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Poketto monsutâ: It's Children's Day! All Members Gather!
Episode 53, Season 1

Ash and his friends celebrate Kid's Day.
Ash, Misty, and Brock are walking across a path to Kanto. They notice 3 Pokémon-shaped banners hanging in the wind. They realize that the reason for it is because it is Kid's Day. Misty suggests that they play all day like they used to when they were younger, but Ash and Brock disagree. Brock also states that since Misty already participated in the Princess Festival that the holiday should be JUST for men. Ash and Pikachu agree which offends Misty. They meet a teacher who is looking for Pokémon Trainers to entertain children at her pre-school. They accept her offer and go to meet the students that she is in charge of. While Team Rocket is spying on the gang, They each reminisce on their past celebrations of Kid's Day. James exclaims that he wonderful Kid's Day, unlike Jessie, who lashes out at Meowth when he makes a hurtful remark. Ash and his friends greet the children inside the school and they quickly show admiration towards Pikachu. Pikachu is annoyed by the children's constant fuss over him, causing Ash to quickly grab him away from them before he shocks them. Misty and Brock also release their Pokémon. They see a child who's sitting alone. They ask him why he is by himself and he tells them that the only Pokémon he wants to meet is a Meowth. Out of curiosity, they ask him his reason for wanting to see a Meowth and he tells them that it saved him from being attacked by a Beedrill. Team Rocket shows up in a brightly colored van wearing disguises and they begin a magic show to entertain the children. They try to do away with Pikachu during their performance, but Ash sees right through it and he tells them to hand him over. When they reveal themselves, they are quickly hounded by the children. James sends Weezing to use SmokeScreen over Ash, his friends, and the class. The little boy goes over to Meowth to assist him, knocking over the box containing Pikachu. Team Rocket escapes believing to have captured Pikachu but end up kidnapping the little boy instead. They go on a search to rescue the little boy. Team Rocket opens the box thinking they have succeeded in capturing Pikachu, but end up disappointed when they found out they captured the little boy. He is saddened, but in an effort to cheer him up they get Meowth to put on a show for him. He uses Fury Swipes to protect him from their clutches, and the little boy takes him back to the school to show his classmates. They are impressed by Meowth and they give him lots of attention. Meowth almost reveals his speech which is caught wind Misty. To save face he leaves the school and the little boy follows him. They follow him and meet Team Rocket, who challenge Ash to a battle. They send both of their Pokémon with Ash sending out Pidgeotto. Brock decides to help by sending out Onix. They manage to defeat Team Rocket's Pokémon, but now have to escape a rolling boulder. Everyone is safe except Ash and the little boy. They are nearly close to being killed when suddenly, a wild Meowth comes and splits the boulder in half using Mega Kick. The little boy then notices that it is the same Meowth that rescued him from an attacking Beedrill. Ash and his friends are thanked by the teacher for saving the little boy from Team Rocket. The little boy proclaims that he will become a Pokémon Trainer and join the Pokémon League and that the wild Meowth belongs to him. The episode ends with Ash and his friends leaving the school and continuing to become official Pokémon Masters. This one was above average. The animation could have been better, but it was still working watching. Minor nitpick: This episode was broadcast after Princess vs. Princess which doesn't make sense because Misty's Togepi is nowhere to be seen in that one. It was also aired as part of Season 2 when really it should have been part of Season 1 because it takes place before the events of The Case of the K-9 Caper and Pokémon Paparazzi(in which the group first meets Todd). Despite all that, it was still worth viewing.

Poketto monsutâ: Fierce Fighting! Pokémon Girls' Festival!
Episode 52, Season 1

It's Princess Festival Day on Pokémon!!!!!
Misty and Jessie each declare Princess Festival Day to be officially open, much to dismay of their companions. Misty is on a shopping spree and forces Ash, Brock and Pikachu to carry the clothes she is purchasing. While Misty is eating desserts, she points to a billboard containing two posters. Ash assumes that she is pointing to the one containing a film star, but instead she is pointing to the one for a discount sale. Jessie is trying on different sets of clothes which bores James. She then states she also purchased gifts for their boss Giovanni in hopes that he will overlook their failed attempts at capturing Pikachu. They encounter a Lickitung, who then uses its tongue to gobble up the purchases intended for their boss. Jessie retaliates by sending out Arbok, but before it can attack, Lickitung paralyzes it with lick, and it goes down with one hit. Angered by her Pokemon's defeat, Jessie throws a Pokeball at it. James and Meowth are surprised by how she easily captured the Lickitung and they leave the park to go on another shopping spree. Misty and Jessie are both fighting over a dress. Their fight stops when they encounter another shopper who claims the dress for herself. They listen to an announcement coming from the intercom of the store. They are notified that the winner of the Queen of the Princess Festival contest will receive two prizes(a collection of Pokémon Princess Dolls and a photo of movie star Fiorella Cappuccino). Jessie and Misty are prompted to enter the contest to claim the Princess Dolls. While at the competition, Misty and Jessie are both dressed in kimonos, as well as other girls. They are shocked to learn that the contest is a battle tournament rather than a regular beauty contest. Misty begs Ash and Brock to let her borrow each of their Pokémon. They are reluctant at first, but when she explains her reason, they eventually change their minds. The contest begins with Misty and Jessie going up against random opponents and beating them in the process. They eventually go up against other in the final round. Jessie, remembering the Lickitung she captured earlier, sends it out to finish off Pikachu, who is easily defeated by its lick. Bulbasaur and Vulpix meet the same fate. Misty is almost on the verge of losing the tournament, until she decides to send out Staryu. Instead, Psyduck calls itself out, causing her to grieve. She believes she will lose with Psyduck being unreliable, But as Lickitung using its tongue to paralyze it, it instead gives it a headache, which energizes its psychic powers. It uses confusion on Lickitung, causing to roll away in a backwards position into Team Rocket, blasting them off from the tournament. By default, Misty wins the contest as well as the doll collection. She then mails her newly won doll collection to the Cerulean City Gym using Pidgeot Express. The episode ends with Jessie sobbing over her loss. In an attempt to cheer her up, James, Meowth, and each of their Pokémon dress themselves up as dolls. After seeing how willingly they were to please her, she decides to join in with them. I kinda liked this episode. Some people say it was too feminist, but I liked it because it shows that it's not all about the guys. It also shows that girls can be confident without giving up their femininity in the process. One thing that bugged me about this episode is that it was broadcast as the Season 2 premiere episode when really it should have been aired as a Season 1 episode seeing it that it takes place before So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd as Misty's Togepi is nowhere to be seen. Other than that, it was an OK episode.

