
IMDb member since November 2014
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules

I dislike the series a bit now that it's animated. Just personal preference, but I like the live-action movies much better. Also, love the books. Will continue watching these movies because my son and I enjoy the series as a whole, but let's go back to how it was in the beginning!!

My son said that he still enjoyed this movie and he liked it much better than I did. For me it's going to be a one and done one time watch.

I don't know what it is about the animated characters, but I just don't like the look of them. Even though they are similar to the drawings in the books I just can't get into it as much without it being real people as opposed to an animation.

Studio 666

Great movie!
Studio 666 is a fun time! I laughed.. I was entertained.. and was impressed by the gore. What more could I ask for in a horror movie?? It was everything I expected it to be and more.


Revisiting the Saw Series..
Decided to revisit the Saw series because Spiral is coming out next month. I love these films and I'm not sure why they sometimes receive a ton of hate. It has been a while since I've seen this film, but it has aged well over time. Highly reccomend!

Psycho Goreman

So bad it's actually amazing..
A nonstop hilarious cheese-fest. Loved every minute of it!


Worth a watch. Definitely reminds me of the Gypsy Rose story, but a little different. My boyfriend said it gave him Misery vibes. Haha. Sarah Paulson usually annoys me, but she's actually tolerable in this film.

Run Hide Fight

Great movie!
Wonderful acting and very intense. It kept me on edge throughout the entire movie.


Not a TERRIBLE film per se. Acting is decent, but it's nothing we haven't seen before. Wouldn't watch again. If you've seen one of these films you've seen them all.

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