
IMDb member since September 2014
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    9 years


Impossible Fixes

Why the title Impossible Fixes when the whole programme shows you the fixes being done? Plus, why the continually repeated comments about something failing being catastrophic? Yes the programme shows potentially dangerous scenarios but those comments just wore me out. The programme also follows what seems to be the "norm" for ths type of show, i.e. the continually jumping from one situation to another which, of course, allows them to repeat ad nauseum a description of what we have already seen, thus packing what would have been an interesting 20- or 25-minute episode out to 40+ minutes

Island of Bryan

Why is there a series 2?
Having just got hold of series 2 I'm definitely getting deja vue. It's just a re-hash of series 1 with different editing. What's the reasoning behind this?

Fuck, That's Delicious

Unbelievable and unacceptable
Any show that feels the need to use a swear word in the title to attract attention to itself must be very short of talent, intellect and intelligence.

Hollow Point

Hollow Point? No real point
Very predictable basic revenge story where nothing new happens. Don't even bother to rent it, go for a walk in the park

Tropical Cop Tales

Unbelievably sad, this so-called comedy
" . . . It ends up being the most vicious, menacing place on earth, not even slightly relaxing." Amend that to "not even funny" and that will sum up this co-called comedy. Everything about it is just plain pathetic - looks like it was written by ten-year-olds as a school project.

Cunk on Britain

Pete Brazier - "Really Educatory" eh?
Pete, you certainly could do with some Educatoring! "past us by", "is no inception", and who is Norman the Conqueror? Weren't paying much attention, were you?

But I do agree with you, it is worth watching

Top Coat Cash

action, humour, engrossing? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME
The basic story line is reasonable but .... don't you dare waste any money to see this - and don't waste your time if you can get it for free either. Pathetic scripting, wooden actors, unbelievably bad action, almost meaningless sub plots, big time gangsters who wouldn't scare anyone and FBI agents who show as much authority as a stray cat. Overall, totally amateurish in execution and delivery - a total time waster

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