
IMDb member since November 2014
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Hilariously funny!
Overtime is a campy and fun comedic horror movie. The sci-fi element adds dramatic effect to make it inescapably memorable. Al Snow and John Wells play off one another perfectly, making this film worth repeated viewings.

Bad Samaritan

Edge of your seat romp that keeps the viewer guessing!
Bad Samaritan is an edge of your seat romp that keeps the viewer guessing what will happen next.

Sean Falco (Robert Sheehan) is a part-time photographer and the burglar who finds a woman being held captive in the home of Cale Erendreich (David Tennant). Sean has a moral compass that guides his thievery and does not steal from "good people". Cale is a sociopath, lacking any conscience for the things he does wrong. Katie (Kerry Condon) is the tortured victim, taken and kept against her will.

I felt for Sean's plight, trying to save Katie. His desperation on-screen to bring Cale to justice and help Katie was palpable. I wanted to see him those he went to help him make all of this possible. I liked how his character was willing to do whatever it took to do what was necessary.

Katie was a completely believable character. From the moment I met her, I wanted to jump through the screen and help her. She was nice and sweet, assisting Sean in any way she could. I hated seeing her treated as she was.

Cale was brutal and sadistic. Cold, calculating, and unfeeling were the emotions that radiated from his presence. From the outside, he's not the kind of guy anyone would suspect of kidnapping. But upon crossing him, one would feel his wrath. Vengeance was his, and he dealt it out with his own way - and time.

This movie is NOT for children. There is a lot of swearing and some nudity. Decisions are made on the characters part that make one wonder what they would do in the same situation.Though we never see the kidnapping happen, we see what has happened since, and it has been brutal. I couldn't wait to see how the movie would end. Once it concluded, I was satisfied.

The Lurking Man

Maritza Brikisak Shines!
Maritza Brikisak shines in this story of a woman dealing with the effects of a tortured past and alcoholism.

We each deal with our checkered past in a different way. Some compensate with drugs and alcohol. Some ignore it, but find it comes back to haunt us. And some live in the days gone by, carrying the hurt and pain around with them. While there are better ways to deal with what we have had to endure, some chose what helps them get through the day. Sadly, there are those who are hurt in the wake.

Cailean could be anyone. Her story isn't new or fresh, but it, like this movie is gritty and real. She has made choices in the past that she has carried with her to adulthood. Those choices bring her to the end of her life. There she meets - and deals - with Death. Death hopes to break her spirit and win her soul, except he doesn't count on Cailean breaking him. But how will it all end? What sacrifices will Cailean have to make, after death, and how will those she loves deal with her choices?

If you are looking for a light movie with feel-good characters and happy times, don't watch The Lurking Man. If you want to watch a darker movie with real life people dealing with real world issues then The Lurking Man is for you. Our 16 year old daughter really enjoyed watching with my husband and I. The Actors and Actresses portrayed their characters perfectly with settings and situations are familiar.

The Old Winter

The acting and look is incredible!
I took the suggestion of a friend and watched The Old Winter. To me, it looked like a period piece that seemed interesting.

The overall look of the entire film is artistic and sweeping. It's like stepping back in time and interacting with who you would find there and the things that would be around them. The music picked for the film supported the scenes represented on-screen..

The acting was top-notch and brilliant. There were characters I adored and despised. I lived the story with Alphie Lamb, empathized with Laura Lamb, worked with Henry Lamb, walked alongside Asa Bodine, felt Harold Pruitt's struggle, and wanted to maim Jack Pruitt for his actions. I felt the people selected to play the roles were perfect!

I've seen this movie twice now and can honestly say that I missed many things the first time around. On the second viewing, I picked up more story than the first. There is a certain richness to the story that can't be grasped in one sitting.I would have loved to have known more about the characters; the things they loved and hated, why they interacted with others the way they did, the past that shaped them, etc. It would have added an extra layer of personal connection that was missing from the film.

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