
IMDb member since May 2005
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AD/BC: A Rock Opera

Matt Berry and Ayoade are weird, creative guys
I watched this Rock Opera tonight and laughed the nervous, embarrassed laughter that I think the creators intended. AD/BC is clearly a play on Jesus Crist Superstar, and mimics that original film's clearly hippy 70s feel for maximum crunch power. If you've ever seen Garth Merenghi's Dark Place or IT Crowd (also with Ayoade and Berry), or The Mighty Boosh (with Adrian Barratt, Noel Fielding, and Matt Berry), you will probably like this musical. All of these guys have a certain leaning toward absurdist comedy with an intentional nostalgic, low-budget production quality, and this is probably one of the best representational examples.


Okay, I've liked the early films of Sandler--namely, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, and, even, the Waterboy--so, suffice it to say, I have a streak of sophomoric humor in me. This movie plain sucked the life out of me. It was Bruce Almighty all over, and a modern Christmas Carol thrown in to boot. So, they set up Sandler as this overworked architect (cough, cough) who doesn't spend enough time with his kids and wife. How many times do they need to do this storyline? I don't need to learn a moral--I spend time with my kids and wife. I want to see what this goof-ball is going to do with his remote. They could have done so much more with that.

Well, I'm going to end on that note--it's really not worth writing even this much about it.

Watch Billy Madison or Happy Gilmore and forget the rest of Sandler's stuff. How long can he go on doing the same crap with the same group of washed-up buddies?

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