
IMDb member since December 2014
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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Most Complaints don't hold water, A+++ Classic
After reading some of the reviews, I think most of the people who see this wonderful Christmas classic in a negative light, are not grasping the true meaning of the story. Many of them mention that it makes Santa and the other characters who work at the north pole seem cruel and mean because of how they treat Rudolph until they need him. That is not what happens in the movie because 1. Rudolph's dad is sorry for how he treated him when Rudolph goes missing, and 2. Santa tells Rudolph, he is sorry when he and his friends get back from their adventure, not when he suddenly he needs Rudolph after learning about the storm. The meaning of the story is the importance of accepting who you are and working through life's adversities instead of trying to fit in to accepted norms. It also shows that even though those we hold in highest esteem can sometimes be wrong, it is just as important to be able to forgive them as it is to do so for those we see as our equals. Other complaints focus on the misfit toys saying they are mistreated by being dumped out of Santa's sleigh and by being brought to a snowy island in the first place. Maybe they are being dropped, with the help of umbrellas I might add, to homeless children somewhere in the world where there are no homes with chimneys. Children who will love them no matter what their shortcomings are, unlike spoiled well off kids. And the bird suddenly being able to fly, well it is the season for miracles and Santa is suppose to be magical. Finally people point to the dolly not having any obvious problems. My answer to them is that there are plenty of perfectly normal or even beautiful beings out there who have to go through life being unloved because of their beliefs or actions. King Moonracer doesn't go out each night looking for toys that are odd or ugly, he looks for toys who are unloved and feel unwanted. He rescues them and gives them a home, the only home he has to offer and it may not be the best but it shows that at least he cares.

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