
IMDb member since January 2015
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House of the Dragon

Super disappointed on the last season of GOT. I was very apprehensive with House of the Dragons. Did it disappoint hell NO!

I am loving HOTD it brings back the fond memories of GOT (Season 1 to 7) I left out Season 8 as I realized I was watching a fake GOT.

Characters are fantastic the drama and the coniving ... Milly Alcock stands out! I love her acting I actually waited and binge watch episodes 1-5 and I am looking forward to episode 6. I don't want to give out any spoilers just wanted to give my thoughts and comments. This is truly a notable follow up. Congrats HBO for making this a worthy sequel to the GOT universe.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

This is not what I expected
There was a lot of hype. We all waited. The most expensive series so far at 700 million and did it deliver? A big fat NO The characters are not likeable. There is no continuity. I literally had to force myself to continue I could not watch a full episode without pausing. I'm a big LOTR fan. Loved the Peter jackson movies but this one I tried to force myself to like but I just could not. The story just wanders aimlessly. I don't see the inciting incident. Yes, the background and landscape is stunninng but that's all there is to it. I know that Amazon is wanting their Game of Thrones but sorry it failed miserably.

I am also watching The House of Dragons to compare it with LOTR Ring of Power it's miles apart. Sorry amazon I just stopped watching I will just go back and watch the original movie trilogy. Looking forward to the next episode of The House of Dragons.

Wonder Woman 1984

I don't even know where to begin
I stopped at 22 min as Stan Lee would say 'Nuff Said" back to Marvel and all it's glory.... Too bad WB you don't know how to make super hero movies leave the super hero movies to Marvel. You guys were great with LooneyTunes word of advice just stick to that! I would have given it a zero just didn't have that option Hint Hint....Find a different Writer and Director

Advice to WB if you give too much creative control this is what you get...CRAP!!!

Save Yourselves!

Save yourself some time and do something else
Worst movie for 2020 Don't waste your time watching this. There are tons of better movies to watch. No questions were answered in the movie Why do the Pouffes love Ethanol? What's the purpose of the Pouffes invading Earth? What do they want? A movie with no ending What's the glass structure towards the end Why did they fly off and to where? If you wanted to emphasize on technology, social media running our lives then don't add the aliens coz it does not add up! Lame dialogue I would have have marked it negative 10 if there was a rating for it...


Just watch the original movie version with Chris Evans Bad casting

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