Reviews (12)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Boy tells a pack of lies. Goes to stay in massive house

    All the family end up dead, he now has the house. No one questions it..

    A supposed download at heels University student befriends s rich boy with lies about his upbringing. He then gets invited to Saltburn for the summer, where he then proceeds to continue to lie and manipulate the family with some Wierd and disturbing behavior.

    Eventually one by one the family begin to die in mysterious, but not mysterious, circumstances.

    Eventually with just the Mother left she signs the house over to down at heels student just before she dies. He now has the house and none of the original Saltburn family members are left alive...

    Does anyone investigate? Does anyone care?
  • Everything about this is really dreadful.. The writing is so shockingly poor and thevacting is no better, which is a shame as I've liked everythingbrlse Sheridan Smith has starred in. Myself and my wife watched the first one and tried the second, but alas there was no improvement. Couldnt even tell you if it was a comedy or serious show. I can only imagine Ardal O'Hanlon asked to be killed off in the second episode to save himself further embarrassment.

    Its almost as if the writer has tried doubly hard to put shock value into every sentence which has just ended up coming across as boring and unoriginal.
  • Silly sytoryline and poor acting added together equals a ridiculously bad movie.

    You knew what was going to happen long before it happened. I ended up watching it in three instalments just to get to the end. Infact i forget I still had watch the last twenty minutes until I was going through my planner a week later and thought I'll try to finish it now. I did and it was truly excruciating

    You try writing a review and look for any redeeming features but there isn't any

    Surely after making this film you would watch it back and then put it in the bin

    In summary give it a miss, no point in wasting your valuable time.
  • They should have given this a different name, then no one would know it was a very poor remake.

    If you listen carefully. You can hear the sound of the barrel being scraped.
  • Like A B movie.. Why would a talented actor like Naomi Watts agree to this drivel?

    Surely a director must view the film back and see how bad it is. Reputation ruiner.
  • Boring film. I wanted to like it and I certainly tried. However it's a poorly shot and dreary film. Pretty nonsensical. How people have been conned into giving it rave reviews because its been billed as s feel good movie is beyond me.
  • This was an entrallling dark and compelling mini series The acting was top drawer from everyone. Stephen Graham and Sean Bean are among two of the finest actors around. Brilliantly written by Jimmy McGovern. What more do you need?
  • Being a big fan of the Harry Hole books i was looking forward to him coming to life on the big screen. Alas i just about managed half the movie before giving up. Just poor all round. The acting, the screen play.. Just no.
  • Russel Crowe is a superb maniac in this thriller.. I thoroughly enjoyed this..Not sure why its got low scores.
  • Ridiculous episode. Kean is irratating beyond belief. The show goes down everytime her character appears. Focus on Red.
  • 30 November 2020
    Stop taking life too seriously.. I watched this with my wife hoping for a bit of a laugh.. We had a lot of laughs
  • Inspired by true events.A bunch of friends have been playing tag for 30 years, and one of them has never been tagged

    I found this very funny. My kind if humour i suppose