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Gotham: A Dark Knight: One of My Three Soups
Episode 16, Season 4

No no not again noooooo
I love gothammmmm, but let me say why this gets a 2...again..again again again! This is based on comic book characters, super heroes and villains so women kick butt just as good as men (i wish i could capitalize every thing but imdb wont let me) so there its no need for the feminist crap. this is not the platform for all the trending sociopolitical mess! i am screaming to the top of my lungs right now!! why why why writers why?! we did not need the stupid banter between Barbara and the shadow league about how women don't lead, blah blah say what omg women are offended blah blah the women of the league kill the men blah blah lets show them blah blah blah blah.. let us all join together now as one villainy man hating woman group blah blah blah blah! we already had it happening with barb, selena and the other chick! Some one shoot me please! Every single show now! Cue the violins, its vagina power to the rescue!! I almost wish someone would blow up a d a m building just so we can focus on something else! TV can just go back to its regular scheduled story-lines!!!!! Jesus F i n g Christ!

The Gifted: eXtraction
Episode 12, Season 1

the best
Well this one was the best one of the season , but that isn't saying much. The bad part is anyone who watched the entire season, would have known how it would end it is so predictable. Duh, Magneto's daughter was going to the kill side, which by the way is the side that makes sense. Duh, Andy was going to go as well. This show barely made it to my list of shows to watch next season. The writers need to do better. This "no kill" super hero just doesn't work in the 21st. They change a lot of things with these comic book shows and movies. Stan needs to think about changing that as well. There will always be bad guys, no matter how many get killed, so please kill them. That "oh, gosh, gee by golly" crap isn't cute anymore. Marco was getting on my nerves. I don't know about anyone else, but I loved it when Superman killed Lex Luthor. What is the point in trying to retain some oath of goodness toward people or in humans who are constantly trying to kill you? That doesn't make for a good superhero, just a dead one or repetitive tv shows and movies.

The Gifted: outfoX
Episode 9, Season 1

I finished this episode, feeling a little like mehhhh. This stuff is redundant. I hate to think that I am growing tire of my comic book tv shows. In this episode, I laid it all out before hand, it is like each episode is just a repeat of the last. They are running from the Sentinel, who seems to always know where they are and what they are doing. How is that? How do they always know? They start without any information, but some how figure out exactly what moves the mutant "underground" are going to make. Yet they can not find the so called underground bunker. Just like it was amazing how the dr figured out the day and time the guy was going to visit his father, even though they pulled that plan out of their hat in a moment. Here comes this telepathic mutant, who by the way is terrible at acting, but this whole bunker of strong mutants, plus so called intelligent humans are being manipulated by her. She is new to the group, yet they believe everything she is saying and follows her lead every step of the way. Lastly of course once the siblings find out about their power, they will be put in every situation to use it...it will come im sure..

Riverdale: Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night
Episode 9, Season 2

Don't know how much more I can take...
I am done with this stupid show. Yes I am sure I am out of the age range of most people who are the target age for this stupid show. It was cute last season. I just like good tv and movies. What ever the age target, but this was a mistake. It is not good tv. The age target has to be 2. I realize it is expected to have some cheese, but OMG!! This season it is not only cheesy, it is just down right stupid! Clearly, in this town the children are better at policing than the dam police. The children aren't afraid of serial killers. I mean really?! The corny names for everything. "Jingle Jangle"? oh my god. In this episode, Archie and Betty literally chase down a man they think to be a serial killer. In the middle of the hunt, mind you Betty felt the need to kiss Archie. You know because all serial killer hunting teenagers are in the mood for kissing right in the middle of things. Jughead and his merry band of teenagers decided to relocate the town drug queen pin, who is an adult, i will add. An adult who must be afraid of a bunch of teenagers, as they strongly warn her she can't sell drugs in their town anymore. Of course this gang of teenagers, are supposed to be a real bad gang, just not the bad drug selling kind. (rolling my eyes). Veronica decides to spend 86,000 dollars of her parents money on Archies father medicals bills, instead of a punishment, she decides her parents must tell her the truth about everything they are doing in the business, because you know she is the adult obviously, and they are children. Of course they oblige. This is where I get off the boat because this a very absurd tv show. A town where children rule, and the adults are just there for show. Yet the children are idiots.


