
IMDb member since December 2014
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Don't Sell My Baby

Don't see My Baby
I enjoy off-Hollywood movies, they tend to be rather original or at least have a good plot. Often it's refreshing to watch new actors and actresses as well - and maybe a new angle of photography. But in order to keep my focus the movie must have at more good than bad when it comes to;
  • Actors
  • Photography
  • Editing
  • Script

This movie (at least the first 22 minutes I managed to watch) comes up short on too many of the above mentioned points too keep my interest for the remaining part of the movie.

Movies, art, food are all a matter of taste, but this one is definitely not my cup of tea. The suspence which should be there is ruined by the bad acting, and the huge B-Movie impression that hit you already after a few minutes.

Omerta 6/12

Slow, dumb and rather booring
Being a Scandinavian I try to watch the Scandinavian movies out there, but I seriously had a hard time not turning this one off quite a few times.

Inexperienced actors, silly gunhandling, stereotypic plot and the pace is so slow it should neither be considered action, nor a thriller.

There are some seriously dumb scenes in this movie, and I won't spoil them, but I wonder if the producer was out on his coffe break when those scenes were recorded.

There are som scenic shots of Stockholm, but that's about it.

There are way better Scandinavian movies out there so I'd recommend chosing another movie to watch.


Nordic crime, nice Scenery- lame plot
I like Danish crime, and this is made on the Feroe Island with nice nature scenery as a bonus. The episodes builds up tension pretty good, but unfortunately it lacks new inspiration. It has too many similarities with other crime series, and the revelation of who killed whom was dissapointing. But there might be a season two, so absolutely not bad, but it did not reach its full potential.


Surprisingly good crime
Beautiful norwegian scenery from the west coast of Norway, and the actors even spoke the local dialect for that area. The story takes the viewer from Norway to Germany and the original language of all locations is kept. Good actors, good story, good tension, quite a few twists and surprises, and just a few minor annoying logical questions I thought the director ought to do something about.

But all in all a great binge story that'll keep you glued to your chair.

Cry Macho

Eastwood never dissapoints
Clint is 91 and still going strong! This movie is a slow paced story of opening your own eyes whilst teaching a teenager right from wrong. Eastwood masters this story well, and though Grand Torino was «better» with more storyline, plots and so on, this one is definitely worth watching!

I take my hat off for Clint Eastwood!

Into the Night

Interesting start ending up off the cliff.
The first season starts off pretty good, with somewhat high thrill factor despite obvious low budget movie. The script keeps the viewer awake and leads him on a journey that is sometimes somewhat intense.

If you leave the rationality of the sun is deadly - and destroys jet-fuel but not car fuel, and a lot of other rather dumb effects - season 1 is ok for a rainy sunday.

But Season 2 hits rock bottom! The scripters were out of ideas and were forced to come up with a lame story... and lame it is. It had potential, but lost it all!

The Marksman

Roadtrip movie with a hint of action
Liam Neeson is a good actor, but even he can't make a script with annoying flaws into a movie where your eyes are glued to the screen for the entire duration.

He decide to help a kid who crossed the Mexican/Us border and ended up on his ranch property, which is about to be seized by the bank.

There is a bag of money involved - stolen from the Kartel - but a man desperately needing money to pay off his debt decides to toss it all in the fire in stead, yea right! Who, if any would do that.

And with bad guys chasing you, maybe it would be an idea to change car? Or not leaving tracks with a credit card when you have a whole bag of cash?

If you manage to ignore the stupid, easy choices the director uses it's viewable, but it'll certainly leave you thinking that Liam Neeson is walking in Nicholas Cage's footprints; A-B- and worse it gets...

Horizon Line

(Un)Intentional comedy?
It starts off as a drama with beautiful scenery - perfect for viewers in a Covid lock down - island, green sea, etc. Then on board a tiny plane it tries to escalate to a Thriller, but contains so many errors and idiotic incidents it ends up as a comedy. If you manage to let your brain doze off and not get angry for every impossible action during the movie, you may enjoy some beautiful scenery and have a few laughs.

Break Even

A hike is better use of your time
When a movie has to resort to sex as flypaper, your scenses should warn you it's a shallow movie - and it is! -Acting: not so good -Goofs: way too many, like let's not draw attention, by the way is this an Ak-47, fires a few rounds - wow cool. -Plot: two couples on a sailboat finds $50 mill when diving, we're rich... we just have to.... -GreenScreens: way too obvious!

If still a teenager hungry for light dressed actors, and easy chewable «action» you might last till the end, but anyone above 20 who manages to see the entire film, wow gratulation - I went for a hike instead!

Always and Forever

Beautiful casting
The feeling you have walking out from a theater after having seen a movie tends to be a pretty acurate descripion of the movie. Mine was that many of the actresses and actors were stunningly beatiful and most even knew how to act! Higher rated movies leaves me a smile on my face, having enjoyed an entertaining movie with an interesting story. Always and forever is a good old story told many times before; kids do something bad, and when adults someone comes back for revenge. So far so good, but when the police detective shows up with his terrible acting, and the script has annoying flaws like «a few days kickbox traing and you'll be able to defend yourself from a strong person», or «the person who will kill you is in the water, the gun is by my feet - what do I do? I leave the gun and run?!», or «The jury finds you quilty of three murders despite any evidense».

All in all it was a slow beautiful filmed thriller, and extra credit for not being too obvious.


