
IMDb member since June 2005
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    IMDb Member
    19 years


Limmy's Show!

not funny
To say this was funny would be misleading and I could be done under the sales and services act for false advertising. I settled down to watch this last week as I am always on the lookout for new comedy but sat through this and didn't utter a laugh. Nearly a chortle but no laughs. Much like the new wave of comedy programmes that grace the TV like the Kevin Bishop show or The Persuasionists, if its not old redundant joke material or gross out comedy then its extremely surreal. Thank god the old live at the Apollo and Dave is on for some proper laugh out loud comedy. Even Michael MacIntyre is funnier then this programme. All it was, was surreal comedy with Glaswegian thrown in but not intentionally funny. Taking everyday situations and making them macabre. But not in a funny way.

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