Reviews (2)

  • Disclaimer: I have not read the novel this is based on.

    As I didn't read the novel but heard so much of it's acclaim, I was excited to hear it was being adapted. So at least I would know the story. After seeing this film, I think I have a good idea of the plot. However, telling this story out of order may work in the book (again, I have no idea) but it fails spectacularly here. It's confusing to non-readers of the source material and it chops up character development as well as building emotional connections to the characters. If the characters were played by the same actors throughout maybe it wouldn't feel so abrupt. I think a book as long as 5he Goldfinch would have lent itself more to a limited series like Sharp Objects. I would have liked to see Tartt's characters come to screen as intended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Since I first saw the trailer 2 years ago or so, I have had this on my watchlist. I finally got to see it on Prime and am beyond disappointed. The premise had real promise but in the hands of Tyler Perry seems to be barely recognizable as a coherent and cohesive story. I've never seen any of his films before and now I know I wasn't missing anything. All the actors deserve much better than this script. Half of it didn't even make sense. I feel so bad for the film editor trying to piece this together. Please someone make a better version of this premise. Tough sister looking out for naive sister getting cat-fished and then finding a partner. The only story line I cared about was Danica getting the promotion and the corner office. The scene of her singing in the rain was the only decent scene that made sense but not so much to have saved this movie.