Trying to Hang
I am aware I wrote review of this show, and I was close to knocking it of my list of shows. I kept watching. It has not gotten any better. The problem I am facing from the Fall 2017-Spring 2018 and I am sure it will be the same for this summer of 2018 shows, is that all the shows I am watching are about the same thing. I am uber annoyed with this. Literally every show I watch (I watch a ton) has decided to take on sociopolitical issues and put them in the story line. I am hating every minute of it. I hated it when the "Black Lives Matters " movement was trending, I hated it and still hate it when transgender and lgbt any and every thing was trending, and now with this ridiculous "metoo" movement, I have to endure a female "empowerment" episode, or a sexual harassment episode in every tv show I watch. Arrow is no different. As I review the seasons of all my tv shows, I will complain about this, because it just made the shows very tacky. None of the shows were even subtle about it. I mean come on. Really? I personally don't need 30-45 minutes of "women can do everything a man can do" I will pass! Keep it on the blogs, social media, the news,,I don't care any where but in my entertainment. I am tired of hearing about it. I don't want any scenes where a man tells a woman she is pretty and oh now a compliment is sexual harassment! MY GOD. I am so sick of all of these Non issues becoming issues. I purposely don't watch the news and don't have social media so I don't have to constantly suffer the noise of that crap and all of the previous named crap. I am a black woman! I am sick of it..Now it is in my tv shows? Why Why Arrow is already suffering from cheesiness, bad acting and a constant revolving story line that never ever seems to change. I get that super heroes are some what cheesy, but the cheese in this show is awful. A new season brings the same thing, Oliver blames himself for everything, Felicity and Dig tell him its not his fault, he fights with someone on the team, people quit the team, people rejoin the team blah blah blah. "rolling my eyes" As this season unfolded I hated the extras even more. I can't for the life of me understand why these other people were ever on Oliver's team. I never read any comic books, may be they are in the comics, I intend to look that up. If that is the case, they cast them all wrong. Those 3 generic super heroes are awful. Why does it seem like no matter how much other people mess up it is only wrong when Oliver messes up? I thought I liked Dig but who knew he had so much female dog in him? Him as the Green Arrow? Yuck! None of them are good friends, they all bail when the going gets tough, and blame Oliver for everything. What about his sister? I am sick of her. I mean every season she must be saved, she is liability. She leaves, come back, almost dies, get saved. Last and least Laurel...this drove me the most crazy. The fact that this chick wasn't Laurel but they kept calling her Laurel and Laurel's father kept acting like she was really Laurel. TF? All this and then the obvious "female, metoo, empowerment" crap. Which Arrow nor any other super hero show or movie is even a good platform for that mess because women are already fighting side by side with men. Kicking men butts. When it is stuck in there, it just looks desperate and phony. I only watch because of the Flash cross over and references, but this next season, I will watch a couple of episodes, if nothing has changed..I'm out.

13 Reasons Why: Tape 7, Side A
Episode 13, Season 1

decent show
Finally finished..I found myself unmoved by Hannah. I was more moved by the other kids. Clearly kids can be jerks. These kids haven't been through anything (cept Justin his mom sucks), not really. A bunch of spoiled kids whose feelings were hurt. It is awful, people aren't nice.

Kids aren't nice. Yes we should all be nice, but people won't be. You can't expect people to carry other people's burdens, because today they weren't nice. It is crazy!I mean ridiculous!

Boys are jerks..yes they are..we know this..so lets make better decisions. Oh wait, no that is victim blaming right? No it actually isn't. It just isn't. We are accountable for our choices. All of us. When we make stupid and questionable decisions, we have to live with the consequences. Like why go to a party at someone's house that you saw sexually assault someone? Does that give him the right to assault you? Absolutely not. Could a better decision have been made? Yes.

The drinking, the drugs, these are choices. Very bad ones. This TV show is dealing with something serious..but making light of it as if these kids or the counselor caused a suicide. No. No. Life sucks for most people. That kid Tyler had it worse than her and he hung in there.

