
IMDb member since September 2014
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The White Lotus

Almost Stopped Watching After Season 1
I never really paid much attention to White Lotus until it recently started trending on social media. I figured I was missing out on something good so I decided to give it a watch. Well, much to my surprise, Season 1 was a snooze fest. The "story" was so drawn out that I found myself forwarding through some scenes of nothingness. The character stories were all pretty boring as well. There was some funny and exciting stuff there but it didn't amount to anything really.

I ended season 1 wondering what all the hype is about. It took me about a week before I got the courage to give season 2 a try. And this is where I understood the trends surrounding this show. Much, much more fun season. The character stories actually go somewhere. Jennifer Coolidge was much more likeable in this season. It was exciting and every episode ended with you wanting more. In fact, I stayed up till nearly 6am finishing the season because I couldn't stop watching - while on the other hand, finishing season 1 felt like a chore.

I'm glad the writers got their act together and I'm now very much looking forward to season 3.

The Handmaid's Tale: Allegiance
Episode 9, Season 5

This series has become nothing short of a novela. It's so over the top ridiculous and unbelievable. Mark Tuello is a US government rep who just handles it all huh? In this episode, he has June and Luke in the "war room" as they carry out this top secret mission. And when the mission fails he immediately lets June and Luke know there are no survivors. No modern government would allow any of that to be protocol.

Not to mention the absurdity happening other side of the border. It wasn't many seasons ago that Gilead was meant to be seen as this vastly growing regime that now only has a small handful of recurring characters who control most of what happens there and also play in diplomacy?

The worst part of handmaids used to be how far fetched it was to have someone like June be so likable that she repeatedly escaped death. But this season really takes the cake.

Captive Audience

Extremely Boring
I never heard of the Steven Stayner story so I came into watching this series with a clean slate and it still failed miserably in my opinion. Way too long - it could've been done in an hour. Maybe it was my misinterpretation of the episode descriptions but it made me think there was some plot twist that never came. I finally stopped halfway through the 2nd episode and googled Steven Stayner's story then after reading everything I decided to quit the series because it was just getting dragged out. If anything, this series made me regret not watching I Know My First Name is Steven instead of this.

SparkShorts: Purl
Episode 1, Season 1

So Many Snowflake Reviews
Watched it with my 8 year old. Then I had to rewatch when I read people complaining that Purl curses because I didn't catch it the first time. I asked my son if he heard the bad word and he responded "wait, there was a curse word?!" The jokes and swear word went right over his head. I can't help but laugh at how offended people are getting over this.

Spinning Out

Lifetime Feel But Addictive
The show is kinda cheesy and it reminds me a lot of Lifetime. And yet I watched 5 episodes in one sitting. It's easy to watch. I was working on my couch while watching this show and if I got distracted by something else, I was able to jump right back in without rewinding. Definitely the type of show I didn't know I needed during a stressful time of year (work wise).


Get Over the New Story Line
Once you get over the new story line, it's actually a good movie. I was excited every time Dumbo flew. It was a feel good movie and every character was likable. My 5 year old enjoyed the movie and it seemed like the families who sat near us did to.


Better than expected
I was hesitant to watch Roma based on the reviews that called it a boring film. But when I didn't have anything else to watch, I decided to give it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised. I knew the cinematography was going to be beautifully done but I didn't expect to be so interested in the story. Maybe it's because I'm Mexican or because I can understand Spanish or because I'm familiar with Mexico City. Whatever it was, the movie held on to my attention from start to finish. I really connected with Cleo too. She's a strong woman that kept a brave face through everything she'd been through up until she lost her baby. I enjoyed the connection the children had with her and the realness between Sofia and Cleo.

Big Mouth

A Relatable Comedy
Yeah, some scenes are a little gross or disturbing but you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't think any of it was relatable. Its a unique cartoon that hits on really important aspects of puberty that most people don't like talking about.

The Man in the High Castle

Couldn't Finish 1 Episode
Total disappointment. The story could have been so great but I feel like they spent so much money and effort into the production values, I couldn't even focus on the story line because I was too focused on the over dramatic visual effects. It made it look very cartoonish.

I also couldn't get past all the English with terrible accents. If Germany and Japan won the war, why is everyone speaking English?

Try again, Amazon.

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