
IMDb member since June 2005
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don't see why everyone is being so nitpicky about the movie
First of all, I'm currently doing a degree in History and classics. I really do not understand why people get so annoyed about when characters in movies about the Greek gods are not 'true' to previous representations. For a start there are always more than one version of a Greek heroes story. that he was the son of a king is one, another is that his mother was raped by Poseidon (in human form of course, so could have been a 'villager' like in the movie) and that he was brought up be his grandfather (like his mentor in the movie) so actually it's not that far removed, if you take it from that version. I could go on using other examples from other reviews but I think I've made my point. Also, a few people are saying that the oracle having sex with him is gratuitous. Well, I don't remember at any time the Oracle saying SHE was actively trying to protect her gift, everyone else was doing it. Theseus guesses at her true feelings about her 'gift' and she says he's right, so actually, it's not that much of a shock. Also, for those saying they don't interact enough after - you obviously HAVEN'T read many Greek myths ;p Besides, it not a romance movie! I was impressed with the acting, being slightly worried at first about Mickey Rourke, and the CGI was good and non-intrusive, there's nothing worse than fussy overdone CGI-scapes ruining the feel of the movie. I actually found it had more brains than 300, which for me was very much a "LAAADS WHEEEEY" movie, where as this, although violent pretty much the whole way through, never felt gratuitous and was always interesting/exciting. As for the appearance of the Titans offending some people = who is to say what the Titans looked like? They were cosmic representations of different aspects of nature - and they seemed to do pretty well in the fighting stakes, so not really seeing the issue there either... Although, I do draw the line at Athena dying. That's just ridiculous. I think people go to these films with their 'critical hats' on, and just ruin any enjoyment that you can get out of a film like this. Just relax and enjoy the 'ride'! My boyfriend thought it was the best film he'd seen all year, and better in lots of ways than 300, too. Just my opinion, anyways!


Could have been great
I think that there was a lot of opportunities for amazing twists - as the film does contain many enigmas - and yet it almost seemed that the script was rushed - leaving an unfinished feel at the end of the film. You were not allowed a personal enough insight into Nicole Kidmans character - and were therefore not able to sympathise with her enough to care for what she was feeling and going through. Too many enigmas were left loosely flapping around, and throughout the film there were several moments which felt almost paedophilic - especially after Shaun says he is not her dead husband. However - despite all of this - I still found it interesting to watch - and there was some scope for audience interpretation at the end - as there is still the element of 'perhaps he was Shaun' as we do not find out how he knows certain things, or behaves in certain ways. All in all, It was alright - but it could have been great.

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