It isn't the school's fault either. Yes they should crack down on bullying. They have to know it is happening and what should be the punishment? Bryce was a cold piece of crap. He should go to jail. Neither girl reported it. When he rapes someone else, should they be blamed?

They could have stopped it..by reporting him. When someone wants to die. No one can stop them. If any of these kids would have lived in a bad neighborhood, and their family was really poor, parents on drugs..etc. Wow I guess they all would have died. There are kids living in way worse situations than Hannah or Alex was. Yet they choose to live...you know why? They choose it. Their coping skills are better...and that is truth

13 Reasons Why: Tape 5, Side A
Episode 9, Season 1

What kind of person watches someone get raped? Wow..that's deep..a true coward... unbelievable! I guess that would be a lot to live with. Maybe that is why she killed herself because that is some horrible crap! She is blaming people..no that was so awful..

The rules to post are so stupid. lauging out loud...I can't capitalize all my letters..i can't use slang or it is considered misspelled..

13 Reasons Why: Tape 4, Side A
Episode 7, Season 1

I am undecided..
I didn't read this book. This show..as a stand alone show is definitely watchable..but the message I don't like..I am sorry it is not realistic...I had teenagers and I was a teenager. I was bullied in school..I hated high school..it was awful, i mean AWFUL!

I also battle depression and suicide....but not because people were mean to me. Teenage suicide is sad, and it is an issue...but to blame it on other people is weak...Suicide is a choice. When people make it they are indeed in pain. Suicide is also about the lack of coping skills we have to deal with our problems. It is so much deeper than insults, and break-ups, not being liked etc...

High-school is no walk in the park for most people. The so-called popular kids are even dealing with some crap..The thing about high- school is that its 4 years of your life..and it is over. When you are an adult none of that matters..There aren't anymore "popular" kids, "mean" kids to deal with...I know when you are going through it..it seems like forever..but being a teen is tough. We are adults for most of our lives...life is so much bigger than that.

So far...what I have seen is petty stuff that is happening to this girl. It is terrible to be bullied and picked on..and bullying is unacceptable, but suicide is not the answer. Blaming other children for a suicide isn't either. The fact that this girl had the mindset to leave all these tapes..to so-called punish people for what they supposedly did to her...it seems that she had enough mindset to know what she was doing. She didn't even leave a note for her parents...

I sympathize with anyone who is hurting, because I spent my whole childhood feeling lonely, being picked on..and hurting. As an adult I still feel lonely and a lot pain..I know when I have had suicidal "situations" (i will just leave it at that)..it was not because of other people..yes i have a lot a pain, yes i have had terrible things happen to me..but suicide is a self-inflicted..it is because we can't cope...period.

We can't control what other people do, or say..we can only control how we react or handle it..I haven't gotten to the end of it..but I can tell that sexual assault is probably one of the tapes...That is so awful..( i have dealt with that personally, and worse). I know to have to deal with that is one of the worse feelings..and yes for a sexual assault the individual should definitely be punished. I know it is not east to come forward (when I was teen I never spoke about mine) and sometimes the punishment never happens. It is a lot to carry, but still..suicide is ultimately the individuals choice.

These kids are all screwed up in some kind of way..as teenagers usually are..but to blame other KIDS for her suicide..NO that's just a cop out., it is weak. If someone doesn't want to live anymore, that is a choice..but do not tell someone it is because they made fun of you or stopped being your friend or any of that.it is because the individual can not cope with the hardships of life, their life what ever it is. Should there be punishment for bullying? Sure. Would it help? No, humans will still be assholes, and say and do bad things. As evidenced by the fact that people break laws knowing there is punishment and still do it..people go to jail and get out and still break the same law.

