
IMDb member since July 2014
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    9 years


America: Imagine the World Without Her

Must See
Excellent presentation, backed with resources to investigate yourself. Some facts seemed incredible, but with some more research I found proved true.

Great visual presentation, full of amazing affects, graphics and video footage. Some of the re-enactments reminded me of HBO's Drunk History (in style only)…cool stuff.

If you are someone who believes in conspiracy theories…this will give you something to chew on. If you hate people who call themselves Patriots or Tea Party members, you may associated this documentary to that group of people. I'm still not sure why people hate a group of people who believe we are Taxed Enough Already, but to each his own…haters will be haters.

Interesting presentation. We don't see one side of an argument, but two sides with actual interviews and footage with leaders and authors of opposing argument.

I like that he put in his own Federal crime and admits he made a mistake. I walked away thinking it is an amazing country where one can strive to succeed no matter the hardships that befall individuals. The footage of Bono was surprising and perfect.

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