
IMDb member since January 2015
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Resident Alien

Well done
This is your show, Alan ! i love the main actor, and i was expecting a second degree humor coming from him, and i am not disappointed. This is perfect, on many levels. Love the cast, the characters, and the photography. Good job. Please writers, don't ruin it. Keep the pace and focus on the storytelling.

The Pastor and the Pro

Attraction isn't Love...
To resume the movie and after research about clerical uses... In this film, a pastor has attraction for a beautiful harlot. But at some point, he has to choose if he wants to marry her, because that's the way a pastor is living love (marry someone faithful before the ordination or stay single). Unfortunately, the girl has no faith in god, and should get divorced before marrying him (two things not really appreciated by the church). For those reasons, attraction isn't enough for the pastor to abandon his job life and have sex with the girl, and that's why reviewers were so frustrated about this drama. It's a spiritual choice... a religious conundrum... not a comedy. By the way, acting was good, and the story well written. The path a little slow but enjoyable if you consider the low budget. Good film !

In the Shadow of the Moon

A Scify movie with a Mobidick vibe
First, this is a simple movie, with a scify story. The main character, a young cop, is obsessed by a black woman which appears to be a serial killer (kind of his "white whale", if you search for the Mobidick reference). He keeps chasing her, which doesn't bring him any good, until the final twist is reveled. So the plot is basic, predictable but entertaining. Ignore the critics about the political or moral act. Who really cares about the moral in a "kill the bad guys" movie... Never seen a cowboys and Indians before ? Anyway, if you don't mind, just watch it.


How to ruin a great movie
First you find a great plot. What if superman wasn't a nice guy. You cast decent experienced actors to support the lead role (a young boy), add great CGI and a simple story (that boy is going crazy when he realizes who, or what, he really is). You team up in a beautiful country, giving that hillbilly ambiance to the photography, and then you ruin everything trying to make a stupid B horror movie ! Silences are now interrupted by overloaded music, followed by few gore scenes, performed by a dull "boohoo" boy, instead of developing the conflicted situation between that powerful character and the rest of his scared but loving family.

Yes, it could have been great, like The Matrix or any other low budget turned into masterpiece. But it's just a failed horror movie...


A lot better than it looks
After i watched the movie trailer, i decided i will loose my time watching this romantic comedy, with probably no story and bad jokes... And i was wrong ! This movie is about a young man, scared of adult life and true love, who thinks he will only be happy with sex and funny moments. He cant bear to loose all that happyness with no consequencies, by starting a commited relationship, or falling in love. And at some point, he loose the perspective... of what is happening to him. I won't say how the story ends, but he finds out at last, what is really important in life. When you try to connect with people, and stop living your life as a self centered teenager. The acting was good because the characters looked true and flawed as in real life. So Temps is clearly not your usual romantic comedy, and i hope you will enjoy it like i did.

The Lonely Guy

Boring and depressing comedy
Maybe this movie wanted to be satirical and funny on a second degree, but it's just weird and depressing (it's about loneliness, guys who don't have it with women). And definitely not my kind of humor, on a slow pace... i only enjoyed the mark of the 80s on it (design and costumes).

Demain tout commence

Feel good movie
I think the bad reviews are from people hoping for a realistic story. it's not, it's a comedy. Funny, calling for feelings, but aiming for the happy ending. Problem, the ending is not so happy, and the story can be confusing. That's why i'll give 5 stars. But if you are looking for a nice comedy, the acting and the filming will get you what you need.

SPOILERS "Il est malade" is said before the end, which is a misleading to the real twist. I dont know if it was on purpose but it's not ok to let a character say something and ignore the meaning of the scene to tell another story at the end. END OF SPOILERS

Another Time

Great acting, poor story, slow filming
It's a time traveling story with romance. I watched that small budget for Justin Hartley ("This is us"), who definitly carry it and deserves a better Drama/Romance. But the movie is full of "clichés", or scenes with actors talking about boring or predictable subjects. The path of filming is slow, and the writing kind of weak: characters are not really likable, and not even funny when they are supposed to. Watch it for the actors, you like to see.

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