
IMDb member since August 2014
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All This Mayhem

Interesting documentary about 2 talented skateoarding brothers, and the lifestyle that came with it.
As an American, when someone brings up the topic of skateboarding, the first thing that comes to mind is Tony Hawk. I remember him growing up. He was the prodigy for this newer sport that sort of blew up in the 80s/90s.

He was very much the face of the sport, but was he the best and most adventurous? Tas Pappas would tell you "fuck no!"

The docu was quite interesting. I'm a sports fan, but gave up paying attention to skateboarding years ago. I guess I grew out of it. Regardless, I still respect the sport, and what the pros are able to do.

Before watching this documentary, I wasn't sure if I remember who the Pappas brothers were, but after watching the documentary, I won't forget. Tony Hawk started as a purist skateboarder just like any skateboarder, but eventually he became, what felt like, bigger than the sport. Tony the skating phenom turned into Tony the marketing guru mighty quick.

The movie isn't about Tony much, but it's just interesting how much differently him and the Pappas brothers managed their relationship with the sport. Ben and Tas were purists through and through, and this story gives a detailed overview of their lives, and how they impacted the sport in a different way.

There was a stretch in time where they were ranked higher than Tony, and they were constantly one upping each other. They had the competitive spirit thing figured out from birth, it seemed. They explain where the spirit comes from early on in the film.

In their hey day, they lived the lifestyle that you would only see in the movies. With that came the downfall. Definitely a very solid watch.


Emotionally draining, but worth it.
This is one of those movies that is like a long race, or some sort of rigorous exercise of the mind. As I have mentioned in other reviews, I am always trying to find a movie that leaves me speechless afterwards. Where the end credits come on and I am just staring blankly at the screen. This movie did this to me.

Apparently, this director is a real up and comer after the success of other movies. After really enjoying Prisoners. and reading many good reviews on this movie, I decided to give it a go.

This movie is in French and Arabic. If you don't understand those languages (which I don't), you will have to use subtitles. It is okay, though, because the story is so gripping that you will forget that you are reading subtitles shortly after the beginning credits.

I'd list this movie as a drama/thriller. There are some very dramatic parts where it is almost hard to believe what is happening on screen.

If you think you have a firm grip of what is going on in the movie, how it will all end, you are in for a big surprise. Please, watch this movie because it is truly one of the better films out there.

This movie will not leave you with a smile on your face, but it will leave you with the feeling that the story is complete. It will make sense when you watch it, so carve out a couple of hours of your day to watch.

The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman

A very solid movie
I'm a movie buff. Not the kind that understands all of the theories behind creating a film. I just watch a lot of films and am always looking for one that makes me think, and kind of leaves me speechless afterwards. While I was not speechless after watching Charlie Countryman, I was pleasantly surprised with what I had just watched.

The opening scene was extremely powerful (and a little humorous). The event that occurred is something very similar to what I went through. Perhaps I liked the movie because I saw a lot of myself in the main protagonist.

I should also mention that I am a huge fan of music - all kinds. The way they integrated the soundtrack into the movie was phenomenal. Lots of 80's styled synth pop throughout the soundtrack. Christophe Beck composed the soundtrack for the movie, but it also included many songs by known artists. The original score combined with the additional songs worked perfectly in my eyes.

Shia LeBeouf is one of those completely polarizing actors. He's said some suspect things in the media, and is quite a bit typecast, but I am a firm believer that he truly cares about his craft. In this movie, I saw a familiar LeBeouf, but also one that is starting to come into his own. I can say that he helped carry this movie and keep me entertained.

Evan Rachel Wood did a great job, but apparently her accent was not true to the region, so many critics/reviewers were a bit perturbed. Personally, I have no idea how she should have sounded. Accent aside, I thought she was excellent. Her and LeBeouf worked very well together.

Mads was cast as the antagonist and he was very good, per usual. He was set up to pretty much contrast with Shia's character. They were very different personas, but they had a very interesting dynamic.

The rest of the cast was pretty awesome. I really liked Rupert Grint and their other buddy from the hostel. They provided some great comedic scenes, but fit well into the story.

If you like traveling, solid acting, colorful cinematography, an interesting story, & a score that fits with the movie, you will probably like this flick. There are certainly plot holes, but the goal is to suspend belief and just watch the movie. Don't let the critics push you away because this was a lot better than I thought it would be.

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