
IMDb member since December 2014
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Thor: Love and Thunder

What did I just watch?
I'm still not completely sure what I just watched. The best description i can give is a bunch of cheesy jokes jumbled together, interrupted only by an occasional guns n roses interlude. If only it had been interrupted by something resembling a storyline. Even the action scenes seem tacked on, without any real motivation or goal. Actually, you know what it reminded me of? It reminded me of any of the times The Simpsons (or any other long running TV show) does a clip show. There's a bunch of random scenes and disparate locations crammed together, with the story just acting as an excuse rather than an actual vehicle.

Taika Watiti was the right choice for Free Guy, but after this movie I don't ever want him touching anything with a serious story, serious subplot, or an accepted canon.

The Matrix Resurrections

Boring, repetitive and tries too hard to be clever.
When the movie was announced, I was interested and exciting. Upon watching it, the quickly turned to bored and disappointed. The movie is simply one long callback to the original Matrix movies and takes far too much pleasure in trying to make itself seem witty and intelligent with all it's self-referential moments. Unfortunately that comes at the expense of interesting characters, scenes and action. As to the story? Well, retcon the original Matrix so Trinity becomes the hero and the Neo the sidekick instead of vice versa and you have the story of matrix resurrections. Why did the director feel the need to do this? I can only guess.

What If...?

Interesting premise, painful execution
The idea was interesting, but the execution was incredibly problematic. The first episode was the best attempt at it, one single change, one single choice, creates an alternate timeline and alternate story. Had every episode stuck to that structure it would likely have been much better and much more interesting. Instead, some of the timelines are a complete departure from the original (ex. Hope wasn't an agent pre-avengers therefore couldn't have been killed, Strange was too arrogant to love Christine pre-accident therefore wouldn't have had this dilemma). That was the first issue.

Second issue was the authors attempt to make the alternate protagonists better than the originals (possible exception, ep. 4). But Carter was better than Rogers (got to the Tesseract first), T'challa was better than Quill (peace and love baby) etc. Not sure if this was power creep or the needs to remake everything in a woke vein, but it was it just formulaic and made the series (in general) a yawn.

100 Humans

This is what happens when you replace science with ideology.
I wasted my time so you didn't have to.

I've been sorely missing Mythbusters, so when this popped up I was excited. Then I started watching this with my kids and after the first episode I wouldn't let them watch anymore. I then watched 4 more episodes on my own to make sure I was giving it a fair chance. I had. This show is trash. The science is weak, even by the standards of a show designed for entertainment. But what really killed it for me and the reason I won't let my kids watch it is the biases,most notable the misandry and racism. I guess in the current atmosphere you can't make fun of women or minorities, so every degrading joke is about whites or males. Example: The men rated women equally attractive regardless of wearing a uniform, leading to the host cracking the 'joke' "Thus proving our theory that men are attracted to anything that moves", while flashing up photos of a white guy next to (amongst other things) a sheep. Ok, I thought, one bad joke, I can let that slide. Nope. It just kept getting worse from there.

Definitely a miss.

My Spy

A mediocre film that (poorly) combines actors with a limited range with poor writing.
Bautista is a great comedy straight man and Schaal (can be) hilarious. And indeed, the funniest scenes are between those two. Unfortunately poor writing leaves this film wanting. Instead of JJ coming across as the (intended) emotionally distant, he just comes across as stupid. Instead of funny, a lot of the comedic scenes are just (in the words of my 10 year old) "cringy" . This awkwardness may in part be because the movie seems to be distorting the plot and dialogue to show off how woke they are. They cram in jokes designed for social commentary, but they aren't funny and just suck any humour out of the mostoment. News flash, there's a difference between coming across as progressive and coming across as lecturing. Guess which side of the line this film is on.

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Every person needs to watch this series at least once
You will have your mind expanded by watching this series. The presentation and quality of production is excellent. The visuals and presentation draw the viewer in and help elucidate some very complicated subjects. Everyone. Needs. To. Watch. This.

Follow This

Virtue signalling under the guise of journalism.
While I found the idea interesting, all this series does is serve as a reminder as to how important journalistic impartiality is. In the majority of the cases the journalists let their biases completely warp their stories. The 3 star rating is an average. Episode 6 is the best of the bunch, with John Stanton giving great coverage on a complicated subject, I would have given that episode a 8. By far the worst was Scaachi Koul's coverage in Episode 4 "Men's Rights". She takes a nuanced subject and completely spews her bias all over it. It's frankly journalistic malpractice. I would suggest watching it not because it's a great show, but because it shows how much bias leaks into supposedly unbiased, neutral sources. It definitely makes me want to avoid reading Buzzfeed stories!

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