Intelligent drama part with onion layers of personalities being revieled. The action part were a bit too predictable for my taste, though Jessica and the other lead characters were superb. Jessica Chastain shines like a diamond when she does intelligent drama roles, in this movie she's more a Swarowsky. Nice but not the real thing. I give the movie a SIX, for Colin Farrel, Geena Davis and of course John Malkovich does brings light to the Swarowsky and makes it sparkle a bit more.

The 2nd

You've seen it before and better
One Good guy just happened to stands between evil and a good cause. Sprinkle some family drama, clumsy action scenes, bad script, but some good actors and you've digested the movie.


What a dissapointment.
I love planes, tense thrillers, and off Hollywood productions. So a German movie about a hijacking of a plane cought my interest, for the first ten minutes. I suffered through the entire movie so you don't have to.
  • Entire movie shot inside the cockpit but the movie never manages to build up a psychological tension like Das Boot.
  • The cockpit is stormed, Plausible
  • 20 minutes to closest airport, Fail
  • Pilot informs passengers AND hijackers of landing in 20 minutes; Fail
  • Pilot ties up overmanned unconscious hijacker in cockpit after he killed the captain; Fail
  • Hijackers killing passengers one by one in order to pursuade the pilot to open the door; Plausible
  • The passengers charges the hijackers and overman one of them; plausible (like Flight 93)

This is neither an action nor a thriller, maybe a documentary at best, but I give it three stars for some good acting And for the try.


Don't bother
Too silly, even for my taste. Real estate agent witness an «accidental« murder and things escalate when the murderer tries to remove loose ends by killing more and more witnesses. The story serms like an essay written by a freshman in higschool.


Yet another bloodthirsty cult
Have a Swedish midsummer festival far out in the countryside, add a weird peagan cult, some foreign friends, blood offerings - mix well and wait two and a half hour. That's the entire film in a nutshell - not my cup of tea, I'd rather watch paint dry.


An onion of a movie with lots of layers
Despite bad reviews I decided to see it, and I'm glad I did. Dennis Quaid plays a hardworking dad, Jack Reynor his son just out of jail, and Myles Truitt his younger step-brother. The movie may be seen as a sci-fi action with not enough sci-fi, or a thriller without suspence, or a family drama without enough drama. I regard it as a pg-13 drama (no offence) spiced with a tea-spoon of sci-fi and some nice FX, a table spoon of drama with the relationship between two step-brothers, and half a tea spoon of love affair with Zoë Kravitz (whose mum I loved watching back in the '80s) See it with your kids they'll like it too ;-)

Mermaid Down

Not White House Down
There have been several mermaid films through the years, and in order to stand out from the rest the script has to be different. This one is WAY different, though the storyline of the «good» mermaid with the help of some odd friends vs. the «Evil» Doctor is a very familiar theme. Despite being a low budget movie with new unknown actors the acting is not too bad, and the filming isn't horrific either. Unfortunately the use of too many abused clishes, nude bait, and prolonged scenes kills the viewers interest and makes it drop on the ratings. Unless you have partisipated in the movie or you're paid to give good reviews, it is not possible to rate it higher than 5. It gets 4 from me, and only because 3,5 isn't possible.

Strange But True

Surprisingly good drama-thriller
The movie is about grief, personal believes and of course sprinkled with a love story. More and more are reveiled as the movie progresses, like a good thriller - but this one is rather unpredictable and keeps your mind on edge to figure out whether «it was the butler?» like in Agatha Christie's novels. The actors do a good job too, so it is well worth 90 minutes spent.

Daughter of the Wolf

Bad ass mother vs many armed kidnappers
Read Richard Dreyfuss' name on the list of actors and thought it might be ok, BUT I'ld rather watch paint dry. Logical flaws and errors in the script can kill any movie, this one was killed after 4 minutes!

Dead Water

Nice scenery but that's about it
Virgin Island, boat, two men and woman and Judd Nelson as the surprise. A predictable, «thriller» but if you regard it as commersial for green beatiful sea and a nice boat it's not the worst I've seen - though pretty close.

The Way Back

Tale of survival
Descriptive tale of prisoners escaping a prison camp i Sibiria and walking through rough terrain - cold blizzards, mountains, desserts - all the way to India. Many sucumb to the fierce nature during the journey, and we witnes a strong tale without the use of FX, just dialogs and slow paced action.

Backdraft 2

Sequels that should not have been made!
It's called Backdraft 2, since it continues from backdraft. Even some actors from the original from '91 are acting in this one. BUT it's not B movie, not even a C, just don't bother watching it. Bad acting, bad script, bad filming, bad... yes even the once A actors don't live up to standard.


Kidman is Fantastic!
Nicole Kidman is amazing as a «worn out» detective with a history. As the movie progresses, her history is revealed like layers of an onion, and as we learn more, new questions arise. A slow pased, psycological «action/drama» well worth seeing for Kidman's fantastic effort alone. BUT if you prefer fast predictable action, with a finite story/ending - then skip this one, you'll be dissapointed.

Under the Silver Lake

Question mark?
Sometimes finishing a movie with unanswered questions is a good thing. Not in this case, I enjoy a lot of different movies, as long as they make sence! This one does not, hence the rating. It starts off like any ordinary movie but runs off track pretty fast and from there on it's just down hill.

Hunter Killer

A hint of Red October?
Actionfilled movie with good lead actors and a pretty good storyline. Unfortunately some action sceenes are a bit over the top, and it lacks the intense suspence it could have had, considering the «creative» storyline. Nevertheless I enjoyed it to a 7, well helped by Butler and Nyquist, the latter who unfortunately died in 2017.

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