
IMDb member since September 2014
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Really hope there's a season 2
Great story, keeps you guessing. Something new and different. Characters aren't perfect but that just makes the show more interesting.

I'm more than a little bothered with the cliffhanger at the end of the season, if we don't get a second season Im going to be so mad. Even thought that happens a lot these days. Im surprised this is the first time I've come across this show, Im in Australia and stumbled upon it on Disney plus.

Anyways check it out if you like Korean police mystery drama with a little horror sprinkled in. I thoroughly enjoyed it and binged it over a weekend. I hope enough people watch it so we get a conclusion.

There's Someone Inside Your House

The book is better
I had high hopes and I really wanted to like this. But it just fell short. I wish they had stuck a bit closer to the book, maybe even set it around the same time instead of making it so modern.

It needed more character development, it was hard to care about the characters, which is something necessary to root for the people to live.

And they talk about characters that we don't even know who they are yet. It's like they chopped off 20 min or so from the beginning of the movie so it feels like you've missed out on who is who and what's happened prior.

Maybe it was just bad editing, but with out developing any story or introducing the main characters it's just a bunch of random teenagers being killed.

Asking for It

Better then I expected
I'm glad I didn't let the negative reviews stop me from giving this a go.

Yes it's low budget, but it was still a decent movie.

I understand some people may not find this movie relatable, but for me it was.

I could relate to quite a few of the different characters and what they went through happens to multiple women every day. Perhaps their reaction wasn't true to life, but perhaps it is.

I hope that people watch this and keep their minds open.

The movie moves quickly, a lot happens in a short amount of time. I almost felt like it could have been fleshed out into a mini series.

I guess it's the sort of movie that will make you feel a sense of empowerment or make you defensive and angry, depending on your point of view.

Silent Night

Not what you think
I went into this thinking it was going to be a horror movie. Once I realised it wasn't, then I kept hoping for a happy ending. Or just something to make this a movie worth watching at Christmas. It didn't happen. The movie was fine, acted well and interesting enough. But if Christmas is a depressing time of year for you, maybe hold off awhile.

Camp Cold Brook

Pretty good until the ending
I was expecting this to be a pretty b grade movie, I was surprised, to start off it was better then I expected. Nice and tense, got my heart racing a little. And then it got to the ending. It feels like they ran out of budget and just slapped together a 2 minute scene to finish the movie. I was so disappointed. Up until the end I would have rated it a 6 or possibly a 7. Honestly, it's enjoyable but be prepared to be pretty peed off at the ending.

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