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The Revenant

Absolutely stunning, a masterpiece.
The Revenant is /amazing/.

It's genuinely not my kind of thing (I literally went because General Hux (Gleeson) is in it), but oh gosh, it took my breath away. The cinematography is some of the best I have /ever/ seen in a movie; it's so aesthetically pleasing as well. I've never cried over a bit of bloody snow before, oh wow.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy and Domhnall Gleeson have such amazing acting skills in this movie; I freaking fell in love with Domhnall's character, again, my life is over. If Leo doesn't get his Oscar for this movie, then the Committee are just biased against him not getting one. Tom Hardy's character is a total freaking dick, #FuckFitzgerald, but I love that I hated one of Hardy's characters – it shows just how an amazing actor he is, to make a fan detest his character. Domhnall Gleeson's character is just a sweetheart, you really just want the best for him and you just wanna wrap him up in bubble wrap and a blanket.

There are a few trigger warnings – gore obviously, there's a small r*pe scene which lasts, I'd say about 15-25 seconds, and yea, there's a lot of animals that 'die'. There's gore throughout the film, there's not really much you can do to avoid it (you'd be ignoring about 60-70% of the movie). (Note – this was not tagged as spoilers as it gives nothing in the plot away. It's just a warning for people that may be effected by these things.)

Honestly, I wish I could permanently implant it into my hippocampus, I am so taken aback. I feel so raw yet so... I don't know how to explain it, like emotionally strong at the same time? (That may be my autism.) I genuinely cannot wait to go see it again with my friends, and I cannot wait to buy this on DVD release.

There is nothing in this movie to stop me giving it a full 10/10, I am honestly in love.

Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny

Truly disappointing
I got bored, I went through Netflix like you do and I saw that they recommended me Seriously Funny due to my interests in Michael McIntyre's Showtime and Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos. I thought I would check it out, it had a good rating and I'd seen clips that made me chuckle.

Seriously Funny is alright; it's funny, for sure, and I really couldn't stop laughing at points; Hart's humour is on point, quick to draw, and he keeps the laughs coming.

But there are some points where I felt truly uncomfortable watching it – these two times were when he made homophobic-style jokes, and when he just threw around 'kill yourselves' on one, maybe two occasions. These really pulled it down for me, and made me uncomfortable, made me shift in my seat as I watched, and I even felt a little down and upset at just how easily he threw such things around.

The sketch is funny, I enjoyed it, mostly, but he really pulled it down and made it less by throwing around sensitive issues as if they were nothing.

For that, I can only give it 5/10; the insensitivity ruined it for me, HOWEVER, if you're not bothered by such things then you'll probably enjoy the whole thing.

Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Games Series

Another success from TellTale
So, I've never played Borderlands before. I saw the game for free on the Xbox Live store, knew that a load of my friends loved the game, and thought why the hell not? Safe to say, I loved this game. It only took me about an hour and a half to play the first episode through (and hey, I only died once, which I think is pretty damn good). This game is addicting, and thoroughly enjoyable.

Honestly, I'm amazed at the quality of the game; now then, I have seen game play of Borderlands and I was stunned that Telltale managed to have the quality at the same standard as their other games – but still in the same unique Borderlands style.

The game itself is easy enough to understand, and the two characters you play as (Fiona and Rhys) are fun to play as – and often, Fiona's sassy remarks left me in stitches. I had to pause the game at one point to go wipe my face of tears.

The first episode of the game is, currently, free on the Xbox Live store and I really suggest you go and download it. The game is a wonderful one, and it even tugged on my heartstrings at one point (and my friends call me heartless due to the content I write!) It's well written, funny, and the story is thoroughly enjoyable.

A solid 10/10 for this game, I didn't even notice the lag – there is one part I noticed where Vaughn is talking, but his lips don't move, and I think that happens a few times, but really, you don't notice that much.

For achievement hunters – this is an easy one. An hour and a half play through gets you 200G (20G; 30G; 20G; 20G; 30G; 30G; 50G) over 7 achievements – just playing the game achieves you all seven.

I can't wait for my next pay check so I can grab the season pass and play through it all.

What are you waiting for? Go and try it.

The Innkeepers

This movie was a waste of my time, in all honesty
I wanted to watch The Innkeepers since it came out back in 2011, and it was recently on television. I recorded it, and gladly decided to curl up on a chilly winter's night thinking that the adrenaline would help warm me up, and that I might even spill my hot chocolate.

Unfortunately, this was not the case.

