
IMDb member since January 2015
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


One Shot

A lot of action with cause left for you to figure out.
Personally enjoyed the movie quite a lot. You have to wrap your mind around this one to pick up on all of the twist and turns with a smidgen of innuendo. Movie is somewhat deeper than it appears-if you don't pick up on it the first time, watch it again. To me it is not just your everyday "shoot-'em-up" flick. I have not read the book that the movie was based on but glad I didn't as I believe it would have ruined the movie for me. I may now read the book to see if I am correct with the conclusions I drew from the movie are correct. I thought the props, costumes, location, all fit the overall theme. I enjoy watching for bloopers, objects that should not be present such as tire tracks in westerns, etc. If they were present in this film I missed them.

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