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Eternally Confused and Eager for Love

Dumb Fun is still fun!
This show is a one sitting binge and it's super awkward but super fun! Of course it's over the top, and the protagonist, Ray is non realistically dumb at times, but that's the whole point of comedy. I loved the absurd humor of the show that kept me laughing most of the times. Even if I wasn't laughing I was smiling just watching how random and absurd the things that keep happening are. The way it concludes is sort of satisfying too, so if it's cancelled I wouldn't mind.

Jim Sarbh's Wiz is written really well and he delivers dialogues so effortlessly that I never minded them cutting to Wiz's keychain or poster (or statue). Vihaan Samat's Ray and Wiz's chemistry is pretty good too (although they are the same person in the show). Rahul Bose and Suchitra Pillai as Ray's parent's are an absolute delight to watch! I hope Rahul Bose does more of such roles.

The target audience for this show is probably everyone of Ray's age (~25) or younger (that is, later millennials - Gen Z) so when you see IMDb flooded with comments of it not being "relatable" you have to ask yourself if it is really for you. I, being from this age group had a blast watching it.

Archive 81

Why all the hate?
Archive 81 is the coolest (and creepiest) horror/mystery to come out on Netflix since Haunting In The Hill House (Midnight Mass leaned more towards drama, IMO).

I loved the writing, especially the first 4-5 episodes when we are given only breadcrumbs on what's going on. And the breadcrumb trail never grows stale - the show manages to keep the story intense and engaging. It also manages to deliver a coherent explanation for most part, satisfying every question one might have. It blends the occult, horror, mystery and Sci-Fi perfectly, all accompanied with an amazing score!

I did feel that Episode 7 was unnecessary and despite of having beautiful set pieces and costumes, it ended up feeling like a filler episode that broke momentum of an otherwise excellent run (Netflix seems to love doing this). There's a setup for Season 2 but even if it doesn't return, the end works well nevertheless.

Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo

Excellent Show that deserves recognition
I'm not German but I live in Germany and had been waiting for English subtitles to be added so that I could watch this, and I have to say that all the ratings and reviews on here are gross misrepresentation of the show. This show has almost HBO-like quality and barely has anything that it gets wrong, except for being a remake of an existing movie (based on the book) that people love so much that they come here to spam the ratings and mislead prospective watchers because of apparent differences.

Just from the first few minutes, its clear that this show has high production value. The sets are really good and its beautifully shot through and through. The color pallet especially in the earlier episodes is amazing! The story is a bit slow in the first half but the second half keeps getting darker and its impossible to stop watching. It is well written and really invests you in the small cast that it focuses on. On one hand you see them messing up over and over and feel sympathy and sadness for them, on the other hand it really makes you wonder- given the implied age that it features- if you can judge them for the clearly bad decisions that they keep making. And making viewers care so much about the characters points to how great the show is.

Goes without saying all actors are superb and the soundtrack, both original and songs from other artists is mindblowing. The show does not shy away from details and its a strong presentation of all the vices and problems that come with drug abuse. Would highly recommend this show to everyone.

Tôkyô Joshi Zukan

A Hidden Gem!
Tokyo Girl is a mini series that has a runtime of less than 5 hours with 11 episodes, each ranging from 20 to 30 minutes. It is an excellent show and worth the short period of attention it demands. It has been on Amazon for almost 3 years now, and I stumbled upon it while I was looking for something else.

Because of how short it is, every minute of on screen time has significance. There are no filler episodes or moments when I felt like I was bored. It has amazing cinematography and subtle but effective music with a very nice use of silence. The dialogues are well written and the actors are pretty great too. It has a unique style to it too, wherein characters break the third wall and talk to you in monologs. Our lead actress' narration coupled with these varied monologs further add personal layer to it, as they talk to you and explain you aspects of their lives. But what is this show really about? And what makes it so extraordinary aside from the usual technical 'great' show characteristics?

Its about a girl from a small town in Akita Prefecture who doesn't want to live the small town life and dreams of the high end life in Tokyo. In case you didn't guess, she does manage that in her early 20s and with every episode, we see her growing older, as she starts fulfilling her dream. Accustomed to Western shows, you might already be forming a blurry idea of the progression of the show, but no it doesn't tread into the darker corners of city life. Quite the contrary, the struggles are very synonymous and normal, something all of us can recognize and appreciate, if not exactly relate to. As the show progresses, she moves from one area of Tokyo to other, some representing the "young people area" and the latter ones much more upscale and high class. By the time the show ends, about 25 years have passed.

The show has a strong focus on (Asian) feminism, especially on the working-women vs stay-at-home women conflict. And because it is our protagonist who keeps finding herself facing this conflict head on, it explores the topic excellently. I added 'Asian' since the show is so largely ingrained into the Japanese culture that it may not even suit Western audiences and their perspectives. But as an Indian, I could draw many lines from here into my country's very own culture of how women and work are viewed. This could be one of the reasons why it wasn't promoted at all by Amazon outside Japan. It explores themes of a successful career versus a successful family, the meaning and interplay between satisfaction and happiness, changing ideologies with age and so on. And it is exploration of these themes in a beautiful and subtle way what makes this show so great. It never once puts down women for choosing "this kind of life over that", not even when it has countless chances to do so for the dramatic flare, and that's just wholesome.

Since we are talking about life in Tokyo and its about an ambitious girl trying to find a place through this rich and glamorous city, the show is heavily materialistic throughout. The importance given to making money, being rich/coming from a rich family, wearing expensive clothes/going to expensive restaurants, and being 'high born' are some of the recurring themes which further add to culture shock but as I said, they do resonate with the culture we know of way, for me to complain. But the relentless consumerist ideas may not suit everyone.

All in all, I stumbled upon this show, loved it and felt like everyone should watch it. The only reason its not popular is probably because its most appropriate for the Japanese since their way of doing things are so different and unmatched even today, despite of globalization. The show doesn't sugarcoat or is overly protective of its characters, and is just great piece of art with profound messages on life scattered throughout. For me its a solid 9/10.

The Canal

The "Perfect" Horror Movie.
A Horror movies fan always looks for Scary atmosphere, thrills & a logical story for why it's happening. This movie nails all of it. It starts slowly but gains momentum soon. There are a lot of jump scares, and it keeps the viewer engaged throughout. Rupert Evans does a great job and Antonia & Kelly make up great supporting actors. Another factor is the score, this movie has a really nice score, and it adds up to the gloomy atmosphere. But the best thing about the movie is the climax and how it explains the events throughout the movie. For regular horror movie watchers, its a good movie with satisfactory scares. For newbies looking for scares, this movie can make you crap your pants.

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