Poketto monsutâ: Miniryu no Densetsu
Episode 35, Season 1

Dratini's Debut
Ash, Misty, and Brock are walking down the path to the Safari Zone. Due to his excitement, Ash decides to sing which irritates Brock. He tries to persuade Misty to stop him, but instead she joins him as well as Pikachu. Brock, not wanting to be left out, eventually joins in on the singing. They are approached by a man who tells them to stop singing. Ash confronts the man on his hostility towards him and his friends. He pulls out a gun causing the gang to give a quick apology for their intrusion. He then introduces himself as Kaiser, the warden of the Safari Zone. He shows them a basket filled with Safari Balls and fishing rods. Ash decides to reach for them but is stopped by Kaiser who pulls out a gun, only this time he explains the rules of the Safari Zone. Misty sees a picture of Kaiser as a younger man sitting besides a Dratini. As her and Ash are viewing the picture, Brock states that he has heard rumors of Dratini living within the Safari Zone, which is proved to be credible by Kaiser's picture. Kaiser snatches the photo from Misty and says that Dratini is non-existent. Ash tries to reason with him, but he just gets more enraged, up to the point where(for the third and final time)pulls out a gun causing Ash to freeze in fear. He then leaves the building taking the picture with him. Misty is confused as to why he was so hostile towards them in which Brock that something must be wrong for him to behave the way he does. Ash then suggests that they go to Professor Oak for information. Professor Oak tells them that Dratini was discovered in the Safari Zone by Kaiser 30 years ago and that trainers went there to capture it as well. They also captured other Pokemon which led to the Safari Zone being destroyed. As a result, Safari Balls were the only permitted use for capturing Pokemon. Team Rocket, who overhear the conversation, have plans to capture Dratini as well as other Pokemon within the Safari Zone. With Safari Balls and a fishing rod as equipment, Ash and his friends head for the Safari Zone, only to be stopped by Team Rocket. Before they finish their motto however, They are interrupted by Kaiser, who pulls out two guns and begins shooting at them. They declare a challenge that whichever group captures the most Pokemon will win. The Pokemon that Ash and his friends first encounter is a herd of Tauros. Ash and Brock capture two of them with no trouble. They also hide behind bushes to observe a Rhyhorn. Ash decides to capture it, but he ends up capturing one of the Tauros from the herd that ran past them. Jessie observes Ash's team and comments that her team will end up getting the Pokemon regardless of whether they win or lose. They kidnap Kaiser and hold him hostage inside the building. Jessie demands that he tell them about Dratini's location. When he refuses, she sends out Arbok to wrap itself around him. He eventually cooperates when they sent out a mecca to tickle him. Misty reveals her special lure to Ash, Brock, and Pikachu. After throwing it into the lake, she gets a bite from a Gyrados, but it breaks the line and goes back into the lake. Kaiser approaches them, asking to get the mecca that is tickling him off his body. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, which shuts it down completely. Kaiser then informs them that Team Rocket has gone after Dratini, who is located in the Dragon Valley. Team Rocket is at the lake where Dratini lives. James and Meowth use scuba gear and submerge underwater to find it while Jessie is waiting for them in the boat. A Dratini emerges from the water and Jessie discovers it. She attempts to capture it, but she ends up causing James and Meowth to run out of air for their scuba gear. Dratini is frightened away when James and Meowth come up for air. Meowth then reveals another plan on how to capture all of the Pokemon living in the ocean. Ash, his friends, and Kaiser stop them just in time. Jessie asks Ash whether he has captured any Pokemon, in which he replies that he used up all of his Safari Balls, declaring him the winner. Jessie then replies that game isn't over and throws the bomb into the ocean. Kaiser dives in to retrieve it. Ash decides to follow him. Misty tries to stop him, but he informs her that he will be fine. Not wanting to take chances, Misty sends Staryu to help them. Ash tells Staryu to take Kaiser back to the surface. When he reaches the bottom, he retrieves the bomb. He goes back up to the surface, but he runs out of air. A storms begins and a giant whirlpool forms into the lake. A Dragonair emerges from the center of the whirlpool with Ash riding on its back. Just before the timer of the bomb goes off, Ash throws it back at Team Rocket causing them to blast off into the sky. Kaiser realizes the Dragonair was the Dratini that he taken care of all those years ago. A Dratini appears and as it turns out, Dragonair has become a mother. Back at the building, Ash tells Professor Oak that he and his friends will not reveal the location of Dratini and Dragonair to anyone. Professor Oak then asks if he sent any new Pokemon to his laboratory. Just then, he hears a herd of Tauros and they trample him during a stampede. In the end, Ash and his friends say their goodbyes to Kaiser and exit the Safari Zone with Dratini and Dragonair watching over them. {{spoilers}}This episode would have been a wonderful improvement over The Kangaskhan Kid. Unfortunately, due to the excessive use of firearms it was banned from US airings.