This girl at a young age, decided she couldn't go on. She hadn't even lived yet, and she treated everything like it was the end of the world. It is clear she had awuful coping skills, and needed some support. If someone doesn't speak up how will people know. She coped by ending her life as sad as it is, that was her choice..and if I got those tapes..I couldn't have listened to them..and if i did...I wouldn't feel guilty...She was troubled..she knew she was, she needed help..reaching out to other troubled adolescents was not the answer..reaching to a parent..or a trusted adult..probably better..even then we are not promised the outcome we want. That is life..we are ALL human..all screwed up in some kind of way..How each of us CHOOSE to deal with it..is on us..we don't have a right to blame others for our choices...That is real. Shooting up schools, killing people, or killing yourself..that's on the individual that made the choice to do so..and only them...sorry..People who choose that would have broken down at some point in their life regardless. I am not victim blaming..I don't see this girl as a victim of nothing but..depression, adolescence, and loneliness.

In a perfect world, yes we should all be nice, and mindful of what we say and do to people. It isn't a perfect world, because it is made up of imperfect people. I wouldn't nor should anyone else feel blame for someone's suicide. ..it's ridiculous..we are just living here trying to figure out how to live in this messed up world.

Lastly, people should think about what they are saying or doing. Be mindful of how they treat people. Of course it is a wrong and a right way to treat someone. Bullying, is unacceptable. Assault is unacceptable. It is all very gray..no easy answer or solution. We can't go through life feeling responsible for whether someone lives or dies unless a person literally takes a life. We are allowed to feel what we want, and say what we like. It is life...deal with it because all you control (still how much control is limited) is yourself and your own life..

Back to the show to finish..

Furious 6

All of these movies suck!
I watched the entire franchise (except 7 and Tokoyo Drift. Paul was a cutie and I will miss seeing him on the screen because he was gorgeous to look at. No disrespect but he couldn't act.

I decided to watch the entire franchise just to see what all the fuss was about. I remember watching the first one and not liking it but I've seen a few movies that I had to revisit and I liked a couple of the movies the second time around.

I can't say the same for this franchise. I love action movies just as much as the next man, but I do like some halfway decent acting, and a halfway decent story. TFTF just regurgitates the same story over and over each one with a more ridiculous story than the last.

Cops who can't do their job so they enlist a whole entourage of criminals to do it for them.

trading freedom back and forth for working for them..,I mean come on!! In the beginning it was quite obvious that in the end somehow they would all go free.. It's sooo predictable.

I didn't watch TD, I kept reading blogs that said watch it last. I can tell that since it had no place in the franchise they tried to fix that by dropping referring to Tokoyo so much in the last cple of movies.

I think I'll stop at 6. I can't imagine any reason why 7 would be different. IK TD is stupid it doesn't even have ANY of the characters, I mean it's to many of them and they are all weak characters BUT seeing them has to be another reason people see these movies. Someone likes these fools!!

Devious Maids

Season 2+1
I watched the first season it was less than okay but watchable. It was very cheesy. I didn't care to watch the second season because of this very cheesiness! I started seeing commercials for the 3rd season from the commercials the show appeared to have grown. I went back and watched season 2. I was wrong! It was awful. It was cheesy as hell! I mean cheesier and faker than a daytime soap and I HATE daytime soaps! I mean who is writing this bullshit? It's so predictable! The acting is terrible. What is the the hand twisting as if they are all little girls asking their mommies can they go outside and play with the boys?! I watched the entire second season knowing exactly what would happen, what each character would say and do, knowing what characters would be introduced before the character was even shown! That is how simple and stupid this show is. It has adult content but it is written for idiots. I guess it's lack of complexity, lack of any real characters or real acting, lack of drama, comedy or any real plot must make this a show aimed at the type of simple minded idiots that can get any enjoyment out of a reality TV show because this show is that stupid!!!!

Secrets and Lies

Can't really say I liked this show
This show was slow, inconsistent and very boring at times. The affair that came light, the relationship with his wife the way it was all set up and displayed in a very fake manner. It was like the father was instantaneously comfortable with the idea of the boy being his son. The crazy neighbor what was the point in that? The dead boys mom went from sad to lustful to crazy in like 5-25 sec... The father accused EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE, it was so redundant! The wife, the whole show could have happened without the wife. They went from hating each other to let's have New Years dinner together! When the little girl confessed, there were clear holes in her story but the parents bought it anyway. All all it probably COULD OF have been a good story but they blew it..

