge
  • great story with all key milestones: intro, climax, conclusion
  • good choice of characters and how are they presented

  • does not give more details into the Deepmind AlphaGo setup (e.g. how they improved)
  • would be curious to see/learn more about he
  • presenting better the team and how they work together as it is not one person game

Beautiful Boy

European director with US cast - interesting mix
  • European director giving realness to the movie although shots are very polished and clean; wide shots vs closeups to showcase the hardship of being absorbed by drugs
  • great family/parenting topic, where parents cannot live the thought that kids leave them and they are responsible for their lifes and how they lived it one does not have a say, but we're all *selfish*
  • well shown teenagers life via the eyes of father and his B-shot memories

  • Long takes makes film *too slow* and one simply ask why director is trying watchers patience, but perhaps indirectly he wants us to reflect upon the things that is happening within the long scenes when things have taken place already
  • cast choice, especially Steve Carell who mostly know as *comedian* than the drama guy and you can see in the movie that he's struggling emphasize emotion, but this could be part of the character complexity
  • happy ending is not expected throughout the movie, but it is good that director/script keeps spectators believing in the happy future

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