Poketto monsutâ: Aopuruko no kyujitsu
Episode 18, Season 1

What were they thinking?
This episode was supposed to continue the story line following the events of Island of the Giant Pokémon, but somewhere out of the blue, the producers decided it would be amusing to create a scene where James wears a suit that contains inflatable breasts. That little scene resulted in the episode being held in limbo for 3 years. Seriously? What made them believe that it was OK to include that scene? Someone should have talked some sense into them and said "No, that's wrong!" The episode's ban led to confusion among fans who watched the show during its prime(Footage of this episode is used in a flashback in Hypno's Naptime). Why on God's earth did would they feel the need to add fire to the fuel by creating something so vulgar?

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: The Butler Did It
Episode 11, Season 2

BBD meets Fresh Prince
This episode is tight as hell! Bell Biv Devoe is one best music groups of all time. I also liked that they got Nicholle Tom(Beethoven 1&2 and The Nanny)to play one of Ashley's friends from her Girl Scout troop. It was hilarious the way they kept being interrupted every time they tried shooting the video. But what really got me going was when Will and Ty were dancing in the shoot, the director got ticked off and Ty said "I was trying to be in the video." Then when Philip and Vivian decide to come home early, they have to stop the shoot and put the furniture back in the house before they get back. When the furniture is moved inside it ends up being damp from the rain. Will orders them to start painting, but Ashley objects saying "I'm not painting." "I didn't have anything to do with this." Then when Will refreshes her memory by stating "I seem to recall a Girl Scout trying to get her "Car Theft" badge." She changes her mind and decides to help anyway. When Philip and Vivian return to the house, Philip tells them how proud he is of them being responsible during their absence. Then when he goes upstairs, they notice paint on the back of his suit and they decide to run away to avoid punishment. Absolutely LOVED it and Thumbs up to Bell Biv Devoe for their appearance.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Not with My Pig, You Don't
Episode 4, Season 1

Philip "Zeke" Banks
I definitely LOVED this episode. Philip's parents come to visit for the weekend to see him receive his award at a banquet and his mother Hattie tells embarrassing stories about his childhood life on the farm. My favorite part was when Ashley said "Grandma, Grandpa. Do you wanna go see our swimming pool?" Hattie says "Growing up, my Zeke always did love our swimming hole." "He would strip down to his birthday suit and dive right in." and Will replies in disgust with "Granny, Please." "It's almost dinnertime." Hattie then says "He just loved his skinny-dipping, him and Melvin. I'm surprised that he did something like that considering that he's a strict and by-the-book father. Will assumes that Melvin was his uncle's best friend, but Hilary corrects him by stating that he was his pet pig. When the interviewer(played to Kathy Griffin)comes to the Banks' household to hear Philip's life story she decides to kill it after she deems it boring only for Will to step in and convince her to reconsider by informing her of his uncle's childhood years. When Philip reads the newspaper article containing information about his past life on his parents' farm, He is enraged at Will for allowing it to be used as headlines for the article. Hattie overhears the conversation he is having with Will and is devastated by her son's shame. He tries to explain the reason as to not wanting his past life to be made public, but she doesn't listen and storms out of the kitchen heartbroken and tearful. When they attend the banquet, Will tries to convince his grandma to forgive his uncle for hurting her, but she refuses. Philip then leaves the table to go to the Men's room and Will comes in and asks him why he's in there. He apologizes for his actions and explains that the interviewer was going to trash the article until he told her about his early years on his parents' farm. Philip tells him that the stories would have made him look like a fool, but Will tells him that they did the opposite. He reminds him that he did a lot for Black People that he never even knew which "Puts me right up there with Martin Luther King." When Philip gives his speech, he tells everyone that he was born in Yamacraw and that his parents worked hard every day of their lives and hopes that he can give the next generation what his parents gave him. The episode ends with a picture of Philip as a little boy with Wade in the Water by Harriet Tubman playing in the background.

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