The Theory of Everything

Loved it
I liked the movie. The Oscar ER r'cvd was well earned. I'm not a science buff. I know who Stephen Hawking is, but I didn't know his story. I did a little research as I always do when I am gearing up to watch a biopic or any movie that is supposedly based on a true story or factual events. I don't like when movies change the story. I can kind of understand embellishing some action for visual effect to keep the audience interested. If the story can't be factual and keep us interested it is not worth telling.

At 2 hours in length it seems we got to see all the good side of SH. I am okay with that as long as it's truthful. The movie makers decided not to focus on any negatives about this guy and that is their choice. I thought the movie was sweet I thought the relationship with him and his wife was great.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that caring for SH would have eventually taking a toll on his wife no matter how much she loved him. Trying to care for a loved one who required the kind of attention he did and raise a family would have been exhausting for one person. I am sure did the best she could and there is no doubt in my mind that she loved him. I don't think the movie made his wife look bad, nor do I think the movie made SH look like a saint. I think the writers simply chose to focus on the good in a great man and the good in his great relationship. They did it very well. We do need to see the flaws of people displayed for us on a screen. We know we are all human, none of us are perfect. It is awful that some people feel the need to see other peoples inadequacies in order to feel adequate.

Anyway great movie. Great acting


Overall movie just okay
I read the Hollywood vs real life and Mark S. comments prior to watching the movie. That may have made the movie a little less enjoyable. I am not a sports buff, I include that because I think my not knowing a lot about wrestling and the fact that I don't and will never understand why people take sports so seriously, may also be reasons why I didn't love this movie.

I guess the movie came from a book that Mark wrote or a lot if it did. I suppose that is why it focuses so heavy on MS. If I would have just watched this movie and not done any research I would have thought that JD killed DS because MS left and their relationship faltered. In truth it was DS and JD who were really close. I read that he killed him because HE was leaving. The movie portrays some type of jealousy coming from MS because of DS and JD's friendship. I don't believe that is accurate at all. Also I didn't get a homosexual vibe from the relationship between MS and JD as I read the former thought people might. What I got was a father son vibe from 2 weirdos who seemed to have trouble connecting with others. Yes WEIRDO would describe how MS and JD came off to me in this movie. Dave appeared to be the only normal one, although I knew he was going to get killed it was still hard to watch.

The individual acting performances were good. I love MR he was great. I didn't even bother looking up footage of that creep but it has been said SC played him quite well. I felt that he did a good job he is very talented. CT did a great job as a well. The movie overall it just left something to be desired. I am not a big fan of so called "true" stories because it seems the movies can't stick to enough of the truth and if fictionalizing the story makes it more interesting then stick to fiction. For example: MS never dyed his hair, so what was the point in adding it?

Chicago Fire: A Hell of a Ride
Episode 24, Season 1

Summary of season 1
I just started Chicago fire. I will keep watching.. Let me start by saying I like it OK. It's a little cheesy and predictable, but it makes up for it with its action I suppose. Can I get more Severide please? I enjoyed the clash between Casey and the dirty cop. While I suppose it's sad his girl got killed I didn't like her she was like this big Amazon woman! Of course Casey and Dawson will end up together! How convenient her relationship ends right when his chick gets killed it's like get it going already quit dragging it on!! OMG the Mills is such a baby! "My mommy slept with another man ions ago when my parents separated blah blah" dude grow a pair and lay off the eyeliner! Who even frets over crap like that at this point?! He is grown up, so grow up! Shay and this baby! Is she for real?!! SMH! She works all of the time! Why would she make conscious decision to bring a child in to her chaotic life?!! Her quite unstable chaotic life!! Please!! I watch other shows and in doing so I caught wind of what's currently going on in CF.. So IK shay dies this year.. WOW! N Ik that Casey and Dawson end up together which I knew would happen from episode 1, I am just worried that they have then breaking up and getting back together multiple annoying times like TV shows do! What is interesting is that I saw on a commercial that Dawson is a firefighter now.. I am interested to see how that came about!! Well on to season 2.. Yes more Severide please!

