
IMDb member since July 2014
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    9 years


Alternative Lifestyle

A Masterclass in Improvised Long-form Comedy
I'm not sure the episode count is truly correct here on IMDb but thought it was about time a review was up before the Season 1 Finale. This show is a blast. The concept is unique as it is an "Alternative Lifestyle experience" or basically a comedy series shot as a vlog. I was hooked very early on after finding one of the episodes on Youtube's Trending page. I assume it's probably not the first comedy vlog but it's probably the longest running series like this and the quality has only gotten better since the beginning. The acting is quite good especially considering that the script is bare bones so the content is mostly improvised. The jokes almost always land and Steven Suptic's narration is top notch so the result is one of the funniest shows I have seen in years definitely some of the best content on Youtube right now. Towards the end of season 1, some of the characters have been able to show off their range with some truly dramatic moments that showed me how invested I am in these characters.

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