The Innkeepers won 2 awards and was nominated for another four; it won Scariest Film at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival and also won Best Musical Score at Screamfest. In my opinion, it only deserved the Best Musical Score.

Now, I give a lot of horror movies a chance but this movie was just... grim. Sure, there were scary moments that caused you to flinch away from the screen, but nothing to make you, or rather, me, fully jump. The plot was predictable, and I felt that it lagged on. There were two or three times I had to turn it off and come back to it for the main fact that I couldn't get into the movie itself. The plot – two inn workers are trying to prove that there's a ghost that haunts the inn they work at before it closes down.

With the scares few and far between, I honestly do not understand how this won Scariest Film at Toronto, when there were plenty of better movies released.

The movie itself was alright. I definitely wouldn't watch it again, and I wouldn't go out my way to buy the DVD or to own a copy of the movie. I suppose for people who are not avid horror watchers, this movie would be ideal – and probably a lot scarier to, but for your avid horror watchers, I'd avoid this movie and go watch a good old fashioned fright fest like The Descent. Scoring only a 4/10 from me, I would avoid this movie.

Crawl or Die

Not what I expected, and not in a good way.
I've seen a lot of good publicity for this movie, and when I saw it was on the horror channel a while ago, I decided to record it and give it a go. I mean, when all I've seen are really good reviews for it, what's the harm in giving it a go?

I have to say - I regretted this decision.

Now, don't get me wrong. I understood what the movie was trying to do, I understood, I really did. But after seeing Oklahoma Ward and Nicole Alonso publicising this moving up to a 10/10 (of course, I knew this was publicity – I assumed the movie would be a 6 or 7 out of 10), I was thoroughly disappointed.

I felt the plot lagged on, and the whole movie was slow. The opening was exciting, of course, but it took so long for it to get through. The whole premise of the movie wasn't understandable, to me, anyway, and I had to find a synopsis online to actually discover what the movie was about.

I appreciate the horror aspects in this movie, but, for me, I didn't find the movie that scary.

A woman, crawling through pipes, again and again, is not scary to me. I understand that to some with claustrophobia, it will be scarier, but for me, this movie didn't do much. I ended up online, searching through my list of to-watch horror movies, which probably doesn't bode well. Then again, I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy this movie.

It just wasn't for me. I won't be watching this movie again, and I definitely wouldn't recommend it.

X-Men: The Last Stand

A wonderful ending to an amazing franchise
X-Men: The Last Stand was the final installment in the X-Men trilogy. The X-Men return one final time in this brilliant ending to one of the most prolific trilogy's of the 2000's.

A cure for mutations has been found by humans, and this sends the mutant community into spiral; a third want the 'cure', a third find the cure wrong, and the remaining third - namely, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants - see the cure as the start of a war.

Not many people like this movie, however, I throughly enjoyed it. I thought it was a good wrap to the movies, all loose ends were tied up and new story lines were made. New stars were shown (i.e. Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde) and yet more new mutants were introduced to the movie-verse. A wonderful ending to an amazing franchise, a 7/10 and a place on my must watch franchises list.


A true homage to the comics and a wonderful piece of cinematography.
X-Men 2 was the follow up to the award winning X-Men. Three years after release, Bryan Singer comes back with the sequel, snatching up 5 wins and 36 nominations.

A mutant attempts to murder the President of the United States. Desperate to find who is to blame, Storm (Halle Berry) and Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) leave the Academy. Meanwhile, the military slowly closes in on the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, causing panic among the mutant community. With enemies everywhere, it all falls down to who the mutants can trust, and what they can do to repair the damage caused.

Not as good as the first movie, but definitely still a good watch, and one I will be watching again. Fans of Marvel, X-Men and sci-fi alike will rejoice in a movie that brings light to more mutants and more powers; a true homage to the comics and a wonderful piece of cinematography.

Into the Woods

A charismatic musical that's great for the family.
Into the Woods was one of the most anticipated released of 2014, with an all star cast including Meryl Streep, James Corden, Anna Kendrick, Emily Blunt, Chris Pine and Johnny Depp. Into the Woods has been nominated for three Oscars, another 52 awards and has also won 9.

The beloved Brother's Grimm fairy tales are renewed in this charismatic movie, wherein the stories of Cinderella, Rapunzel, Jack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood are all combined with an original story. The songs are catchy, albeit, some seem to drag on, but it's a wonderful family movie, one that the kids will love and want to watch again and again.