The Slap: Hector
Episode 1, Season 1

I will keep watching. First let me say that kid deserved a smack on both sides of his dam face!! His creepy parents are idiots! Breast feeding a child that big?! I'm sorry that is molestation! There has to be a line! I am not for abuse. The thought that some children in some situations don't need a swift kick in the ass, is ludicrous! That kid is out of control, a future bully or weird kid that shoots up schools and stuff! It's unfortunate that someone else smacked the kid, as a parent yes that would upset me! If that kid was swinging a bat at my kid and his crappy parents didn't get up off their butt and do something about it then yeah I'm going to have to check your kid because if he hit mine with a bat, a smack will be the least of their concern. It is to the child's disservice for his parents to raise him like they appear to be. The cousin.. I will say he probably has some underlying anger issues that will come to the surface. He should have apologized, even if the brat deserved it simply because he is not his son, but the parents should apologize as well because they failed to control their kid.

The creepy married guy.. He has some child molestation issues as well.. That chick has to be 12. Yuck. What's with middle aged men and young girls, I mean really young girls. It's gross.

Helix: Survivor Zero
Episode 7, Season 1

I have watched all and up and
So far I am teetering with this. I enjoy it most of the time, but there are parts of it that make me second guess. I do not like predictability. I mean of course when Jules got infected it was inevitable there would be a way to save her right? When I think to myself OMG here we go with the same predictable crap, something comes up and surprises me so I keep going.

It is an interesting show. I love science fiction. I could have done without the 2 love scenes. I mean come on. There is a virus going around where people are pouring black vomit crap in to your mouth that turns you in to one of these monster creatures but oh wait I am suddenly turned on by the weight of possibly being killed. Let's kiss or have sex. That is exactly what I would be thinking about if I was being chased by monster humans in the middle of the freaking arctic.

The scene with Constance and the army guy (can't remember his name) we are angry oh and yes lets kiss. I hate scenes like that. Where does that even happen in real life. It happens so much in TV and movies.

I really wish when making horror films, science fiction and thrillers that love scenes and sex scenes can not be included. I just do not see the point. There is no place for it in those films.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Old School
Episode 8, Season 1

it is okay
I can't say that I didn't like this show it really is OK. That is the problem it is just OK. I watch so many shows I know it may seem crazy to but I read, work, and watch TV (when i say TV i do include movies in that) so I must absolutely love the TV show or like at least quite a bit. Brooklyn 9 9 does not fall in that protocol. I do see that it appears to be a popular show. I got the DVD from Netflix the first season came with 7 or 8 shows. This was the last episode on the disc which is why I am reviewing it all under this episodes title. I don't get in depth with my reviews as I always like to mention.

It is not that funny. It has funny moments but not enough of them. The lead character's idiocy is sorta cute. If he had more interesting characters surrounding him maybe it would work. The brown nosing female cop is just annoying. It seems inevitable at some point that they will end up dating each, other than that I don't see the point in having her around. She is not funny. The funny looking so called hard female cop over acts so badly I just want to punch her in the face every time she is in a scene. It could be that she is purposely overacting as part of the script but it is not at all helping, not for me. The little guy I do like him. If it was him and the lead I could see that. The old cop Jesus just do away with him he is gross. It is not funny, it is sad. Then there is Terry Crews I just don't like him. I don't like him at all, in anything. It is something about him, he can't act. He is always overacting. He is not funny he is creepy, and no matter what he is in he is the exact same character. The captain he is okay, I guess. Thus ends my journey with this show. It is no Modern Family, New Girl, Certainly no Big Bang...Those are the types of comedies I like.


It was decent
I am always blown away by these in depth reviews..mine will always be as short as I can make them. IMDb requires 10 lines. RME. I don't have that much to say about this movie or any movie I don't think.

Gia was a decent movie. I love AJ she did a great job, I had not heard of this super model of course I looked her up while I was watching this movie. I saw this movie quite some time ago. I suppose it is possible she would have been big if she had not passed but I don't think she was that big, still it was a good story. I need more lines to make 10. I need more lines to make I need more lines to make 10.I need more lines to make 10.I need more lines to make 10.I need more lines to make 10.

