
IMDb member since September 2014
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The Great British Mortgage Swindle

Yet another mail in the coffin of the fraudulent banksters!
No one has taken on the establishmwmt in this way, by way of a private criminal prosecution showing how the banks have been fraudulently issuing mortgages, and how they have gamed the British legal system to bully and terrorise people out of their homes. This is a must see documentary.

Cobra Kai

Season 3 is a Dog
I never expected much from this show, and was blown away by how good seasons 1 and 2 were. Yes, Ralph Macchio is still a terrible actor, but we knew that. I can't even put my finger on all the reasons it worked, but it did. William Zabka is a revelation, generally, the writing was sharp and funny, whilst capturing all the right nostalgic notes. Then we got to season three... What happened??? The writing and the plot was infantile, resulting in ridiculous unplanned brawl, at Larussos house. I think it will be hard to pull it back after this mess. I won't be looking forward to season 4, or interested in seeing it. Had I just been reviewing seasons 1and 2, it would have been a solid 9. Season 3, is a 3/10.

The Mercy

The real mercy came when it ended
Hard to understand how they could make such a hash of this movie. Disjointed, incoherent, and dull as dishwater. Having read and enjoyed, the last strange voyage of Donald Crowhurst, I was expecting so much more.


Taking liberties with the source material.
I'm all for a bit of artistic license, if it benefits the movie, but was this a joke? A movie that bears only the slightest resemblance to Robert Moore's book and fabricates a whole chain of events that run throughout the movie. What on earth for? The story doesn't get any better than the source material, and if they stuck to that, they's have a hit movie on their hands, instead of this second rate fairy tale. If you don't mind a movie 'loosely based on true events' then maybe this is watchable, I turned it off in disgust after an hour due to BS overload.

The Hunt

A movie Tarantino wishes he was still making
This movie came out of nowhere for me as a complete surprise, and a really good one. Gilpin is superb, and reminiscent of Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Great script writing and and Gilpin exuding an air of cool, understated intelligence. Watch the final scene between Gilpin and Swank where the dialogue and action will remind you that Tarantino made a great movie or two.

Deep Blue Sea 2

Deep Boob See 2
Like a nice bit of cleavage? Then this is the film for you! This is a film so pointless and lacking in interest, that Danielle Savre's (Misty Calhoun... or was it Busty Calhoun?) cleavage appeared to be the key protagonist. Whilst she wears a wet suit, throughout most of the movie, this was unlikely to keep her dry due to severe water leakage in the cleavage area, and despite playing a Doctor, she struggled to understand how a wet suit zip works. There may have been sharks in this movie, not sure, but there was definitely cleavage.

The Parts You Lose

Not an action thriller!
Perhaps poor genre classification is the only place this movie went wrong, because there is no action, and no thrills, and once you set your expectations towards this being a coming of age drama, then you will not be disappointed. Rather like Jeremy Renner's performance in Wind River, this was a movie that transformed my opinion of Aaron Paul, from capable supporting actor, to talented leading man. The performance from both him and Danny Murphy are superb and completely engaging. I'm shocked that as I write this, the movie scores 5.7 on IMDB, and am convinced that this is because it was sold as something it isn't, an action thriller. If you expect that, then yes, you'll be disappointed. If you want to watch a beautifully crafted, absorbing and thought provoking movie, then you won't be disappointed. I actually had no preconceptions when I saw it, and I loved it, from beginning to end.

RichPlanet TV: Buried by Mainstream Media: The True Story of Madeleine McCann, Part 6 - When Madeleine Died?

A must see for anyone who really wants to know what happened to Madeleine McCann
A quite stunning documentary that pulls no punches and presents the true facts relating to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The research and effort poured into this documentary is incredible, especially considering it was made by a small independent film maker such as Richard D Hall. Everyone should watch this and once you've done that you should recommend it to as many people as possible. On seeing this and if you ever had any doubts, you'll not be asking whether the McCann's are responsible for the disappearance of their daughter, you'll be asking how they managed to get away with it for so long.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Massively Under rated
In a World where the Star Wars franchise can regurgitate the same garbage over and over again and still guarantee massive returns at the box office, you should be glad of Luc Besson, and glad he had the vision to make Valerian. I loved this movie, visually spectacular, great on screen chemistry between Cara Delevigne and Dane Dehaan, and more importantly, an element the Star Wars franchise has long forgotten the importance of... a great story line; made more so by its complexity and scale. It's criminal that this movie didn't do better at the box office but don't believe the professional critics, who for whatever reason, lined up to knock this movie down. Add a great soundtrack and a stunning performance from Rihanna, who is worth the admission fee alone.

Ted 2

The funniest movie of 2015
Ted 2 seems to have divided opinion though I'm unsure how anyone who enjoyed the original Ted movie could criticize the sequel, because the fact is that it's even funnier. I've now watched it three times and it's a movie that rewards with more laughs on repeat viewings. Sure the crude humour won't be to everyones taste but then you already know that if you watched the original movie. I've read that some see the movie as suffering from the absence of Mila Kunis but in fact Amanda Seyfried comfortably filled her shoes and even added to the lead female role. I also don't get that some have criticized the storyline because it's just a simple vehicle to carry the gags, which keep coming throughout the movie.


A score of 8.7? I don't think so.
I've watched the whole series 1 of Bosch now and not just the pilot which seems to be the single episode currently responsible for the artificially high score on IMDb. I'm not particularly a fan of the books, I much prefer Mickey Haller but I always thought that the Bosch series would translate better in film rather than the written word. From my perspective it did, because I enjoyed the series more than I enjoyed the few books that I read. However high expectations were, this is nothing more than a competent fairly run of the mill detective series. I happen to agree that Titus Welliver makes a great Bosch and if anything I'd say that series one shows great promise but it could go either way. I wasn't the only one in my house to note an overwhelming sense of Deja Vu when watching series one and it was difficult to escape the thought that you'd seen it all before. It isn't essential viewing in the way that the Wire or Breaking Bad was essential viewing but it was good enough to make me tune into series 2 but I've no doubt that the strength of the upcoming story line will make or break the future of this show.

Things We Lost in the Fire

In my top 100 greatest ever movies
Whilst 7.2 may look like a respectable IMDb score it is something of a travesty for this particular movie. It's rare for movies to fall into that category of movies that I can watch repeatedly but things we lost does just that. It is seven years since I first saw the movie and age does not weaken its impact. Halle Berry and Benicio Del Toro have never been better but then there simply isn't a bad performance in this movie. The movie is beautifully written and directed and even at its current score of 7.2, things we lost, is a vastly under rated movie that far too many have failed to see. Add it to your top 100 must see movies before you die.

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