Many people didn't like the movie, however, I did quite enjoy it, even finding time to learn the lyrics after watching my first time to sing along for the next time I do watch. I do wish actors such as Johnny Depp and Chris Pine were in it more than they were, being a fan of both actors, but they did their characters justice. With promising acting from child stars Daniel Huttlestone (Jack) and Lilla Crawford (Red Riding Hood), one can only hope to see more from them in the future.

Scoring a 7/10, I do recommend this movie, but only if you like original twists and musicals - otherwise it may be quite torturous.


The movie that started off a franchise.
X-Men. The movie that started off a franchise.

The 2000 movie with an all-star cast (namely, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellan, Halle Berry) started off a movie revolution, reinventing the X-Men franchise as we knew it forever.

Rogue (Anna Paquin) is a young girl whose mutant powers prevent human touch, for fear of harming anyone she touches. On the run from her human family, she meets Logan (Jackman), a mutant with the name of Wolverine. However, Magneto (McKellan) has other plans for the young Rogue, and it's up to Xavier (Stewart) and the X-Men to get them both to safety before it's too late.

With CGI ahead of it's time and acting that will stick with you for long afterward, X-Men is definitely a movie to watch. A total of 9/10 for this movie, I recommend this whether you're a Marvel fan, a fan of one of the many talented actors involved, or just a fan of sci-fi, this is an amazing movie that you will want to watch more than once.

San Andreas

A heart-wrenching emotional journey that will leave you shaking with adrenaline long after.
San Andreas is a 2015 disaster movie, starring Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino and Alexandra Daddario. Currently in cinemas, this movie is amazing in 3D.

San Andreas is the story of Ray, a rescue-helicopter pilot. Following an earthquake in Nevada, which then travels to San Francisco, he must danger across the dangerous new territory to save his wife and daughter.

The movie was truly amazing. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole movie (I'm pretty sure I almost broke my Mother's hand clinging to it). The effects are brilliant, and it truly makes you feel like you're there in the streets of San Francisco, struggling through yourself. A heart-wrenching emotional journey that will leave you shaking with adrenaline long after.

I highly recommend seeing this movie in cinemas, in 3D. The acting is spot on and the effects don't look fake. It's a set above the rest of most disaster movies; it's set a very high bar in the genre, leaving the only question: can something beat this movie?

In my opinion, not until special effects get even better than they are today.

10/10, if you're looking for the right movie on a date, or just a night out, go see San Andreas.


The black comedy that changed it all!
The black comedy from the 80s that changed the game, Christian Slater and Winona Ryder star in Heathers. Nominated for seven awards and winning three (best motion picture, best first feature and a special mention at the International Feature Film Comptetition).

Winona Ryder plays the part of Veronica, the high-school girl who gets to be a part of the cool crowd, but eventually wants to leave, missing her old friends. She's sure life is horrific, until the mysterious J.D. (Slater) transfers to the school. But what J.D. decides to show Veronica isn't quite the social politics Veronica expects. Are they headed for prom or hell?

Heathers was amazing to watch. I loved every part of the movie; even the darker tones could be made humorous, which is not easy. The film made me laugh long and hard, and I fully enjoyed every minute.

I fully recommend seeing this - it's out on DVD and can be watched online. It's a movie I have added to my own collection and I cannot wait to watch it again.

Survivor Type

31 minutes of pure, unadulterated horror.
Survivor Type was made in 2011-2012, shown at the Everybody Dies Film Festival – winning the 'Most Disturbing Film' Award. Gideon Emery puts on an amazing performance – winning him numerous awards for Best Actor (in a Short Film). Director Billy Hanson won numerous awards for the movie; and the movie is described as 'one of the best and most disturbing Stephen King adaptations'. I was lucky enough to get a copy of the movie when I saw Gideon Emery at London Comic Con in May '15. I'm not entirely sure if you can buy the movie online on sites, but if you get the chance to watch this movie, I would seriously recommend it. 31 minutes of unrated horror, an amazing movie which I will be watching again.

Survivor Type is a short horror movie, based off the Stephen King story with the same name. Surgeon, Richard Pine, is stranded on a rock island, after surviving a cruise ship sinking. Trapped with no food, Richard must do what he can to survive and to make his way off the island before it's too late.

This movie was a gem to watch. Even though, some scenes did make me cringe away (watching through cracked fingers). Emery put on an amazing performance which made you feel as though you were on the island with Richard, not an easy feat to do.

I highly recommend seeing this movie if you ever get the chance to. I would rate this film an 8/10 (on behalf of a little shaky start – it takes a few minutes for you to get sucked in), but if you get the chance to, I highly recommend you take it. 31 minutes of your life you will thoroughly enjoy if you're a Stephen King and/or horror fan.

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