Ray Donovan: Black Cadillac
Episode 4, Season 1

Not for me
I watch a lot of shows.. I mean a lot. This is one I have wanted to add to my collection for a lil bit now. I started it. My review begins and ends here because I don't like it. It isn't what I thought. I thought it was a show about a hit man. Which it kinda is but he is more like a clean up man for rich idiots. Ray has these 2 brothers whom I fail to see how they fit in the show at all. They seem more of an unnecessary distraction from the plot. His father who gets out of prison and is some how tied to Rays world has black son which is another character that I fail to see the reason for him even being there.

The constant racism, black this black that.. Oh b his father likes fat black asses it's like um OK we get it your trying really hard to tie black characters in the show. To bad it has to be in such a disrespectful way. It seems that tying any of these characters together is a struggle for the writers. I suppose I wasn't expecting a dramedy. That is what it seems this is supposed to be. It fails even at that because where it is trying to be funny, it is corny and/ or insulting.

It has been on 3 seasons I believe so people like it (that's not saying much in a time when people like to keep up with kardashians, housewives from anywhere, hip hop crap, honey boo boo, bachelor crap, duck dynasty etc etc) I'll pass. Characters-D, Acting-D,o Writing-D


"I know what people taste like"
It took awhile for me to see this. The idea of people living in a train after the world freezes over didn't appeal to me. I kept seeing positive reviews pop up everywhere so I finally settled down and gave it a looksee.. I must say I really enjoyed it. The tortured confession of the hero was sad to watch but real. The only issue I had with the movie if I can even call it an issue is watching the the train explode the way it did with 2 survivors (doubt anyone would have survived that explosion) and where did the kid and that girl get furs? LOL just a thought. UGGH I AM A SIMPLE REVIEWER I HATE THE TEN LINE REQUIREMENT! UGGH I AM A SIMPLE REVIEWER I HATE THE TEN LINE REQUIREMENT!

Reign: Inquisition
Episode 11, Season 1

All episodes up to and including this one
I looked over a review of i believe it was of the pilot episode. It mentioned that this show was aimed at teenage girls. I hope that is not so because it has a lot of sexual content. A whole lot. I am far from a high school girl (faaar from it) I enjoy period pieces. I was, well am still enjoying it i like the story, but what I hat and I do absolutely HATE it is the love story between the brothers and Mary. It is so annoying!

Yet again there is girl that 2 men loveee so much it is larger than anything! Larger than blood, than law, than there own lives! It's ridiculous. It is a story that has been played to death in movies and TV shows, and books. To me a woman who sleeps with friends and brothers is a whore. Time and time again these situations take aways from the plot.

The plot which I wish the writers can focus on, and not the unbelievable joke of a love life that involves a woman claiming to love one brother cut to the next scene and kiss the other on the mouth, two episodes later she is in love with the other brother and now marrying him! RME!

Arrow: Honor Thy Father
Episode 2, Season 1

Second go round
The best part of this one was the ending when I got to see that his mom had something to do with his dad's death. A tiny shred of interesting but all to predictable. The little book he has with a list of people his "dad" told him to go after Really? Oh to find out his best friend was sleeping with ex? SHOCKER RIGHT?! Let's not tell him even though he was sleeping with his ex's sister who died on the boat?!! It would seem that would have been the first thing she said to him when she saw him just to hurt him! Not to mention she went from hating him to opening the door for him with no problem the first time he stops by! Wow this show is bad. I'll give it one more try..

Arrow: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

New to arrow
This is my first episode to episode review and I will try my best to keep up with it. I don't really like episode to episode reviews because I believe each episode goes together and I rather just rate the entire show. I will give it a try.

I wanted to try Arrow because I like Flash I think there is some cross over. I love Super hero movies even in my old age but I have to admit I am movie loving super hero person not a die hard comic book fan. I am guilty of not knowing which ones are from marvel and which ones are from DC until I look it up. I have to look it up every time LOL.

Honestly I had to look up whether this guy was even a real comic book super hero I had never heard of him. The ideas of some rich kid running around town with a hood on shooting arrows really seemed super corny. Almost like a bad take on a modern day Robin Hood. Ehh I caved.

This was the first episode it left it a lot to be desired. It was as corny and predictable as I thought. I guess I have to keep in mind that is is a comic.

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