
IMDb member since July 2014
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    9 years



Wished I watched this movie in the Cinema
Wished I watched this movie in the Cinema I had great action scenes.

A Fixer for the elite is on the run and needs a safe house, where better to hide than a Cop Shop. He manages to get himself into a small town police station.

I really don't understand why this has such a low rating. It certainly kept me interested and entertained from the beginning to the end.

The performance by all the actors was on point particularly the leading lady Alexis Louder! This is a good return from Gerard Butler.

It certainly reminded of a Tarantino movie and had a number of twists and turns.

Great action movie with a good plot!

Black Widow

A Tick List
Humour - Yes Action - Yes Good Fight Scenes - Yes Entertaining Plot - Yes Beautiful Scarlett Johansson - Definitely Yes

Don't know why there are so many haters!!?


Under Rated
If you like Hemsworth and enjoy action movies you will not be disappointed! Did not have high hopes but would have gone and paid to watch this at the Cinema.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Ignore the Haters
Having been a Star Wars Fan since the original and being renamed Luke since 1977. I have a lot invested in these epic movies. It is a stand alone movie or if you are like me an awesome finale to a series that gave rise to a genre. All I would say is watch the movie and decide yourself I LOVED IT!

Last Christmas

Ignore the Critics and definitely ignore the Spoilers!
For me romantic comedies have to be good or they just become yet another cliche! This for me was very well acted and the musical score was well aligned with the plot. Do you self a favour go and see with a loved one or the kids you won't go wrong. Ignore the critics and definitely don't read the spoilers the twist was surprising particularly in this genre! Loved it


An Anomaly
Normally I read user reviews and make my decision to watch a movie based on my fellow film fans as opposed to reading the critics reviews.

On this occasion I can only urge you to see the movie yourself, it's a very good movie and the critics got it right this time.

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