
IMDb member since June 2005
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    18 years



Good eye candy with some laughs
Not really into the whole teen sex comedy thing, but I wanted to pick this up because it had several late night softcore actresses I'm a fan of in it. The eye candy delivered, but in some cases was all too brief.

I mostly got it because Kylee Nash is in it and I'm a big fan, and I really wanted more of her after seeing her in The Hills Have Thighs. Her scene is decently long for a bit part, very hot for non-softcore, and surprisingly funny.

Christine Nguyen was one of the other main reasons I picked it up, and her scene was over a little more quickly unfortunately.

Diana Terranova was also in it and I was very happy to see her in some nice naked action after the tease in The Hills Have Thighs.

As for the rest of the movie, it was funny enough that I laughed at most of it. I thought the acting of everyone, both the main characters and the gorgeous ladies playing the MILFs, was surprisingly good for what a low budget it must have been considering it came from The Asylum. The jokes were basically what you'd expect, but they were delivered well and made it worth watching the entire thing instead of just skipping to the sexy bits.

The Hills Have Thighs

Typical Wynorski late night softcore
The Hills Have Thighs is Jim Wynorski's latest late night Cinemax T&A flick and conforms pretty well to his past outings. A hiker becomes lost in the wilderness and comes across sexually insatiable mutant cave women who hold him captive for their carnal enjoyment. Two couples that are friends of his go off to try to find and save him, unaware of his true predicament.

No time is wasted getting right into the good bits, with two cave women immediately ravishing the unsuspecting hiker. If they could bottle whatever mutated the cave women to look like this, it would put every plastic surgeon in Los Angeles out of business. I have not seen breasts as impressively pumped up as Kylee Nash's since the days of Shae Marks and Pandora Peaks in Andy Sidaris's old spy softcore erotica.

All of Julie K. Smith's scenes are amazing as usual. Kylee Nash's scene by the bonfire is easily my favorite in the film and I hope to see her in more in the future. Disappointments were Glori-Anne Gilbert's scene being recycled old footage from a past film (the dreaded flashback scene) and Dianna Terranova, while attractive, not actually getting naked and involved in any of the scenes other than just dancing around. Overall, though, the film is definitely a success for the genre, and is my favorite of Wynorski's parody themed late night romps since The Breastford Wives.

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