
IMDb member since September 2014
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Knights of the Zodiac

Saint Seiya if it was the Broken Telephone game
This movie fails to send me back to the anime, and I know it was supposed to be based on the newest properties that are coming out targeting the new generations, but I think it swings and misses at all target groups.

I guess Seiya works well and he kind of has a good chemistry with Saori. His training with Marin is done well and the first fights that don't have the armor are nicely choreographed but everything else is terrible.

I couldn't care more about Famke's character, her motivations are so shallow together with Ikki, who is there mainly so there's a final fight. We have Mitsumasa who isn't Mitsumasa. The VFX looks straight from a 2012 PS3 game. There are so many futuristic ships I didn't know if the movie was supposed to be an alternative world or 20 years in the future.

But the main thing for me is that the movie didn't feel like Saint Seiya, it was like someone who saw the anime 30 years ago tried to explain it to a Hollywood producer who didn't bother to watch the original content and stick to the description given to him. In the end it didn't have the sense of humanity against gods and the sense that even when Seiya lost all his senses he would never give up.

Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

"We were NUMB"
I read a review prior to watching it that had in its second paragraph a recommendation to skip any spoilers or even general reviews, and I second that. So please watch it first then comeback here to read the discussion.

Took me long enough to watch this documentary, but I finally did, and if I had to summarized in one word it would be "Numb". This is how I felt during the last act of this movie.

I always had a hard time watching documentaries but this one did a great thing to hook me up, which was on its editing. The pace seems rushed but it helps you not get bored, because as it is a crime history, it has a lot of court scenes and difficult expressions, but the director did a great job mixing those scenes with interviews about who Andrew was, and the fun moments the grandparents had with the baby.

But the great virtue is in its final 30 minutes, where we are given a terrible twist. When Kurt starts to talk about how the baby and the mother were missing, and the interviewees were all talking about how they were prepared to receive the bad news, I too was prepared to the worst scenario, but the way the director delivers it crushed me. The moments before the deliver were we are given a black screen with no sound whatsoever that seems to show us that it is the last moment of calm we will have until the final moments of the documentary. Then we are flooded with one of the best montages I've ever seem, with repetitions, paraphrasing, cursing and a pace so fast that I could only try to capture everything I was witnessing.

I froze for about 15-20 min with my whole body tingling and a sea of tears, where I could not control but also didn't look like a proper cry because I wasn't sobbing, just my eyes were a portal to a waterfall.

In conclusion, this will forever mark me as one of the strongest hits I've ever had watching a film.

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