
IMDb member since June 2005
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Chain Reaction

i've seen this already i think
Chain reaction is the fugitive all over again not much has change a man is wrongfully accused, but i had fun again reeves,freeman,weisz all do a good job with what they have to work with. the FBI agents seems a little lazy in there pursuit unlike ( jones and his boys in the fugitive ) but it's still fun to watch. there is a great effects action scene in the 1st 15 to 17 mins. in the film like ( davis' train wreck in the fugitive ) kind of trade mark of some sorts and the bad guys are also somewhat faceless with no real words just chase the good guy but like i said it's still fun. if you like chase movies then you may like chain reaction just don't expect too much just take it for what it is.

Tomorrow Never Dies

brosnan's best bond movie!
I thought this was brosnan's best bond. even though the bad guy is weak like drax in moonraker was, but besides that the most fun i had since connery's bonds and a big part of that was do to the casting of michelle yeoh who brought something that we have not quite seen as far as bond girls go. instead of bad bond girls who can fight she was good bond girl who can. i just thought she was so fun to watch you really can't take your eyes off her. and i thought that brosnan as bond in this film was the best since connery. the standard that bond should be.unlike die another day brosnan's worst bond film, as they try to get halle berry to do the same as michelle yeoh and she look so out of place i thought it was a joke. If you are a fan of brosnan as bond or michelle yeoh see it or buy it.

Out of Time

thrills and mendes
OK i did not expect too much and what i got was more than i thought. it is one of those close calls kinds of films with a great setting and back drop and good performances. denzel once again is solid but the person to watch is (eva mendes) she really takes charge in a strong role that is not seen to often today and not to mention she looks OUTSTANDING and for those regular guys who will watch this film is going to say what i said about the other woman denzel had pick over her in this film ( i'm not going to spoil it) you'll have to watch it, and back to the film the close call thing is what keeps it going and a lot of suspense and good story telling and mendes.

AVP: Alien vs. Predator

not worth a 2nd view
I saw it and had no real high hopes for it and it still did nothing for me in terms of action or anything else. hey i like so-called mindless films too but this goes beyond that. the story is my biggest problem because if you have seen the 1st 2 of both films you have a idea of what to expect (but its i guess this is from the comic book of the same name or something like) but if you know the story of the other films you will be disappointed. predator 2 started the whole thing about these two creatures in perhaps in a battle of some sorts in the past so why not jump on that idea instead of this? and this story does not even make sense and also the time frame and the whole bishop thing i'm not even going to get into and besides i thought that the predator likes very hot or warm climates.

Mission: Impossible II

could have truly been great
I like tom cruise but i thought that the 2nd film got away from the feel of a spy movie. I guess it was because of the mixed reaction from moviegoers and reviews but i thought that john woo's style is out of place here and near the end of the film is the best part of it but as a whole a little uneven and one uneven part of it is (what's the tension between cruise & hopkins they never explain it in the film ) but the music is also a little out of place, unlike the 1st( which is far more better in my opinion) and i know it's a different film but to really change the feel of it was too much of a change for me. but cruise once again displays a real focus in another performance.


one of the great sci-fi films of all-time !
Tron is even to this date one of the best sci-fi films ever made. simply because it's a simple and complex film . a film that does count on s/f's but that's only a part of it, another story of good vs. evil. good performances from the leads,fun story ,and at the time really jumps on the very 1st video game craze. the landmark in special effects and film-making . not much credit at time of at it's release but at 23yrs old it's still one of the best. today to many films count on special effects to carry them . stories get lost in them, you tend to forget what the film is about and the effects is one of the main reasons you'll see them tron still performs on the highest level even today. as effects have gotten so real the stories have gotten more lost. films like the great minority report is also like tron shows respect for story telling & great effects and when it's mixed right you'll have films that will never be forgotten.

Rambo III

take it for what it is!
Rambo III is a action film as simple as that. a hero that does nearly impossible things and thats the attraction of a action hero he's not a real person it's a movie. movies like this just want to entertain you for 90mins. to 2hrs. and no matter how impossible or unrealistic things are you take it for what it is. that's the idea of wild action films they take you to another place, as a film lover i try not to have such high hopes for things, i want to see it with just a open mind . some things you will like and some you don't. rambo III is one i like. people talk about plot and what this film does and does not do . this film gives you just what you think it will.

Die Hard 2

one of the most underrated sequels ever made!
There's been a lot of comments about the film in the past for being a follow up to die hard and not being as great as that was, but it is a different film on its on and its a film that does what it supposed to do entertain you and it does, yes it has its flaws but it is as fun as a sequel could be.A lot of action ,funny moments,suspense,horrors of terrorism. I think it keeps the feeling of a die hard film intact unlike the (3rd film really gets away from it) this film was said to be a rehash of the 1st.the time of the year is really the only thing that is the same about the two. die hard 2 is a must see because it does what most 2nd films in a series almost never do is give you something fresh,and it never tries to be the like the 1st time was, it just keeps the tone of die hard the same.

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