IMDb member since December 2014
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One Day

Achingly beautiful and heartbreaking.
What an emotional rollercoaster. This has to be the best show/film that Netflix has released in many many years. All through it I was begging either Emma or Dex to just say how they truly felt about the other, so many moments missed. My take away from these 14 episodes is this...... Never miss an opportunity to tell someone you love them. Take risks for love, you just never know what is in someone elses heart. Watching them both grow and mature on their separate paths was so captivating. I feel so sad for all the lost time though but it had to be that way. They both needed their separate journeys so they could come together in the end. Emmas death rocked me to my core, watching Dex grieve was so painful and achingly beautiful at the same time.

Well done Netflix, One Day is an absolute gem.


Boring & Tedious.
Same formula as every other cop show/murder mystery out there. So very boring and tedious. It just went from one frustrating scene to another. The cliff scenery is nice and that's about all this show has going for it..... It's film location.

I am floored by the 10* reviews, what on earth was ground breaking about Broadchurch.

On another note, this TV show has shown the UK justice system as utterly archaic. Rarely an objection made by the prosecution. Grand standing, speculation, assumption and testimony by the defense, I have never seen anything like it. To be honest this show makes the UK justice system look like a complete and utter joke. It should be called the injustice system. God help anyone who finds themselves inside a UK court on trial.


Great show, really enjoyed, just not the ending.
It's a great show, but the lack of conclusion really ruined it for me. I would have happily watched a second season with the lead being reinstated and then working on another case. As it stands with the ending the way it was I don't care to invest my time into season 2. I'm just not into these long drawn out tv shows anymore that go from season to season. I'm much more happy to watch the same show with a conclusion of thr case in each season and a new case for the following season.

Just conclude the TV show please, enough of these cliffhangers.

Ending was awful, it could have been so much better.

You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment

Started out promising but very quickly became a hit piece.
Nothing but pure propanganda, mis-information and dis-information. So obvious as to who is behind this show and funding it. Just like with everything else that is being forcibly foistered onto us, they pick and choose the data that fits and that's if you can even believe the data.

Such a massive hit piece disparaging what has worked for humans for 1,000's of years. Then they push the anthropogenic climate change nonsense. What was really interesting to see was that not one person asked for the ingredients of what went in to those highly processed vegan meals and pretend meat products.

This programme was attempting to modify our behaviour through fear. Fear of getting this condition, fear of getting that condition but they used a lot of 'probably', 'possible' & 'potential' words throughout to scare us. They must think we are utterly stupid to not see through this propanganda.

The biggest problem the western world has is OVER EATING and fasting would solve a lot of problems and diseases but the big corporations don't want you to eat less as they will make less money. There are many alternative therapies to heal oneself and I suggest people do their own research.

Leave the World Behind
(2023) least make it interesting.
Really!?!? I get that the Cabal has to let us know what's coming but they could have at least made the movie more interesting. There was no resolution, no defined bad guy (probably because it's them, from within, FF) and there's no ending. Let's not mention the deer, ridiculous reactions from them. Doesn't surprise me at all that the book was made into a movie at this time in 2023. Not enough people read the book so they had to have more people become aware via a movie. It's interesting is it not? That there's so much talk in political & media circles of the possibility of a cyber attack soon. There's only one positive thing you get from this movie.....Be Prepared.

What a waste of 2+hrs.

Doesn't surprise me one bit to see the Obamas behind this, they are clearly in the club.


Season 1 good, Season 2 terrible.
Season 1 was fairly good but season 2 was shockingly terrible. It was so outrageously unrealistic. The plot was all over the place and that made it difficult to watch. Big named actors can't save this show, it's done for (for me that is), I won't be wasting my time on season 3. I'm shocked it's been renewed. So many great shows get canceled and this gets renewed.... SMH. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the adults behavior in this show, there doesn't seem to be much self responsibility. How do you teach kids to be responsible for themselves if the adults can't even own their behavior. Yet again though, a TV show is teaching morals or lack thereof, should we expect anything different. TV is nothing but predictive programming and propaganda nowadays. It's such a shame that season 1 started with a bang and season 2 has ended with barely a whimper.

Last Light

Utter Rubbish, I would give 0*'s if I could.
Anyone who buys into this storyline is lost, Matthew Fox clearly is. The predictive programming in this series is obvious. The climate scam is worse than the plandemic scam. So many clueless people are sleep walking themselves into oblivion. I wouldn't care so much but they are taking the rest of us with them. They won't be happy until the majority of the world's population is dead. Maybe start listening to the 100'S of 1,000's of scientists who say this current climate scam is BS, 41,000+ scientists in the USA alone are trying to get their voices heard but are censored because it isn't the paid for "narrative". Stop watching the MSM who tell you how to think and start thinking for yourselves. Research the truth instead. This tv show is nothing but propaganda, it's really pathetic how many people keep falling for it. Did the plandemic scam not teach you anything the last 3 years. Maybe go look at the front pages of Time magazine for the last few decades, the ones that are about the climate, you might learn something. Humanity is lost......not because of climate change or global warming or 'fossil' fuel use but it's lost because the vast majority of people are sleepwalking through life with their heads buried in the sand lapping up whatever the MSM and Government tells them. Wake up before it's too late.

The Last Bus

Beautiful, poignant & Touching
I really didn't expect much but I found it to be beautiful, poignant and touching. Seeing the interactions with the general public, seeing him go viral and watching him complete his task was a joy. Never expected to cry though, but boy, did I cry. It's a must watch movie. This is what movies are aboit, not the insipid, unoriginal tat that mostly gets released nowadays. Timothy Spall......You were bleddy marvelous.

The Handmaid's Tale

Brilliant acting
Brilliantly written and amazing acting. TV shows like this show a dystopian view of society which seems unrealistic, like it could never happen to us. What is happening during covid times shows exactly how easy it is for a governent to become totalitarian, authoritarian and down right dangerous to our rights and freedoms. We should take a show like this to heart and never let it happen today. This show is scary and full of horrors.


Time travel with a twist.
Simply put, I love it. Showcases Scotland beautifully.


Brilliant and Gritty
There hasn't been a cop show this good in years, it really is the best to ever grace the small screen.


Hats off to Titus Welliver, he was born to play Bosch. Can't get enough of him.

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